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Caffiene - Day 36


Caffiene - Day 36

Andreah @ Life's A Hoot - Hey Andreah thanks for following along!

Today I've had one of those days where I should just stay away from people. My dogs have been barking at the roofers all day long. This roof is now going on day 3. I had Tejano music blaring through the fire place for 8 hours. I locked us all in the family room and just watched a movie. I took the day off. That's something I rarely do. I tried to get a work out in but the baby started crying and the toddler kept tackling me and messing with the tv. "No exercise mommy!" lol

The CPSIA thing has me pretty stressed out. To add to the mix last night I was meeting online with a person who wanted to help me rewrite my About Page in my store. She seemed to think that basically it sucked and that's why I'm not growing as rapidly as I should. She began with a series of questions that lasted for about an hour. It was so long that I began to wonder to myself. Who is this person? What is she really doing? What are her credentials? I started to Google her and click on the links provided. I still can't tell what it is she does. But what set me off is she was asking about what I like to do. I like to do a variety of things. My skill set is such that I know a lot of different things. She had told me that this lowers my IQ. Seriously?

Needless to say my About Me page is the same. When you shop are you reading about who they are or are you looking at what they sell? Me, I buy what I see. Maybe I'm not your typical shopper. I don't read your story and feel an emotional attachment to you therefore I have to buy your product.

This situation didn't help my mood for today. I never got to have my cup of coffee. I had the worst caffeine headache all day. Dogs barking, baby crying, phone ringing, constant pounding of hammers, virus in my browser and a nice headache to top it all off. I found some chocolate and that helped out the headache. Tomorrow I'm making sure I get my cup of coffee. I can't handle another day like this. GAK!

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