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My Ninja! - 900 Watts


My Ninja! - 900 Watts

Most of my family and friends know me to be a bit of a fruit smoothie freak! I make my own and I have one at least once a day. They are really simple to make and the kids love them. One morning I was washing out the glass pitcher and left it in the sink. When I returned it was tipped over and the glass was all cracked.
Panic mode set in! I needed a new one fast. The children piled up in the car and off we went to Wally World (aka Wal-Mart). After viewing everything that they had to offer the Ninja was what caught my eye.
Could it have been just because of the name "Ninja?" After all it's what I would like to be! It does say "Professional" on the box! More importantly it says 900 Watts of power! SOLD!!!! I didn't need any of the zillions of settings that most of these blenders have to offer. I needed it to do one thing, mix and chop my ingredients.
It's very simple folks! 1 Banana, a cup of mixed frozen fruit (at H.E.B.) and 2 cups of orange juice. For this smoothie I put in some extra blue berries! YUMMY!!!!! I'm happy, the children are happy. The Ninja does the job, well.
I love the poor spout! The design is simple and easy to use and clean. This time I went with a little extra mango. YUMMY!!!!! I'm back in action to feed my sweet tooth. It's better than my alternatives; chocolate, sweet tea, Big Red or some baked good. All is right with the world again, thanks to my Ninja!

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