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Today's Oprah


Today's Oprah

There is a lot of buzz about today's Oprah! The Secret Lives of Moms. What's the big secret? I guess is that we aren't all perfect. Not exactly a revelation is it? I think it was more to let Moms know that you're not alone. If you have trouble balancing everything, or if you don't shower, don't want to have sex, don't always cook that nutritious meal, don't always clean your house, you're not alone. My dh and I have talked about the roles of men and women at length. To me it's very confusing! I've always had trouble adjusting and I've had to redefine my role. I've had to read books and stay open minded about what it means to be a wife and mother and how to relate to my own husband. I believe my upbringing has the most to do with my independent direction. I was raised by a single mom providing for three kids on her own without help. Obviously there were things that I was taught that would not be taught by a happily married stay at home mother of three. Those teachings do not lend themselves well to being taken care of by a man or any other traditional role. I too was married and divorced and a single mother. I was just repeating history which was both painful and embarrassing. When I finally got right inside my head I met my husband of 11 years. It was a major adjustment for me. I was in a whole new role. I was at home now and he was taking care of me. This was an adjustment that has taken me years to adjust too. I don't know if I have fully adjusted either. My point is, how you feel about being a mother and how you think it will look is mainly based on, guess who? Yep, your mother. I'm not saying oh it's mother's fault this or that. There is no blame just simply this is your role model for better or worse. It's been an interesting ride that is for sure. There are many of us redefining the role of June Cleaver. Mom bloggers are paving the way to venting. No longer are the days where moms just sit in silence and wonder if they are alone. Now it's written, it's being taped, it's on the internet. What a different time it is to be a mother. Don't you think?

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