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Gaming - Sucked Into The Vortex


Gaming - Sucked Into The Vortex

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It all started out innocently enough with this game Sorority Life on Facebook. I don't normally play the games and I admit I ignored the invites for a while. Then some time I think maybe Friday I began checking out this game. All of a sudden I had the ability to change my hair, clothes, shoes and more! That was it I was hooked. I could shop and get more shoes and coach purses, buy cars and terribly expensive perfume. Basically I could do all these fun things that I can't do in reality because it's just not realistic with our income and all the mouths we have to feed. It was fun at first until I realized I had to fight all the time to get to the next level. Then you have all these girls mad because you fought them, took their money and now they want to slap you! It's madness and mostly fun as long people don't take it too seriously. Oh and did I mention the cat walk? You get to pick your favorite style and that person gets $50 each time. It's a crazy time suck but I was having fun.
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Then today it happened. My husband and I have been at odds about World of War Craft since he began playing I don't know how many years ago. He embrassed me and said, "try it just for 30 minutes." I did and now I am a warlock and I don't know if you guys will ever see me again! I'm not sure our kids will see us again. Wish me luck as I enter the gaming vortex. I need a break from reality for a while.

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