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Tuesday Toot Meme #31


Tuesday Toot Meme #31

Yesterday I did a post about emotional eating. Instead of putting everything that upset me in a journal I wrote it on our white board. I started this about 8:30 am this morning and it was this full by 1pm. I counted 22 things that were stress triggers and the day is only half way over. I only wrote down the things that made my heart race and increased anxiety. Then I thought if I drank 8 oz. of water every time I wrote something on the board then I could get my water intake done for the day. That would have been 176 oz of water so far today! That might be way too much. lol I have no idea. I am going to continue researching this because clearly I have issues.

So my Toot Toot this week is going to be for writing down my stress triggers. I bought all new under garments and a couple of pairs of jeans and a tennis racket and balls! Go me. I'm on the road to recovery again. I love my children but I'm glad we had our last one. I need to find my body again. I'm in here some where.

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