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#Challenge - Create an Online Class


#Challenge - Create an Online Class

If you're a new reader you will quickly find out that I'm always challenging myself in one way or another just check out my side bar. Today I'm working on a new kind of challenge. I'm dusting off the old Masters degree and putting my love for Social Media to work!

I have exactly 8 days to create an online course about Sociology and Social Media. This is going to require lots of research on my part. What kind of sites will we study? What sort of groups will we research? What type of books will we read? It's all a mystery at the moment but if I want this class I'm going to have to make it come together. It's not a how to class where I teach you how to create a blog or create Twitter and Facebook accounts. Even though I am skilled at those types of things. No, we are going to delve much deeper.

A 16 week course.  How do I test their knowledge? Do I go with opinion papers? So much to organize with so little time. You would think this would be a pretty easy task. The problem? My husband is leaving town for the week, so is my Mother and Grandmother. That leaves me with the three kids all on my own. So here I go taking a deep breath! If I can pull this off......awesome things are going to happen!

I was able to pull it off. I created the syllabus and all the course work. It was presented to the committee and this is the response I finally received.

"Pam - unfortunately, we will  not be able to offer the media course for the Spring 2012 semester. Because of budget cuts, the HSH administration is not allowing ANY new courses to be offered because they tend to have low enrollment. I could not change anyone's mind about it. So, I would suggest that you continue to work on the course, and I was told that we could possibly offer a new course in Fall 2012. Sorry about this dissapointment, but let's keep working on this because as you say, no course like this has been offered here, and I think this would make a great addition to our sociology curriculum."

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