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Thursday Thirteen #62 - It's back


Thursday Thirteen #62 - It's back

I'm so glad that someone took over the Thursday Thirteen! It was weird how it just disappeared one day. I'm picking up where I left off. In honor of my find I'm going to list 13 reasons why I'm glad it's back.

1.) It helps me sort my thoughts.
2.) I love to blog hop and read other participants.
3.) It's a fun way to share with others.
4.) I can be as serious or silly as I want with this meme.
5.) It gives me something else to post on a Thursday! lol
6.) I've already written 61 posts for Thursday Thirteen.
7.) I like coming up with a Thursday Thirteen graphic each week.
8.) I like the randomness of this meme.
9.) I like the blog roll of the participants.
10.) I like the new look of the new Thursday Thirteen blog.
11.) I get to revisit old friends again.
12.) Some I visited often A Gentleman's Domain, Forgetfulone and The Pink Flamingo.
13.) I'm sure there are more but I can't recognize them. It's been a while but Thursday Thirteen I'm glad your back!
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