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Tackle It Tuesday - Dresser SOS


Tackle It Tuesday - Dresser SOS

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

My dresser has been driving me nuts. I hate clutter but it is in every room of my house. Today I'm tackling this dresser in our bedroom. Every now and then I will use my bed for a project or to do laundry. Most of the time I don't get finished and when it is time for bed I move what is on the bed to my lovely dresser and that my friends is how it happens.

In half of an hour it is back to the clean surface that it should be. I'm amazed that once I get the kids occupied it really does take a short amount of time to just tackle it! I feel better already. This meme is really working for me because the week just seems to speed by and I'm getting things done. Whoo Hoo! Wanna join us for Tackle it Tuesday? Click on the banner for this meme and it will take you to linky.

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