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The Ultimate Blog Party - From A Prize Coordinators Perspective


The Ultimate Blog Party - From A Prize Coordinators Perspective

 Oh the confusion for new folks! It's always tough for me when someone says "Oh no I didn't know I had to... (____ fill in the blank). Many of you have asked me "How can you do that?" "Why would you?" or some say "You must be really organized!"

This year I must admit, I got really organized. My son took this photo of my spreadsheet while I was working on accepting prizes. I used a lot of color coding too. In October of 2007, I threw the twins the first "cyber baby shower" sponsored by businesses. I threw four more after that and then bloggers began doing it themselves and turning it into what is now called a "virtual baby shower."

I believe those showers are what launched me as a prime candidate to coordinate the prizes for their "Ultimate Blog Party." How I do it is through experience and we tweak it each year to make it easier for us, sponsors, participants and winners. I do it because it is one of the greatest networking opportunities outside of a conference. That and I'm secretly hoping some big corporate sponsor will come scoop me up because they can see how truly skilled I am. 5 Minutes for Mom is all about promoting WAHMs, SAHMs and SAHDs too! This falls right in line with my networking philosophy. I'm a business owner and now there are a few more hundred people that have been introduced to my online store. The hours it takes to coordinate this annual event is amazing!

On that note here is what you can do to make it a little smoother as a participant!

The prizes are always chosen from the comment section of the main post. It is not the linkies to the blogs, Facebook or Twitter. Why? to give Non bloggers the opportunity to play too.

When the comment form asks for your URL put the direct url to your party post NOT your blog. Why? The party is a week long and that means I have to search for your post to read your prize choices. Thank goodness some of you had archives in your side bars, that was helpful. Some of you left the url in the comment section! Thank you, that works well too.

Some people put in a non working url and I couldn't find you at all. Make sure it's correct by cutting and pasting.

I notify you that you have won on your blog. How else would you know your comment number? Some of you did take the time to go through 20+ pages of comments to find yours. If you just leave your first name then how many Christines could there be when looking at the prize page. There has to be a system. You know what else takes up a lot of time? WORD VERIFICATION. Is there really that much spam? Can you imagine having to take the time to type in nonsensical words on over 200+ blogs????

If you're going to leave a comment on the party post then please write the party post! It doesn't have to be that long. So many people had their number chosen but I could not award them a prize because they were a blogger and they didn't bother to write a post. You know who you are, lol.

I do use Twitter a bit when I'm choosing the prizes. I have many people asking me if they won. There isn't any way for me to tell from a url of your post! I have to chose your comment number so sending me that doesn't help you.Why use Twitter? Doesn't that take up more time? Not really. My computer is set up to be logged in to many different places at one time. Most of what I do is all at the touch of a button and I did try to turn you guys on to the Twitter Grid.

Let's talk about the PRIZES!!!
So many people never looked past any of the Amazon, Target, or Cash gift cards. I know the list is long but each prize is important to that sponsor. This is their lively hood and they want to put the word out! Thanks to those of you who cut and pasted the prize details allowing the links to the sponsors. That showed a lot of linky love to them and we all appreciate it.

You know what else helps? When you list what you really want and then say something like - "I would be happy to win anything!!!" That helps me breath a sigh of relief. Really? what should I do move on to the next person? Maybe that really is all you want. That is totally cool too just say it in your post. I much rather match up people that want what they are getting. I don't like to choose for you because it takes more time. I dont' like it BUT I do it. I read your post and if that's not enough information I read your about you section so I can figure out a good match.

You know what also helps? When you post something like - anything for kids (ages 2 - 9), or pertaining to jewelry, chocolate or shopping! rofl....

I hope you all had a great time and are pleased with your prizes. I have to get back to contacting everyone. I hope this post will help you for next year's party!

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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