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Books, Books, Books


Books, Books, Books

The first book that our baby received was from his daddy. It's a book called Out and About, my first word book He loved it to death. I couldn't find an image on Amazon or any where else actually, but he loves this book. The binding is completely gone and it didn't survive well. He still drags it around the house though.

Another favorite book of his is Playtime Peekaboo, it's a touch-and-feel and lift-the-flap book. Early in childhood children learn to play peek-a-boo. For most babies this game cracks them up. When you lift the flap you have to read the word, "peek-a-boo." Without fail our son giggles hysterically every single time. He loves the fuzzy parts and this book is a hard back and has held up pretty well so far.

Now for the book that we both like, The Cheerios Play Book. We get to play with Cheerios and then he eats them. What could be more fun that that? This book has held up very well because this is a hand me down from our first son. He got this book seven years ago and it's a little beat up but also a hard back book. If you are thinking about buying a baby book I hope that you will give one of these a chance. They are a lot of fun.
