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#Mamavation Monday


#Mamavation Monday

Watch Lives Change

Weekly Mamavation Goals - 

1.  #fruitnveggie challenge. Get 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 
2. Water challenge. Strive to drink more water. Some moms are striving to drink half their body weight in water. For instance if you weigh 180, strive to drink 90 ounces of water per day.

My Goals -
  • The long term goal 50lbs. by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal 4 lbs. per month. 
    • January - 4 pounds lost = goal met.
    • February - 5 pounds lost = goal met.
    • March - the month isn't over yet.
My Work Outs -

My work out schedule this week includes our vacation.
Monday - Climbed Enchanted Rock
Tuesday -Walked for a few hours around the Nimitz Museum
Wednesday - 1 hour boot camp, 1 hour Zumba
Thursday - 1 hour circuit training. 30 minute run/walk on the track.
Friday - 1 hour boot camp
Saturday - No work outs
Sunday - No work outs

The YMCA has changed boot camp instructors and that may change again. They have also removed an instructors spin class and the circuit training class will change instructors too. This has NOT been helpful for my work outs.

Measurements -

No measurements today. I do it in the morning and I didn't have time because I was getting all the kids where they needed to be.

Scale Reading -
I gained a pound this week. I'm not surprised. I worked out hard but the eating was not up to par. Solution? I put my eating times in my Google calendar and set notifications to tell me what I'm supposed to eat. In order to keep up with a food journal I have decided to log what I'm going to eat in that calendar. It looks like this -
I was supposed to eat lunch at 11:30am 

1 protein serving - peanut butter
1/2 whole grain - circle bread
1 vegetable serving - carrots (not enough) broccoli
rice and cheese
*****LATE**** 1:00pm

Injuries/Soreness -
Putting insoles in all my shoes has helped a great deal! My shoulders still crunch but I haven't been icing them either. *Sigh* Too much to do!

Stress Level -
The vacation was great but when we came home it just sky rocketed! My ex husband has been suicidal for several months but this past week he put things unsuccessfully into action. I don't want to go into details because it isn't my place to tell his story. What does that have to do with me? I get the phone calls and the phone messages. The decision making process of what to do with the information has been a burden and a huge responsibility. My husband has been wonderful through all of it. This week our son is going to have ear tubes put in and our baby girl will follow soon after. There are a few more things going on but I'm going to stop here.

The UP side -
We went to the park as a family this week and played soccer with our sons. Geez they are fast. I made a great effort at trying to keep up. Also, I can run on the track now as long as I have my mp3 player! I can do it! I can run again. I'm going to leave you with a video of one of my favorite songs to run too.

I'm looking forward to reading how the rest of my "sistas" did this week.

I'm always hunting workout music which you will find in my DJ Booth at You can search the #mamavation hashtag or #workouttunes to see my lists. If you have any music suggestions leave them in the comment section!


Secure Your Success
Charting your progress gets you there faster. Try these tools:

Track my weight loss.
Track my weight loss.

Watch my waist get smaller.
Watch my waist get smaller.

Track my walking.
Track my walking.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood".

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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