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Kramer Tree House - Phase 1


Kramer Tree House - Phase 1

OK Lowe's let's!!! First my son makes this mock up design of what he would like to have his tree house look like in the backyard. He's a future engineer after all. It looks something like this....

Then we hand it over to @KarenANelson with Design With Your Dime in Mind and she gets her team to turn it into these architectural drawings complete with a materials list. We save for months and in the mean time we hunt for a company that can bring the drawings to life. It took a long time but we finally found Sam an Aussie from down under who has been transplanted here in the great state of Texas. Whoot! He is so excited to build this tree house. I'm glad we found someone who is passionate about this project.

Then we enlist Lowe's for our materials. Ordering online was super easy! Then came the delivery that was suppose to arrive at 2pm. Sam and I waited and waited and after 2 hours he had to go. After several phone calls back and forth and another 45 minutes later....
we have our materials! Mind you the location is a mere 15 minutes away. I'm not sure what happened but they really dropped the ball. Either way that poor driver was able to stack up our materials for Sam to begin in the morning.
Stay tuned as we bring that kid sketch to life.

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