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Thursday Thirteen #79 - Pros & Cons of Changing Your Blog


Thursday Thirteen #79 - Pros & Cons of Changing Your Blog

It's been a week or so since I have moved to Bloggywood. You know the place where bloggers go when they get a blog lift and change their name? There's some pros and cons to this kind of change. Here's a quick list of mine.
1.) Pro - new blogger template with a fun design that is a complete upgrade.
2.) Con - Installing all the side bar html codes and replacing all the widgets.
3.) Con - Loss of traffic! It's like starting from scratch. I hosted a blog for two years and then moved all the posts here but it takes a while for everyone to move with you.
4.) Pro - You're not alone because lots of bloggers have made this very change and are very helpful when it comes to reconnecting.
5.) Pro - You get to weed out all those codes that no longer apply to you or maybe you don't want them any more within your template. Maybe you don't need 3 different stat counters for example.
6.) Con - Loss in page rank. This is a tough one because it takes time to build your Google page rank or Alexa ranking.
7.) Pro - You get to reconnect with a lot of bloggers that you might not have visited in a while.
8.) Con - You have to start your Google reader over (if you changed your email address too like I did).
9.) Pro - New header and badge! Thanks to Matthew Johnson.
10.) Pro - My url makes more sense than it did before and I no longer worry about redirecting urls.
11.) Pro - My blog name now fits better than before.
12.) Pro - I finally got to add one of those cool Google forms for my contact page. I really like that system.
13.) Pro - I feel more confident in my own skin as a blogger now. It's just easier to know me by name.
