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Got Fitness?


Got Fitness?

If you've been following along you know I'm trying to work in new ways to get fit. Part of my effort is creating yes, you guess it! A new "Get Fit" blog roll. If you know a fitness blog or a site that has fitness tips let me know and I will add it.
My hubby has been reading this book titled Spent by Frank Lipman, M.D. I'm amazed at his results. He has cut out processed sugar for one week and there is a significant change in his face and belly. Who knew? He's following the book so we will see how it goes but so far there are results. I can reduce the processed sugars but I can't go cold turkey. I don't have a wide enough range in my taste to try something like that. One of the pitfalls of being a picky eater. *sigh*
I'm getting my exercise in though. I try to get to the track at least once a day. I'm trying to run again. It's hard with the kids though. What is cool about our sons Saturday morning tennis practice is that the rest of the family can walk the track while we wait. I'm making more time for fitness. It's just necessary if I want my body back! Maybe we could have a garage sale and buy a Wii and maybe I will be voted as Julie's #1 Fan and get the EA Sports Active challenge game? What do you think? Shouldn't she just hand it over? I really need it and so does my whole family. We could put it to good use. Maybe I could get my Mom to come over and play! Yeah!!!

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