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Let's Get Physical - Day 68


Let's Get Physical - Day 68

Goodness! My push up ticker over there in right side bar isn't moving! I can only 2 a day. That is super sad. I miss bootcamp so much. Before I left I was doing 20 and now I can only do 2 if I'm lucky. Now if I'm on my knees I can do a whopping 5. I know, I know.....

It's ok though - I've got seriously bad eating and drinking habits. On any given day I could be drinking Big Red, Red Bull and coffee. No, I'm not kidding. I'm about to cut it all out and see how it goes. I know for a fact I'm not drinking water either which is really bad. OK - I'm not cutting out the coffee. That's just getting carried away. It's all about baby steps right? If you've got a fitness tip for me pass it on in the comment section!

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