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Tuesday Toot Meme - #10


Tuesday Toot Meme - #10

I really like this meme because it reminds me that even amongst the chaos of it all I'm still kicking some ABS! I wish there was more participation because I think a lot of women would find it just as therapeutic as I do. What was so great this week? I finally found all of my bills and got them paid! That might not sound like much but I'm talking about personal and business expenses that were due all right before the hurricane hit. There wasn't any way to get them paid during that time. My buddy came by to check on me. I'm flying solo this week with 3 kids, 3 dogs and no fence. The dh is in Scotland training to become a better leader for his company. I took the opportunity to just jump on it! I tried calling some places but it was taking entirely too long. I just started writing checks like crazy. I've got a small manageable stack left. Toot Toot!
