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5 Fingers of Thanks


5 Fingers of Thanks

I need to come up with something for the week. I'm having an off day. I was in my bed looking at my book shelf and you can clearly see all the topics that I like. I can't remember the last time I finished a book. One of the books is a study guide for the GRE. I'm baffled that I took it and passed and went on to earn a Masters degree and here I sit not doing anything near what I thought I would be. Some days it's hard to wrap my brain around but these are all my choices. 

1.) Thankful that I'm finally getting able to get more of a warm up and work out in. I'm not at full capacity but I really want to be.
2.) Thankful my husband has landed safely again for his 2nd trip this month.
3.) Thankful to have discovered that my little girl ordered something from my phone and I caught it in time to cancel it. She sure has that random touch!
4.) Thankful for my church family.
5.) Thankful to have some new goals in spite of my injury.
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