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No Line On The Horizon by U2


No Line On The Horizon by U2

Photo courtesy of
When U2 came out with their 12th album No Line On The Horizon, I was so excited. How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb took a while to grow on me but in the end I really enjoyed it and the Vertigo tour was fantastic! I've been listening to U2 for well over 20 years. I would consider myself a fan of their music. Will I raise my kids with their music? You can bet on it.

Every album has seemed to travel with me as I've grown into an adult. Their new cd went into my minivan and I was ready to get my U2 on. Then something happened that's never happened before. I could not find a song that I liked. Normally I can get hooked within the first 15 seconds of hearing a song. As I searched each track to find a song that would hook me, none of them were and I was disappointed. This was going to be the cd that would take several hearings before something would stick if at all.

After a few more listenings some songs began to grow on me.
Track 1 - No Line On The Horizon
Track 5 - I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Crazy Tonight
Track 7 - Stand Up Comedy

And then something even cooler happened that breathed new life into this cd. My son, my wonderful 8 y0 son was riding in the car with me and we were listening to Track 10 Breath. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him bobbing his head and then he did the coolest thing! He played the air drums, yes it was a proud moment for me. He was rocking out to my favorite band. Then it hit me! I should take him to the concert. He would be 9 by the time they came here. My kids rarely get to see me having fun or being relaxed. That's really sad because I always seem to be in the role of the not so much fun mom. Then I began to think how I'm getting older and I might not be able to take him later on. Oh and then I thought how it might damage his hearing. rofl!

There you have it! This cd has a very 70's feel to it for me with a twist of rock and pop sounds. I don't know where they were going with this album but it nearly lost me. Apparently they music is beginning to speak to younger generations. How cool is that? There you have it Bono, my son is now a fan. What do you think about taking kids to concerts? Who would you take your kid to see?

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