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Warnings for Web Cams - Today's Oprah


Warnings for Web Cams - Today's Oprah

I don't normally get to watch Oprah nor do I really make the time. However, I caught today's episode. I'm really glad that I did. This is a topic that I wouldn't have thought about until one of my kids asked for a web cam but I'm glad that I saw the full story.

I'm one of those parents that refuses to have a computer in my child's room. My daughter likely thought I was too over protective. I made her give up all the passwords and we have the computers in a place where anyone at any time can see what is going on. I'm glad that my dh and I happen to be very computer savy parents. I thought about getting a web cam for me but never for my kids. I have been very protective of my daughter but I have a feeling that I would be more protective of my boys after seeing this.

We are quick to protect our girls but the boys need protection too. It just goes to show that regardless of their age you really need to keep up with what is going on! Keep those web cams from the kids and keep yourself up to date on the latest technology. There is nothing else to do but to embrace it and stay educated.
