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#Mamavation Monday - Worth The Wait!


#Mamavation Monday - Worth The Wait!

My Mamavation posts normally come late in the day lately. I'm super busy just living life and being a "Super Mom" trying to get everyone to and from where they're suppose to be. Add to the day laundry, cooking, errands and oh yes get a work out in if I can! My schedule has been bombarded with treatments from the doctor and it just can't be helped right now. It's tough because I think of all the challenges at Crossfit and Mamavation that I'm missing. Also the races that I haven't or won't be able to do either. It's a bit depressing. Until you are "on the bench" it's hard to know how that feels. I'm on  Day 82 and still counting the days until I can actually even begin to run again, lift weights or hit a Taebo class. 
Have I mentioned that my trainer can still make me cry for my Mommy working around this injury? He can and he does. In the meantime I'm becoming a recipe hunter as you might have noticed from my previous posts. My energy is now in the kitchen with a mission to find recipes I like and put the healthiest spin possible on them. That is the goal.

Even though I have been in the gym my trainer hasn't caught me on camera since November of last year. Today he caught me doing ring rows. You pull yourself up and then you descend slowly with a 4 second count. It's all upper body and the strength it takes is ridiculous. If nothing else I'm working on the gun show! Pow, Pow.

There was some positive feed back about this photo so I wanted to hunt down one from a year ago around the same time and this is what I found....
This photo was taken February 17, 2011
Below is the one taken today! February 20, 2012
See a difference?
Maybe I'll try and dig up some photos from even earlier if I can. They are rare! I don't normally get caught in a photo with the exception of my trainer being the sneaky camera guy. 
I'm not going to lie though, I don't hate it! Without him it would be very hard to see our progress. The cool thing is he can see it even when we don't but the camera, it doesn't lie. It shows the real you at that very moment. I have a few race photos and that would be interesting to compare those as well. My challenge for you...dig up your photos and see how you compare to yourself. Are you amazed?

Still working on: Operation: Humpty Dumpty

Eating out:
888 Bistro

My Work Outs this past week-
2/13 Monday - Injured
2/14 Tuesday - Crossfit Super modified work out
2/15 Wednesday - Injured
2/16 Thursday - Crossfit Super modified work out
2/17 Friday - Injured
2/18 Saturday - Injured
2/19 Sunday -Injured

Scale Reading - 2 pound loss. I can't complain since I'm battling the 160's! I'll take it.

Stress Level -HIGH - Husband is out of town again. Ugh!

The UP side-The doctor says maybe only 3-5 more treatments of traction. I'm soooooo close! I'm switching up my gym routine from two days to three! Get up that ladder girl.

I'm changing up my video series this year. I'm going to try and provide you with exercises that will help your body while you are working out with your regularly scheduled work outs.
Injury prevention is important!
Be a good role model.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 37 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 172 - 160 = 12 pound loss
    • February 165 -
    • March
    • April
    • May
    • June
    • July
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December


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