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Thursday Thirteen #36 - A Crazy 24 hours


Thursday Thirteen #36 - A Crazy 24 hours

Yesterday morning it started -
1.) Our Super Star had been complaining that he hurt and he had an owie. I took him to his Dr. and sure enough he had a nasty stomach virus and an ear infection.
2.) The nurse gave him an antibiotic shot in his left thigh. He couldn't walk on his leg for nearly half the day. He passed out on me and took a long nap.
3.) We were celebrating the big 19 for Q. While we were out she showed up early at the house with dinner.
4.) We decorated with balloons and wrapped presents while she was here so that part wasn't too surprising for her.
5.) My dh was stuck in traffic for an hour while the A/C guy was suppose to show up again to check our upstairs unit. The A/C guy didn't show for 2 more hours.
6.) While waiting for them, all the kids were outside so we could watch our soccer star ride his bike. The little one ran across the street and came back crying. Dad showed up and we went inside.
7.) While sitting at the dinner table eating we noticed our Super Star's left eye beginning to swell. I thought it was an insect bite or something so I put some benadryl cream on it.

8.) He started vomiting at the dinner table! My dh and I took him to the ER while our birthday girl stayed behind with her brother.

9.) We made it in and out of the ER without a problem but there wasn't any real explanation of what happened to him. They gave him nausea medicine and benadryl and sent us on our way.

10.) We resumed the party! She and her brother already opened her gifts and she left shortly after we returned.

11.) After everyone was in bed I was downstairs looking at the photos on my camera. I flipped the kitchen light off and turned around only to trip over this very large dog right here in this photo. She is old and refuses to move any more. I immediately hit the floor knees first and my big pregger belly landed on her back! I rolled over on to my side and just stayed there for a moment. Scared me a lot!!! I didn't notice it at the time but I still had the camera in one hand.

12.) This morning the swelling in our Super Star's left eye had gone down. I drove to my ObGyn appointment across town. My dh met me with the kids so they could hear the baby's heart beat. I took the kids and we went back to the pediatrician so our Super Star could get his other shot.

13.) He got a shot in the right thigh this time. He was so mad! A few hours later his right eye began to swell up. Right now it's swollen shut back to the ER we go.
*Just got back! We are to avoid penicillin from now on. Apparently the eye swelling is in fact an allergic reaction to the shots given to combat the ear infection.*
