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Won't You Be My Neighbor?


Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Blog hopping is necessary to keep a blog alive this I know. Lately I feel imprisoned by the necessity of kid needs mainly potty training. Sure I could try and visit more and comment more but it's at the risk of poo or pee all over my home! I'm not kidding. Being a mom is just tough stuff all the way around. I've spent more time cleaning my carpets then I could have ever imagined.

My baby girl is great and happy most of the time. The toddler on the other hand has become VERY demanding. In return I'm lucky to get my bills paid. He can do some serious damage in the matter of seconds.

Last night I was on a mission for Wordless Wednesday. I tried to visit as many blogs as I could! I commented, I signed the linkies and dropped cards. I miss reading other blogs. Although I must admit there are a few that are just too busy for me. They sort of hurt my eyes. There is a lot of slide show effects and tons of advertising. I think it's just the new Word Press templates. There is a lot more information on blogs now. For me it can be too overwhelming. I do try to hop though. I'm going to update my favorite places to visit. Some of the bloggers I use to read don't post any more. It's amazing how quickly things change in the world of blogging. What do you think?

Any way - I'm going to make more of an effort to be neighborly. I just have to section off some time in the evening I think. Wish me luck.

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