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And Then His Head Got Bigger And Bigger...


And Then His Head Got Bigger And Bigger...

Here's a good Dad story for you guys. Our eldest came over today and she was playing a hot game of Monopoly with her two younger brothers. The last time our oldest son played this game it was with my Uncle. Apparently my Uncle has a different way of playing Monopoly and there was a huge issue about buying the properties and when you could place the hotels on your property.

She piped up rather quickly at the wackiness of such rules! My son tried to argue with her that it was ok because that is the way that he and my Uncle played.

Her reply... "If he's not Dad I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what he's doing!" We LAUGHED so hard and then my husband's head began to swell with pride. Seriously, I didn't know if our living room was going to be able to contain it, it grew so big. He wrote in on our white board we have by our front door and then proceeded to say "that very quote is now going to be my new signature on my emails."

How's that for a great daddy moment?

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