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Thursday Thirteen


Thursday Thirteen

Why Wal-Mart is like it's own small town.

1. There is a bank inside the store.
2. It houses a McDonalds in case you get hungry.
3. A grocery store is also inside.
4. You can get an oil change or your tires replaced.
5. You can pay your utilities at customer service.
6. There is a hair salon.
7. You can get a pedicure or manicure.
8. A portrait studio is available.
9. There is an optometrist and you can get glasses or contacts.
10. They have grandparent like folks to greet you as you come in.
11. They have grandparent like folks to greet you as you leave.
12. They have their own security staff.
13. You can get gas coming or going since there are filling stations on the borders of the parking area.

*This post is simply an observation NOT a post of support or non support.*
