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Day 5 of Thanks


Day 5 of Thanks

It has been a very long day. I'm finding it tough to think about what I can be grateful for just because I am so tired.

Actually I have something as I have been reviewing my day. I'm thankful for the toddler years, ages 1-3. I love this time with my Super Star. He went from crawling to toddling and soon he will be running. Well he tries to run but he lacks speed. I can still catch him. :) I love the babbling to the few words to the word chunks to full sentences. These little people have the greatest imaginations! I'm thankful I have gotten to witness this age 3 times. They are just so sweet and loving and they slobber all over you! They give the best hugs and kisses and they still like you! lol I'm grateful and it makes me smile just thinking about it. It's been a long day but a good day. Hopefully our manny will post some video up soon so that you can see what I'm talking about. He's got some great footage.
