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#Mamavation Monday - Reboot


#Mamavation Monday - Reboot

Spring Break is over and it's back to our regularly scheduled program. I'm not proud of this post but I'm going to write it any way. All that hard work that I did with working out and eating is going down the drain and I'm just standing there watching it, while eating a cookie. The vacation time was not good for me. Healthy choices are tough when you are on the road. The world doesn't seem to be set up for healthy options or at least clean and Paleo options. I could nit pick every place a part but the truth is I didn't take the time to figure it out. I didn't prepare or plan and I just went with it. Now, I'm heavier, I feel heavier and I don't feel good. I'm sick of being in pain and waking up in pain every day. There is some part of my body that screams on a daily basis now. It sucks. So rather than wallow in self pity I am reminded of this!
It's Keith's St. Patrick's Day racing gear. I have blogged about him before but check out his name on his bib. That's right, "Awesomeness." So rather than sit here and feel bad, I'm reminded that there are some good friends out there waiting on me to get better. It's time to just be Awesome! and wallow in that for a while. Today is a new day and I'm getting back on track, period. Just wait until next week! I'm gonna kill it.

Still working on: Operation: Humpty Dumpty

Eating out: Zios, Chick-fil-a, Five Guys Burgers, Hotel buffet, Rodeo food - GAK!!!!!

My Work Outs this past week-
3/12 Monday - Injured
3/13 Tuesday - Injured
3/14 Wednesday - Crossfit Super modified work out
3/15 Thursday - Injured
3/16 Friday - Injured
3/17 Saturday - Injured
3/18 Sunday -Injured

Scale Reading- too much gain

Stress Level -HIGH-It was Spring Break

The UP side- Today is a new day!

Injury prevention is important!
Be a good role model.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 37 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 172 - 160 = 12 pound loss
    • February 165 - 161 = 4 pound loss
    • March 166
    • April
    • May
    • June
    • July
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December


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