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Pizza Melts - Kid Approved


Pizza Melts - Kid Approved

There is a recipe in the Shrek cookbook called Mice Melts and this is my adaptation. It's super simple and fast to make.

English Muffins
Tomato Sauce
Tomato Paste
Mozarella Cheese
Bag of Pepperoni

Preheat broiler to low or medium
In a small sauce pan add - 1 can tomato sauce, 1 small can tomato paste, salt, garlic salt, oregano, any Italian seasoning, crushed red pepper if you have it. Heat in a small pan. Season to taste.
Cut your English muffin in half and toast in the toaster.
Pour sauce on the halves of your English muffins.
Add as many pepperoni pieces as you like. Ours fit 5-6 pieces.
Top with desired amount of cheese.
Place on top of a wired rack with a pan underneath it.
Place in oven until the cheese melts on top. Normally 3-5 minutes.

That's it! My little peeps LOVED it.

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