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Twitter Newbie?


Twitter Newbie?

There is a reason why I say, "Learning never ends!" There truly is something new to learn every single day. To keep up with technology can be exhausting. I try to post tips and tricks on what I learn just to make life for you a little easier. So if you are new to Twitter like I am then hang on to your hats here we go!

1.) If you are a fan of widgets and would like a Twitter one for your blog then check out the widget I have in the right hand side bar. Click on the box and it can take you to create your own Twitter widget. There are many different kinds to choose from so if you don't like mine you can find one that you do like.

2.) You will see lots of twitter posts with something called a tiny url. I had never seen this before until now. Table4Five explained to me that this is a way to shorten the url of a long url address. Visit TinyUrl to learn how this works. It's very easy! You can update your Twitter followers of your most recent posts from your blog without taking up a lot of character space.

3.) Emeleel introduced me to the TwitKit! It's an add on to FireFox. I recommend using Firefox 3.0. What this does is add a side bar for Twitter. You can get all your updates while still surfing the net! It freshes every few minutes. I love all the features. What I haven't figured out is the Friend icon. If you know then please clue me in. I had many replies that I didn't know that I had until I started messing around with the icons on this side bar.

So that's what I have learned so far from my new experiences using Twitter! Happy Twittering!
