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How to Train a Spartan


How to Train a Spartan

E.A. Smith YMCA Boot Camp Instructor
Dexter Smith

Apparently you train your Spartan by playing soccer! Before we played we had to do these series of drills from one end of the soccer field to the other. We had to do things like broad jumps, sprints, walking lunges, high knees and mix that up with some power jacks. Today Dexter had us doing these lunges and since I was right next to him I was trying to match him lunge for lunge. Oh yes, I did it! I was super proud of myself because Dexter is a machine and he was super fast. After lunges we were suppose to sprint to the other side of the field. He left me in the dust when it came to sprinting but for the first time in 10 months I did it. I kept up with Dexter even if it was for only one exercise. I'll take it!

Until next time on....How to Train a Spartan

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