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Thursday Thirteen #46 - Personal Goals


Thursday Thirteen #46 - Personal Goals

After reviewing this site I'm inspired to come up with a list of personal goals. I thought I would be able to sort it out if I put it in a Thursday Thirteen post! So here we go, my list of things that I would like to work on. Lucky for me has many lists that are going to help me make this happen.
1.) I'm ready to get back into exercising. I'm going to start putting more exercises into my day until I'm up to a full routine. It's not so much about weight loss as it is to be physically fit.
2.) I don't want to wear any more of my hubby's shirts! Not even to sleep in. I have to get my wardrobe under control.
3.) I would like to go through my make-up and figure out how to fix my face again. My toddler gets more use out of it these days than I do.
4.) I'm going to start filling out a list day by day until I get things straightened out in all the areas of my life. It's chaos and I'm done!
5.) I'm going to get my accounting finished before my inlaws get here in 2 weeks. That includes filing all these papers too.
6.) I need to work on business goals. I feel like I'm losing site of what it is that I'm trying to accomplish.
7.) I want to figure out a way to make every room in the house more "efficient" yes that would be nice.
8.) Meal planning - I want to give this a try! Actually make the grocery list with the meals in mind.
9.) I would like to try more recipes. I know how to cook but only what my mom taught me and I'm pretty sure it's not all that healthy. Besides I've been eating the same meals for 30+ years and I'm bored!
10.) Make it a point to leave my house! The zoo was a refreshing change of pace. It didn't end well but it was good overall.
11.) I have to get together with my friends. I do have them and we should be eating and drinking together real soon!
12.) I want to figure out a way that my dh and I can go out by ourselves. We might get to do that once or twice a year. There's something really wrong with that!
13.) I want to start taking pictures of myself. I don't think I realize what I look like because I don't spend a lot of time in front of a mirror. That's a recipe for letting yourself go.
