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Babies R Us - Exchanged Products


Babies R Us - Exchanged Products

We made it to Babies R Us yesterday and made the switch from the collapsing Rainforest play pen by Fisher Price to the Safari Animals by Graco. I'm a huge fan of Graco products because I know they are safe and reliable in my experience. We had a Graco from 9 years ago that still worked like a charm. We got rid of it because we didn't need two. This pack and play was such a great deal we were able to get a couple of crib toys too!
Fisher-Price Lil' Laugh & Learn: Kick 'n Feel Farm Friends


We bought a mirror but I couldn't find a photo to show you. It's on an elephant and there is a mouse on the mirror. When you pull the cord the mouse goes in circles on the mirror. Our little baby girl loves her new toys!
