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Tuesday Toot Meme - #4


Tuesday Toot Meme - #4

My goodness it has been a heck of a day.What am I tooting my horn about this week? Well if you see all the posts on my blog you will notice I've gotten back into the product review arena.

I've started I Review which is a blog roll for review bloggers who didn't make it on to Izzy Moms blog roll.
I've got my Entrecard toolbar working wonders for me.
I've joined Twitter and am having a good time over there with the ladies!
I joined lots of new groups on Mom Bloggers Club and changed the badge to photos. My favorite is our toddler in his Spider Man jammies.

I think I have almost all the bills paid.
I'm still working on getting it all straightened out.
I'm looking into Constant Contact for future distribution of the Happy Panda newsletters.
I'm having to cut down as much on monthly business expenses as possible.
I'm getting ready for the baby to come. I'm tired folks!
