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A Renaissance Woman


A Year In Review - 2010 Goals

Great thing about blogging is you have this constant record of all your thoughts. Lucky me I actually had a Thursday Thirteen post that I wrote about my 2010 goals. I'm glad because my memory is less than stellar! lol - So let's see how I did.

I'm going for some goals this year! I'm going to see if I can come up with 13 achievable goals. Ready?

1.) Become debt free except for our home. - So CLOSE I can taste it. We are down to two debts! We own both of our vehicles and we paid off an enormous amount of debt thanks to the Dave Ramsey plan. 

2.) Get my latest non-profit project completed. - Never got this off the ground. My year was spent in constant kid chaos and I have YET to get anything done.

3.) Lose an average of 4 pounds per month. - Um, No but I have said good-bye to a good 15-20 pounds.

4.) Read one book a month. - Well I didn't meet this goal but I was able to keep up with a bible study class. I did pretty well with that overall. 

5.) Get those new boots that I want. - SCORE! See super cool boots --->here!<---

6.) Get that super cool new purse that I want. - SCORE! I don't have a post about it though.

7.) Get my video camera fixed or get a Flip! I did not get my video camera fixed. I did not get a Flip but I got this instead! --->see here<---

8.) Complete more of our home projects. SCORE! -->New Bathroom<-- and -->Honey Do List!<--

9.) Work out 6 days a week. SCORE!!!  --->See How To Train A Spartan!<---

10.) Train for the 5K in July. SCORE!!! -->Trained by doing a Running Boot Camp<-- then I ran it! -->see here<-- but I didn't stop there. I ran another 5K and then one more 5K! I was 5K happy this year.

11.) Be in bed by 11pm each night. - NOT EVEN CLOSE!

12.) Find healthier meals to cook. - You bet! I made some small changes. Apple sauce for veggie oil in items that are baked. I changed to olive oil for cooking my meats too.

13.) Play with my kids more! - I don't think I did a good enough job with this one. I know I tried but some days there wasn't a whole lot of time for play. That's just sad. Kids need to play. I hope that at some point our lives are less chaotic so there is more time to play.

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30 Workouts Challenge - I Made It!

#Crossfit trainer Shaun McCrary from Crossfit Unity in Seabrook, Texas has put out a challenge on Facebook.

The Challenge? 
30 workouts
from (11/29) until the end of the year (12/31). 

I'm completely up for the challenge! When he created the challenge I had just started back at boot camp. I'm not completely off the injured list but I'm so close to being back to normal I can taste it. You may wonder, "Is there some kind of prize if I succeed?" Sure there is! It's the satisfaction of knowing that you did it. Not only did you do it but you did it through all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Whoot! Let's go!

11/29 - Boot Camp with Dex
12/1 - 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels
12/3 - Boot Camp with Dex
12/6 - Boot Camp with Dex
12/7 - 30 minutes Treadmill 2.2 mph, 30 minutes Elliptical
12/8 - 30 minutes Treadmill 2.8 mph
12/8 - Boot Camp with Dex
12/9 - 30 minutes Stationary Bike 12 avg speed, 15 minutes Elliptical, 30 minutes Treadmill 3.4 mph
12/10 - 30 minutes Stationary Bike 5 resistance 12 avg. speed, 30 minutes Treadmill 3.6 mph, 20 minutes weight training on Fit Linx.
12/10 - Boot Camp with Dex - Interrupted by a little person. It doesn't count. :(
12/11 - Zumba class, 1 mile walk 
12/11 - 100/200/200 workout
12/12 - 3 miles walk/jog 3.8 mph, 15 minutes on the AMT elliptical.
12/13 - 30 minute AMT, 2.71 miles
12/13 - Boot Camp with Dex, 1 mile walk
12/14 - Kickboxing - kept it modified for now - very little jumping
12/14 - 100/200/200 workout
12/15 -  30 minutes Treadmill 3.3, 15 minutes on the AMT elliptical.
12/15 - Boot Camp with Dex
12/16 - 30 minutes Stationary Bike 5 miles, 30 minutes AMT elliptical 2.5 miles, 15 minutes treadmill 1 mile
12/16 - 100/200/200 workout
12/16 - 20 minutes Level 2 - @JillianMichaels 30 Day Shred.
12/17 - 20 minutes Level 2 - @JillianMichaels 30 Day Shred.
12/17 - Boot Camp with Dex
12/18 - 20 minutes Level 2 - @JillianMichaels 30 Day Shred.
12/18 - 100/200/200 workout
12/19 - 20 minutes Level 2 - @JillianMichaels 30 Day Shred.
12/20 - Boot Camp with Dex - one of the top 10 hardest work outs.
12/21 - Tae Bo with Hiro Otani - WHOOT!
12/22 -  100/200/200 workout
12/22 -  20 minutes Level 2 - @JillianMichaels 30 Day Shred.
12/22 - Boot Camp with Dex
12/31 - 1 mile walk with Leo

It's a good thing I did several work outs within a day or I would not have accomplished this challenge after being out sick for over a week! Either way I did it. Whoot and go me! Excuse me while I insert my HAPPY DANCE --->HERE<---.

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Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
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Aloha Friday #246 - Happy New Year!

It's been the toughest two weeks out of the entire year, hands down! Four out of five of us have been sick. We have been going in and out of feeling better and I think the worst of it might be over. Thank goodness because we have a new edition in our home. Meet Leo!
He is the softest little puppy! He's a 5 month old Cocker Spaniel mix. Hard to believe that no one had snatched this little guy up. He's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! This got me to thinking......
How are you bringing in the New Year?

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details. Share with your friends and click on those "Like" and Retweet buttons. Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Wordless Wednesday - Sleeping Beauty

Look at this Sleep Beauty! We keep telling her she's not a baby but she refuses to believe it. She worked all day Christmas to get in this baby buggy but was unsuccessful. Apparently she has it down now. I caught her brother pushing her around the house! He's not helping is he? lol

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

To view other Wordful Wednesday blogs head over to:

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Working The Dave Ramsey Plan

It's time to empty out all the piggy banks for the kids end of year deposit for their college funds. My son decided that he was going to donate a portion of his money to our local animal shelter. Where is my "Proud Mama" button for my shirt? When he emptied out his money from his little Ziploc bag and put it into their donation jar we all just stood there with big smiles on our faces. It's amazing how giving children can be.

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#Mamavation Monday - No Rhyme or Reason


My Work Outs - This makes no sense at ALL! Since my last post Monday I worked out 3 days this past week, that's it. I had sick kids and now sick husband, let's throw in Christmas festivities too. You can see my work out challenges on the right side bar.

Scale Reading -
4 pound loss. Are you kidding me? I did everything NOT suggested this week. I ate bread every single day. I ate Gorilla bread dessert too. I think I had a soda and I had a few cocktails at a party. I didn't drink water daily and I didn't get to work out every day like I did the last two weeks. What is happening? Why? I just do not understand. If you have been keeping up you know that I have steadily been gaining weight all this month. How can there be such a huge loss when I completely slack off?

I didn't measure today. I'm too blown away by the scale.

Stress Level -
This past week it was Christmas and although it was the best Christmas ever! It was just the stress of last minute shopping, wrapping ALL the gifts Christmas Eve and all the family visiting the day of Christmas.

The UP side -

I made it to a Tae Bo class this past week. I'm hoping to try some running this week. I think I might finally be 100%. I don't have the P90X program but if I did I would totally be with you ladies for that challenge.

A bit of New Year inspiration for you ladies!


Secure Your Success
Charting your progress gets you there faster. Try these tools:

Track my weight loss.

Track my weight loss.

Watch my waist get smaller.
Watch my waist get smaller.

Track my walking.
Track my walking.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood".

  • The long term goal 50lbs. by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal 4 lbs. per month. 
    • January - 4 pounds lost = goal met. 191-4=187
    • February - 5 pounds lost = goal met. 187-5=182
    • March - +1 gain = goal NOT met. 182+1=183
    • April - 2 pounds lost = goal NOT met. 183-2=181
    • May - 3 pounds lost = goal NOT met. 181-3=178
    • June - 0 gain/loss = goal NOT met. 178
    • July  - +1 gain = goal NOT met. 178+1=179
    • August - 2 pounds lost = goal NOT met. 179-2=177
    • September - +1 gain = goal NOT met. 177+1=178
    • October - 1 loss = goal NOT met. 178-1=177
    • November - 1 loss = goal NOT met. 177-1=176
    • December +2 = goal NOT met. 176+2=178
    • End of Year = 179 - Total loss for the year 12 pounds. LAME!

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5 Fingers of Thanks

1.) Thankful for the Best Christmas present EVER! Got to spend Christmas with my daughter.

2.) Thankful for Jim & William and their super cool Snow Flake party.

3.) Thankful that my 2nd shot at Gorilla bread was a success.

4.) Thankful for all the Christmas cards we received.

5.) Thankful to all those who decorate for the holiday season so families like ours can drive around and enjoy the decorations.

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Merry Christmas From Our Family To Yours

Our morning began at 5:38 on the dot! Thanks to the eldest boy in the house. He couldn't stand it. He had to wake the little ones. They seem to be pretty satisfied with their loot. Our house looks like a toy store exploded. Did I mention that all the unwrapping took about 20 minutes. Amazing how long it takes to prepare and how quickly it all gets disassembled.
How many guys does it take to put together a doll house? I'm sure there is a joke in here some where. Have a great day with your family! Don't forget to be kind to your garbage men. They are going to have some serious picking up to do come trash day.

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Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
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Aloha Friday #245 - Merry Christmas

We have a tree in the house. I sent out Christmas cards and I did all the shopping and baking too.  All that's left is to wrap all those presents. Merry Christmas to you all!

What will you be doing this Christmas Eve?

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details. Share with your friends and click on those "Like" and Retweet buttons. Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Wanted: Healing Hands & Lots of Prayers

Poor little guy has been sick for two days with a fever, body aches and lots of vomiting. No child should be sick this close to Christmas. I'm asking you to keep him in your prayers. We have plans to go to church service tomorrow and look at Christmas lights. I hope we can make it. He's really sick of being sick. At least he has his little dragon to keep him company.

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Gorilla Bread by Paula Deen

My hairdresser Sharla has been telling me about this Gorilla bread. I have made Monkey bread but turning it into a gorilla is another level. I'm making this for our boot camp class. There may be a riot! lol I have no idea. Merry Christmas guys. I'm hoping they fill up on this stuff so I can catch up with them.

Prep Time: 10 min       Cook Time: 30 min        Serves: 12 to 14 servings


  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese
  • 2 (12-ounce) cans refrigerated biscuits (10 count)
  • 1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped walnuts


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Spray a bundt pan with nonstick cooking spray. Mix the granulated sugar and cinnamon. In a saucepan, melt the butter and brown sugar over low heat, stirring well; set aside. Cut the cream cheese into 20 equal cubes. Press the biscuits out with your fingers and sprinkle each with 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon sugar. Place a cube of cream cheese in the center of each biscuit, wrapping and sealing the dough around the cream cheese. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of the nuts into the bottom of the bundt pan. Place half of the prepared biscuits in the pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, pour half of the melted butter mixture over the biscuits, and sprinkle on 1/2 cup of nuts. Layer the remaining biscuits on top, sprinkle with the remaining cinnamon sugar, pour the remaining butter mixture over the biscuits, and sprinkle with the remaining 1/2 cup of nuts. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool for 5 minutes. Place a plate on top and invert.

I was inverting the bundt cake pan onto a paper plate and BAM! That's what I get for trying to fatten up my workout buddies. I lost most of it but I think it was going to be really good.

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Wordless Wednesday - I'm on My Way Back!

#Mamavation Sistas! I'm back at Tae Bo. Whoot!!!! This is me after Tae Bo last night. It's been 11 weeks since I've taken a Tae Bo class with Hiro. I missed her energy and getting in a great cardio work out. As you can see her class is the "Master" level of Tae Bo. You don't sweat like this for nothing! lol It's great to be back. My next goal is Crossfit. It may be in the New Year but I'm on my way back!

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

To view other Wordful Wednesday blogs head over to:

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#Mamavation Monday - Part 2

The month of December I have steadily gained weight, not losing at all. I have worked out every single day for the last two weeks. Yes, breaking a sweat daily. I found that blasted measuring tape and the results were consistent with the scale, gain, gain and more gain. Then I was thinking about the food journal, which I'm terribly inconsistent about! I realized that I have actually been skipping/missing meals. I've been eating breakfast and dinner mostly because I'm on the go ALOT! I spend a lot of time in the car going from this place to that place with the kids. I have increased the water but not enough. It's been a year of getting on the scale every single Monday and watching it go up and then back down and then back up! Has my body shape changed? Yes very much so! I can be annoyed about the measuring tape but if I compare it to the beginning of the year it's loss, loss and more loss.  Realization - I'm an emotional/stress snacker. It's very situational. I can handle stress but there are a couple of people in my life that are triggers period. I can't get rid of these people either. I must find another way to deal with that situation or all of this will repeat.

I found these tips from Crossfit trainer Shaun McCrary's facebook wall - I'm sure he won't mind if I share them with you! I need to try these tips immediately. Like starting today!!!!!!!!!!!

These top ten tips for jump-starting weight loss will serve you well!

1. Eat protein at every meal, including breakfast.

2. Eliminate wheat- and flour-based products for the time being. And yes, that definitely includes bread and pasta.

3. Eliminate “food products”. Ninety percent of what you eat should be food that could have been hunted, caught, gathered from the ground, plucked from a tree or grown.

4. Reduce starch. When you do eat starches, choose from “real” carbohydrates. Best choices are oatmeal, sweet potatoes, beans and legumes.

5. Don’t eat unlimited amounts of fruit and be careful with the extra-sweet, extra-ripe variety. For now, keep fruits to two a day, and choose the low-sugar, high-fiber variety. Apples, grapefruits and especially berries all are good choices. For now, fruit should be eaten alone or with something light like nuts or a little cheese. Lose the fruit juice.

6. Reduce or eliminate dairy for the time being, especially cow’s milk. Exceptions: reasonable amounts of cheese and occasional portions of yogurt, but not the fat-free kind (it contains way too much sugar).

7. Try eliminating alcohol. You can always go back to moderate drinking later on if it works for you.

8. Stop using vegetable oils such as sunflower, safflower and corn. The supermarket kinds are highly refined, and oxidize easily when heated, contributing to arterial plaque.

9. Worry less about the amount of fat you and pay more attention to the kind of fat you eat. The worst are fried foods, margarine and foods that contain hydrogenized or partially hydrogenized oils. The best is omega-3, found in fish and flaxseed oil.

10. Drink at least eight or more large glasses of pure water a day. Every day. No excuses.

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#Mamavation Monday - It's Not Right!


My Work Outs - Kicking abs and taking names still! Workouts: Every single day this past week again. Check out the challenges on the right side bar. I'm on it.

Scale Reading -
Gained two more pounds this week. I'm going the opposite way on the scale. I'm working out but gaining. Come on! That's a six pound gain since November. ARG!!!!!!!!!

I still can't find that measuring tape.

Stress Level -
It's Christmas time. There really isn't any further explanation needed.

The UP side -
I'm still sticking to routines. I think I might be back to running this week. I'm going to give it a try.

A bit of holiday spirit for you ladies!


Secure Your Success
Charting your progress gets you there faster. Try these tools:

Track my weight loss.

Track my weight loss.

Watch my waist get smaller.
Watch my waist get smaller.

Track my walking.
Track my walking.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood".

  • The long term goal 50lbs. by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal 4 lbs. per month. 
    • January - 4 pounds lost = goal met. 191-4=187
    • February - 5 pounds lost = goal met. 187-5=182
    • March - +1 gain = goal NOT met. 182+1=183
    • April - 2 pounds lost = goal NOT met. 183-2=181
    • May - 3 pounds lost = goal NOT met. 181-3=178
    • June - 0 gain/loss = goal NOT met. 178
    • July  - +1 gain = goal NOT met. 178+1=179
    • August - 2 pounds lost = goal NOT met. 179-2=177
    • September - +1 gain = goal NOT met. 177+1=178
    • October - 1 loss = goal NOT met. 178-1=177
    • November - 1 loss = goal NOT met. 177-1=176
    • December

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Baking FOOL!

Every year for Christmas I will bake up a bunch of goodies to show our appreciation to those who provide us service all year round like our garbage men, the mail carrier, the employees that work in the child watch area at our Y etc... I will also make some for a few of my close friends.

It started out with this yummy Oreo Truffle recipe. Then someone left a comment and said, "try the Mint Oreos" and we did! These are messy but everyone that tasted them loved them.
 Next are these chocolate covered rods. This year I threw in some pretzel nuggets.
These are white cupcakes with white icing and red and green sprinkles. Dex our boot camp instructor has a birthday coming up so he's getting most of these.
These are new! They are Marble Brownies and I found the recipe inside a box of Philadelphia cream cheese. These are an awesome way to break out of the traditional brownies. My husband and I thought they rocked!
My boy didn't agree with us and insisted we make the brownies the old school way.
Next up! Texas trash. I didn't like the way it turned out. I think we did something wrong so they didn't end up on the plates.
Then I was going to make these sugar cookies and put some colored sprinkles on them but something went horribly wrong! These didn't make it on the plates either.
These are the finished products! I'm happy to be done. It's been a couple of days but most of it was done today. Don't worry I didn't eat everything. I just tried the new stuff. It was worth it and a lot of fun. Nothing expresses appreciation like homemade food from the heart.

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Still Getting Ready For Christmas

This is my dog! She was not inspiring me while I was working out this morning. I think she had the right idea for a Sunday afternoon.
The one on the left is her stocking. What do I do with the other three? Do I try to scrape the glitter glue off? All three of these dogs have died, we lost two in the past four months. It was really sad to pull these out. Our son was really sad. It's tough on him because these dogs have been with him his whole life.
He was VERY excited to decorate the tree though. It's a nice sized tree that's real. We enjoy real trees.
Amazing what garland, ornaments and icicles can do! They really enjoyed putting all the ornaments on the tree. I save all the ones they make in school so they get to see how they have been maturing. It's really neat. Now it feels like Christmas time in our home.

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5 Fingers of Thanks


1.) Thankful to finally have a Christmas tree.

2.) Thankful that we got to celebrate my Mom's birthday.

3.) Thankful that our Oreo Truffles turned out well.

4.) Thankful my kids are so happy to be decorating!

5.) Thankful that I'm almost at running speed again.

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Happy Birthday Mom

December is one of the busiest months in our family. Today was my Mother's birthday. Silly made this ginger bread house as a gift for her NaNa all by herself. Pretty good for a two year old don't you think?
We bought a cranberry bundt cake for her party cake but it had pecans. I had to buy another one for my son to eat. We went with this super yummy red velvet cake.
Most of our family showed up to help her celebrate. We brought her an Italian dinner and played some poker afterward. It was nothing but good times.
Happy Birthday Mom!

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Oreo Truffles by Tiffany Ard

My son and I are Holiday treat making fools today! I put out a request on Twitter for an easy no bake recipe for a new holiday treat. We are trying this recipe sent to me by Tiffany Ard for Oreo Truffles.

Easy Oreo Truffles

1 pkg (1lb., 2oz) oreo cookies, divided
1 pkg (8oz) cream cheese
2 pkg (8oz each) bakers semi sweet baking chocolate, melted

crush 9 of the oreos to fine crumbs for later use.

crush remaining 36 cookies to a fine crumb, place in a medium bowl. add cream cheese: mix until well blended. (it's easier to use your hands) roll cookie mixture into 42 balls, about 1 inch in diameter.

dip balls in chocolate: place on waxed paper covered baking sheet. Sprinkle with reserved cookie crumbs.

Refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour. Store leftover truffles, covered in refrigerator.

makes 31/2 dozen.

I like to drizzle some with white chocolate, or instead of putting the reserved cookie crumbs on it i like to add crushed pecans on top. They are awesome and easy to make! Try them and let me know what you think!

Tiffany - I can't use pecans because my other son has nut allergies but it sounds good. I went with your suggestions of the white chocolate. This was a messy dessert to make but it sure was fun! I only got 23 balls out of the recipe but maybe I made my balls too big.

They are in the refrigerator right now. We can't wait to try them and give them out. I have a list of people on my baking list. It's usually my friends that want to exchange gifts but would rather be on my baking list. So get ready people because these are full of yummy badness!

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