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#30DayPaleoChallenge - Day 17 & 18


#30DayPaleoChallenge - Day 17 & 18

Being on the go is one of the hardest parts of the challenge. I'm running errands and in stores and they have those displays right there by the check out and normally I would ignore them but when you're this far in some days it's hard. We were at Academy and there they were.....
An entire line of Jelly Bellys! I LOVE them but wait there's more....
Sports Beans!!!!! My absolute favorite. That cashier must have thought I had lost my mind. I'm there taking pictures and drooling. "Mam do you want to buy one?" "No! I can't." rofl.... it's hard to resist some days. I don't have any new recipes to share right now because I'm basically starting to eat the same stuff over and over.
On this day I had to go run more errands and I was running out of time and I was on the go and then....
I saw this restaurant. I have never been there but all of a sudden it looked really good to me. Up to this point I had not had any protein. I was getting fussed at on Facebook so I knew I better get some protein in for dinner.
I made steak and chicken! Now I have left overs so it will be easier to for the next day. Plus I chop up what I can so when I do need to grab something I can.
Now if I could just figure out how to make a piece of celery taste good!

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