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Thursday Thirteen #35 - Fast Food Nation


Thursday Thirteen #35 - Fast Food Nation

Yes I know it's bad for you but there seems to be some sort of fast food on every street corner. I'm just curious how many fast food places are in my area. I chose Whataburger just because we are in love with their ketchup! I don't know why but it is the best. Here we go....

1.) Whataburger
2.) McDonalds
3.) Jack In The Box
4.) Wendys
5.) Burger King
6.) Pizza Hut
7.) Kentucky Fried Chicken
8.) Subway - Considered to be the healthiest
9.) Taco Bell
10.) Dairy Queen
11.) Sonic
12.) Chick-fil-A
13.) Dominos Pizza
There are so many more that could be added to this list but I'm going to stop here. White Castle is one of my dh's favorites but they aren't here in Texas.
