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@GruntStyle - I'm Over & Out!


@GruntStyle - I'm Over & Out!

Meet Drill Sergeant Daniel Aralik Founder & CEO of Grunt Style LLC. He and Leah designed a two week challenge for the Mamavation crew. I'm sure you have seen some of my tweets or details on Facebook and Daily Mile about these work outs. It's kind of hard to miss with titles like "Puke Me Please, Sore Winner, Paralyzed" and my favorite "Sweat Monster!" 

For weeks I've been trying to keep up. I was doing great the first week but then I had to double up on work outs to prepare for surgery and healing time. I finally got back on track and finished it out. Here is what I know for sure about this challenge! It's no joke. As a person that spends at least 4 days a week in a Crossfit gym this was tough. This challenge left me working out 3 times a day for the last 3 days of it. It was tough to get through it. My little one was no help on some days. She kept trying to ride my back or get underneath me. A challenge for sure!

Personally, I found it easier to do these work outs when I was already warmed up. My favorite time to do them was after a Crossfit work out. My times were really good but they began to suffer when I wasn't warmed up. Also caffeine is my crutch. When I'm juiced up, I'm a power house. I don't feel aches and pains. As you might have guessed I pretty much stay caffeinated with Energy packets of Crave and pain relievers like  Bayer back pain which also has caffeine in it. Epsom salt baths are my best friend. I haven't tried the ice baths but I think they may be coming soon. I'm super sore.
My burpees were strong for the first few and then I would need to modify. My kids were copying me some days. They are always watching! Because I had some weaknesses during this challenge I'm going to work on them daily. Push ups and Burpees! Daniel didn't put Erasers in the challenge but those are also very weak. I'm going to design some way to work on these daily until I can master them. I've got a lot of work to do! I get to measure in the morning and find out if there was any change. Special thanks to all of you who have supported me during this challenge.

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