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#Mamavation Monday - Back on My To Do List


#Mamavation Monday - Back on My To Do List

I'm not sure what the heck is going on but I feel like I am finally finding myself again. For a few weeks it was work and work and more work. If I could just work more hours I could this done. NO - I ate more, slept less and stayed out of the gym. None of this was good. I gained weight, I ate out a ton and basically fell of the wagon HARD. I kept going to the gym though even if it was twice a week. It's been a long road. Keeping track of my gym performance has helped me see my journey very clearly. Started out with water aerobics! yes really, then yoga, then adventure boot camp, then circuit training, then YMCA boot camp, Running boot camp, Zumba, Taebo, Body Pump and finally Crossfit. Crossfit is where I have settled in. I spent last year working out 5-6 times a week, sometimes twice a day and lots of preparation for races. I ran a 5k per month all year and trickled in some 10ks along the way. I was lifting some really heavy weights. I was RX the max weight for women in my work outs. Then I got hurt and stopped working out, then modified work outs, and now I'm back...but as a beginner SIX months later. I'm starting all over again with Crossfit as a beginner. I'm weaker, slower, lifting lighter and I can't run yet. There is back pain, my hamstrings and calves are tight all the time. I have plantar in one heel and tendonitis in my other foot in the arch. I've done it ALL! Cortizone shot, pain relievers, ice, heat, stretching, rolling, massages, therapy, acupuncture and laser therapy. Yes even the dreaded Graston technique! I have custom foot soles for my feet.

Yesterday I purchased a new pair of Brooks. Amazingly enough I started to feel better in my right leg immediately. I thought it was joke. I'm still in pain but it's less. I've settled into the pain still. Do I want to be pain free? YES! But really it's just time to put on my big girl panties and move on. There are many levels of pain and as long as I'm walking then I need to keep moving, period. I haven't been to the doctor in over 3 weeks. Huge mistake on my part but that's more financial than anything else. I'm moving on with a better attitude. It's time to come back, not just talk about it but actually show up at the gym. I'm going to have pain no matter what so I might as well get to it.
I DON'T WANT to be a work-a-holic, eating out every day, staying up every night, not enough hours in the day person. I DON'T WANT to be at the bottom of the list. This is how I got here! No matter what, I'm worth the time! Everything else is going to have to wait. PERIOD. I saw what happened to me over the last couple of weeks. No matter what time of the day I need to carve out my time to take care of me. No one else is going to do it. It's up to me and that is all.

Eating out: Chick-Fil-A, Gringos, Subway, Wingstop, Pizza*.*

My Work Outs this past week-
5/7 Monday -
5/8 Tuesday -
5/9 Wednesday - Crossfit
5/10 Thursday - 
5/11 Friday -
5/12 Saturday -
5/13 Sunday -

Scale Reading-  Gained 3 pounds.

Stress Level - Good! I'm gaining but I'm in less pain since the shoes. I'm heading to the Dr. on Wednesday so it's all falling into place.

The UP side- I have a totally different mind set this week. Some flip got switched and I'm actually acting on what I'm saying. This is a good feeling.

Injury prevention is important!
Be a good role model.
A special reminder for us all...

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 37 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 172 - 160 = 12 pound loss
    • February 165 - 161 = 4 pound loss
    • March 166- 165 = 1 pound loss
    • April 165 - 162 = 3 pound loss
    • May 163 -
    • June
    • July
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December


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