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Remembrance of 9/11


Remembrance of 9/11

Today is a day that no one will ever forget no matter how many years pass. Where were you on this day 10 years ago? That's the big question all over the news today. I was asleep that morning and my phone kept ringing. Whoever it was kept calling until I answered the phone and tuned in to my local news station. I turned it on just in time to see the second plane hit. We all know the rest of the story.

Everyone has a different way of honoring those today but in the world of Crossfit we remember this day with a 9/11 WOD.
100 Dead Lifts (115 lbs. *for women)
100 Power Cleans (65 lbs. *for women)
100 Floor to Overhead (35 lbs. *for women)
43 burpees
The point is to finish. When I wanted to give up I kept reminding myself what this work out of the day meant. I kept remembering the people that it represents. When you put it in that frame of reference, then you CAN finish and I did. So rather than ask you where were you on this day when you heard the news 10 years ago, I will ask you...How did you pay tribute today?

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