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New Year, New Reward


New Year, New Reward

With this award comes some responsibilities, and here they are:
  1. Post and link back to the person who gave you this award.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.  
  3. Pass the award on to 15 recently discovered great bloggers (or as many as you can).
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them they've won!
Seven Things About Me
  1. Most days I feel like Super Woman. 
  2. I'm scared of frogs.
  3. I have incredible friends and family.
  4. God rocks my socks.
  5. My fitness friends are the best.
  6. My goals are endless because I'm always trying to better myself.
  7. I really enjoy music.
I'd like to pass this award on to a few of my favorite blogs.

1. Melissa @ Mel's World.
2. Angie @ A Simple Kinda Life
3. Michelle @ Flying Giggles and Lollipops
4. Sheila @ My Memories
5. Amy @ Margaritas and Milk Breath
6. Christy @ Shake The Salt
7. Ellen @ Thrifty & Chic Mom
8. Amy @ Coffee With The Mrs.
9. Annie @ Mama Dweeb
10. Blue Violet @ A Nut in a Nutshell
11. Tricia @ Night Owl Mama
12. Denise @ RUNDMT
13. Lauren @ Hobo Mama
14. Stacy @ Stacy's Random Thoughts
15. Connie @Brain Foggles

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