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Tip The Scale Tuesday - Week 21


Tip The Scale Tuesday - Week 21

It's a one pound loss this week. I have no idea how that happened but I will take it. Monday I got back in the gym and I'm feeling better again. After a 3 week hiatus I was feeling sluggish and heavy and just plain gross. I enjoy working out because it makes me feel and sleep better. It's a great stress reliever. I'm also inspired because of the new season of The Biggest Loser. I love Bob and Jillian! I'm feeling great again about the path that I'm on and I'm really going to try for those 4 pounds because I really would like to see a different number in the tens place! Seriously it's been 21 weeks, it's time to move on.

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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