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There's Still Time! 2 Diaper Bag Contests


There's Still Time! 2 Diaper Bag Contests

#1 - Enter before 10/21 - Midnight!
O' Yikes - Giveaway!

This diaper bag is fully stocked and ready to go ($145 value) with all the essentials, perfect for active families on the go. Visit One Chic Mama for more details.

#2 - Enter to win before 10/24 10pm cst.

Diaper Bag Heaven [or] Ready, Set, Decorate! from Mums The Wurd! They would like you to tell them about your diaper bag, whether you had one years ago, you're using one right now or you plan on using one in the future. Even if you have a quite fashionable one, tell them about it and why you love it so much! Enter at Mums The Wurd!

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