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A Renaissance Woman


#Mamavation Monday - Hello Paleo Pals!

That's right Kid Approved! Our Crossfit gym now has these awesome Paleo Pals meals for sale! It's premade fresh, and all you do is heat and serve. This is what I have been eating all week. It's not cheap but it's healthy and clean eating. I don't have to worry about cooking it myself or feeding to my family and having the whole meal rejected. There are so many benefits I could go on and on. Check out the video and see if you find it inspiring!

Eating out: Chick-fil-a (twice), Mongolian BBQ

My Work Outs this past week-
7/16 - 7/21 Crossfit sprinkle in a 200m Swim. 
My details are here on Daily Mile.

Scale Reading- 163 which is a - 3 pound loss from last week. Honestly I'm doing the same thing I always do but I did change my eating for the week. I think that is the reason for the success.
Stress Level - I'm on meds! Whoo Hoo.... that is all.

The UP side - Fitcation is coming!


Injury prevention is important!
Be a good role model.
A special reminder for us all...

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 37 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 172 - 160 = 12 pound loss (this is Paleo!)
    • February 165 - 161 = 4 pound loss
    • March 166- 165 = 1 pound loss
    • April 165 - 162 = 3 pound loss
    • May 163 -164 = 1 pound gain
    • June 165 -163 - 2 pound loss
    • July 164 -
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December

Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Got Plantar Fasciitis? Try This!

For the last 7 months I have been dealing with plantar fasciitis in my left arch and my right heel. Without fail after a good nights rest I could look forward to that sharp pain every time my feet hit the floor. It's made life a real challenge. Everyone gave me advice on what to do and I have been to physicians for help. Let me list for you what I have tried:
LaCross Ball
Tennis Ball
Golf Ball
Water bottle of ice
Fish Oil
Foot Massages
Acupuncture (in my legs not my feet)
Night Splints
Custom Orthodics
Cortisone Shot
Calf Stretches
Stretching my foot on the wall
Stop Running, Jumping or anything else that causes my feet to slam the ground
None of this worked. The shot worked for a day but it came back. Soon my pain was there all the time even if I was just walking!
The other day I was at On The Run and I saw this Foot Wheel on display and I asked the manager if it worked. She said, "oh yes, the runners swear by it!" So I figured what the heck! I've tried everything else. I tried it and it hurt like crazy! Oh the burn. Then it happened, my little one got up at 4am and I knew I would have to get up and put her to bed. I was dreading it because I knew it was going to hurt! Preparing myself for the pain I got up and there was not pain! What the heck? First time in 7 months that I was pain free. It was a whole new day for me. I posted a pic to Facebook and went back and purchased two more to keep at the gym. When I was there I told the manager she better order more. Sure enough three people that I knew went in there to buy them but they were sold out! I wish you could buy them off the site but they do have a list of retailers. Amazing results! I'm so happy.


The Journey TV Project - Is Your Fitness Location on The Tour Yet?

Have you heard? Journey TV is on a tour and I can't wait to until they show up at Crossfit Unity. The general manager and Chris Donnelly are working out the details. What's so great about this tour? "The Journey TV is a web series created by Chris Donnelly, inspired from him losing 100+ lbs using training for events as motivation, cycling being the primary. The Journey TV has a goal to inspire others regardless of size to get moving and show them how. Chris started posting content in February 2010 and the response has been amazing. We look forward to showing you all the different options available for fitness, Health and wellness. If you have any ideas or suggestions for The Journey TV contact me. Have a new workout? Have a different routine? A new piece of Equipment? I’d love to check it out!" - Chris Donnelly

What sold me was his promo video with Clare. It rocked my socks, take a look. 

Chris and I met through Facebook and we belong to the same groups. I really believe in what he is doing because I too have dabble in so many different forms of exercise. When I started my weight loss journey I wanted to be able to do it all! I have contacted several places that I have been to and put them in touch with Chris. I can't wait to watch the series! If you would like your fitness location to be part of the tour click on any of the hyperlinks to be connected with Chris. You can tweet him too and tell him I sent you. 



Memes - 5 Fingers of Thanks

Gratitude....ah yes...let's get to it.
1.) Thankful for fitness friends.
2.) Thankful for surprise visits.
3.) Thankful for to do lists.
4.) Thankful for the opportunity to use my amazing skills!
5.) Thankful for acts of service.

If you find yourself thinking you would like to share your own five fingers of thanks with me, please leave it in the comment section so I can share in your joy!

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Memes - Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
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Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Plants vs. Zombies by Big Fish Games - Win a Code to Play!

 Photo: #gamereview plants vs. zombies

Big Fish Games has thousands of online arcade and action games for you and your family to test drive! You can play any of the games for an hour before making your purchase. What a great idea because you can find just the right one before spending a dime. My family was asked if we would like to try out one of these popular games.
I must admit that I'm not that much of a gamer but my son and husband love it! My son and I went through the list and we chose Plants vs. Zombies. We didn't waste anytime creating our own Zombie! We got to pick the skin, hair, the clothes and other fun accessories to complete our zombie.
My son played for a while to give it a good test run! He said "Mom! You have to play this!" I have to admit it was really silly and really fun! Before I knew it he was giving me all the game strategies on where to place the flowers and the plants to best stop the zombies from reaching the house!
The object was to keep the zombies away from the house on the left! In the first photo I failed that mission but with his help I was able to make to more levels. As a back up there are some lawnmowers waiting on the left waiting to run over the zombies! It was a riot to play. The next thing I knew the whole family was gathered around to watch! 
We had a blast playing and it wasn't too graphic which was a plus for me. Our favorite was the almanac which describes all the characters in the game. They are written with a lot of humor. If you reach certain levels you can unlock more mini games and puzzles to play!

Would you like to try your hand at a Big Fish Games? They have offered my readers 2 codes!  To enter just click the hyperlink a Rafflecopter giveaway. Good Luck and happy gaming. Special thanks to Big Fish Games for sponsoring this post and offering free codes! 

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WOD Gear Clothing Co. Sponsors Youngest Crossfit Competitor Valerie Calhoun

Rose Bowl for Crossfit Team Competition
The Reebok CrossFit Games are over but don't fret there is more to come! WOD Gear Clothing Co. in Pasadena, California is hosting the 2nd annual WOD Gear Team Series on July 28th. More than 70 teams will compete at the Rose Bowl Stadium drawing 3,000 or more spectators.

WOD Gear Clothing Co is sponsoring 17 year old Valerie Calhoun from Northern California. She is one of the world’s youngest female Crossfit competitors. I had the pleasure (via email) of interviewing book author, CrossFitter and co-owner of WOD Gear, Gabriel Pelino and Crossfit competitor Valerie Calhoun.

2nd Annual WOD Gear Team Competition
Gabriel -It's great to meet you even through email. You are doing so much for the Crossfit community. While researching for this email interview I have been "pinning" a lot of your clothing line on my Pinterest Crossfit board and people love it! It's spreading through the Crossfit community there too. I must confess that the kids line is my favorite! Those are some really cute ideas.
The Reebok Crossfit Games has just wrapped up. The games are so inspiring to watch. How does your WOD Gear Team series set itself apart from the Reebok Crossfit Games? or would you say that the team series is an addition to the games?
I believe that our event is "unique" in itself because we are only a "team" competition and we did that by design.  We feel that the team aspect is an extension of community which CrossFit is all about and which we try to emulate as a brand.  Also, being on a team gives many individuals the opportunity to compete who may not be ready to compete on their own.  There is a strength that comes with being around others that you know will be there to support you and lift you up.  Finally, the "Games" are for the elite in the CrossFit arena.  Our event is open to all regardless of where they are in their CrossFit journey.  We know that CrossFitter's love to compete so we wanted to create a venue that would give those, who may never make it to the games, an opportunity to give their all in a venue such as the Rose Bowl.  It just so happens that we also have individuals, who participated in the games, participating on teams in our upcoming event.  We are really excited! 

WOD Gear Clothing Co is currently sponsoring Valerie Calhoun. What was it about her that made your company decide to sponsor her as part of the team?  
We first met Valerie and an event here in Southern California over a year ago.  We were so taken by her and blown away at this young girl competing with women twice her age.  We started to talk with her and her mother and just fell in love with the both of them. We just put it out there and asked if she would like to be a part of our team which we really like to call a family.  She said yes and the rest is history!

I was incredibly touched after reading about the book you authored American Daddy: A Father's Heart Revealed. As a parent do you use Crossfit as a model of health and fitness for your children? Does the box that you work out at have a Crossfit Kids? Do you or would you allow your children to become involved in Crossfit Kids? 
Creating American Daddy was such a labor of love for me!  I do preach "CrossFit" to my children which are 6 and 15.  Both my wife, Denise, and I love to take our younger son to the box with us.  He loves the atmosphere and you can always find him swinging from the rings as well as setting up his own obstacle course incorporating burpees or box jumps.  My wife is also a CrossFit Kids certified coach so our kids can't escape it.  My older son spends most of his time on his guitar which he is quite talented at.  I would love both of my kids to get involved when one of our boxes incorporates CrossFit Kids into their teaching.   

Is it possible that the WOD Gear Team series will ever include kids teams to compete?
Yes...we have been in talks about how to incorporate that in the future.  We know that the kids are the future of CrossFit and we want to create a place for them as well as the adults.  

In your Bio on the website it says that your favorite WOD/Movement is double unders. Please tell me how you mastered them? Some of the forums discuss their favorite jump ropes to help them master it! Do you have a favorite?
I was really fortunate that Double Unders came easy to me.  I was always pretty good at jumping rope so I just took to them.  It really helps me during WOD's where I struggle.  I would say that my favorite is one of the speed ropes.  I don't really have a brand that I am behind but enjoy the wire type of rope with small handles. 

Which movements are you still working on?
I was afraid you would ask this question...:)  I am terrible at the overhead squat!  I have no flexibility at all when I have the bar over my head.  It is such a difficult movement for me.  What is ironic is that I am pretty strong when it comes to push presses and things like that, for an older guy, but I have no strength in this movement.  I need a lot of practice! 

Are you involved in deciding which WODs to include in the games? I play a small role in that area.  We have an amazing team that we have brought together to help us in that area. They consist of my business partner and four other individuals who own CrossFit gyms or are coaches.  This is what they do on a day-to-day basis so I leave it in their hands.  I will take a look and get the information on the final WOD's but really leave it up to my team.  I trust them and they do an amazing job! 

What do you find is the most rewarding part of creating the WOD Gear Team series?  
There is noting like bringing a community together!  The CrossFit community is filled with special individuals and being around them is so rewarding!   

Thank you for your time Gabriel. I wish I was there to watch it in person! Will there be any live coverage? Maybe on UStream?  
Thank you Pamela for this opportunity!  I am so grateful!!!  We won't be streaming this year but as we grow we will most definitely have the desire for that.  Wish you could make it.  It's going to be one heck of a time! 

Valerie Calhoun Crossfit

 Valerie - It's great to meet you even through email. I have read your other interviews and watched video footage to help me learn a little more about you and hopefully not repeat a lot of the same questions that you have already been asked. I'm in my second year of Crossfit and when I see you and think about how long you have been doing it, I think "WOW, How lucky she is!" You have your youth on your side! I know that you have discussed age being a factor in the beginning, the intimidation of competing against more seasoned CrossFitters.

Now that you have been competing do you feel that other women are now intimidated by you, with your youth, speed, strength and now 3-4 years worth of training?
Intimidated by me? No. But I feel they look at me as a good competitor. I've been competing for a few years now and I don't think people look at my age a whole lot anymore. Youth has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is being young and recovering quickly, but the disadvantage is that my body isn't fully developed yet and still the lack of experience.

Coming from the world of gymnastics and having your bone fragment condition, have you had any problems with any of the Crossfit movements (hand stands, muscle ups, etc,.)?

Coming off my injury with gymnastics I do not have the same elbow issues I used to have. The constant pounding and over training in gymnastics is what caused it however I do not have problems with any Crossfit movements thankfully.

In a video interview your trainer was discussing your diet and that he was having you text him everything you eat. I would imagine that your diet would be Paleo or very close to clean eating. What has been the hardest food to give up? or do you still indulge every now and then?
In regards to my diet, my main focus is on eating more. I admit I have a bad habit of eating too little even while I workout a lot which is why I'm starting to eat a lot more tri tip, steak, and chicken. I do allow myself to indulge sometimes because I still want to enjoy some foods and I know I will burn it off. For the most part I normally stay pretty clean with my eating but I'm definitely not perfect.

When you a train at a box the members and trainers become like a second family to us. I think that is what separates Crossfit from a lot of other gyms. In my experience my husband tried it a couple times with me at Crossfit Unity but gave up and I mostly Crossfit alone. Although my son would like to join. What about you? Does anyone in your family train at Rocklin Crossfit with you?
Every person at a Crossfit box becomes like family which is what I love about Crossfit. I got my mom to start about a year ago and she's been hooked ever since! She loves taking a class together and I'm glad she loves Crossfit!

Some weeks the WODs, they get me! My times are really slow or for some reason I have to go light on my weights. What about you? Do you ever have weeks or days like that?
Of course everyone has their off days. Luckily, I haven't had an off day in awhile and don't  get them often but either way it's normal. When I have an off day I push through it even if I don't want to and afterwards I'm glad I did it.

How did you come about being sponsored by WOD Gear Clothing Co?
In regards to Wod Gear, I actually met Gabe, owner of WOD Gear, a couple years ago at a competition in 2010 OC Throwdown. We talked and he introduced me to WOD Gear and since then I've been part of their family. The WOD Gear community is very supporting and is just a great group of people.

I read that you train up to 4 times a week during the school season and 6 during the summer. Are you doing special WODs to train or are you doing what every other member is doing that comes to the box that day?  Many of us will stay after to work on double unders or box jumps just things that need improvement. What weaknesses if any do you work on?
For my training I do not just focus on just the regular class wods everyday. I do a lot of metcons, throw in some chippers, and I focus on skill work as well. I worked on muscle up to a ring handstand pushup and got them a couple weeks ago! My weaknesses that I work on include row, wall balls, and heavy deadlifts.

Many people that don't Crossfit get really intimidated when they watch the Crossfit Games and competitions. They immediately think, " I can't do that!" What do you say to those people?
To those people who doubt themselves after watching the Crossfit Games, I would say don't let others intimidate you and most importantly in the end you're competing against yourself so as long as you give 100% you can't ask for more!

Training involves some discomfort and soreness. What do you do for your own recovery?
For my own recovery I give my body time to rest and heal which I believe is super important. It's all about listening to your body.

Is your end goal to be the Fittest Woman on Earth?
My end goal is definitely to compete individually at the Crossfit Games and a dream would be to be the Fittest Woman on Earth. I definitely have a lot of work to do to get there but Crossfits what I love to do!

Thank you for taking the time to answer questions Valerie! Best of luck to you and your team during the games.

For more information about the WOD Gear Team Competition click on the hyperlink!



Why didn't I take this body into the gym! Skinny? yes, Fit? NO! Healthy? Not even close! It's so much harder to do certain movements now. Oh the things I could do now if I had that size body again.

For more WW participants head to:
Mom Blogs  

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Before and After - Crossfit

Renee Ross caught me on Facebook today and she asked me to find a photo before Crossfit. Boy did I have to do some digging for that one but I found it. So here you have it a before back in September of 2010 and one taken just today.
Oddly enough I did some more digging and found my weight and measurements too. In nearly two years I'm 12 pounds down. Seriously? You would think it would be so much more than that. According to my measurements my arms and chest are the same. My waist is down 1.5 inches, hips 1 inch and my legs are the same. Really? I'm gonna have to go think on this one. I work extremely hard. In 2011 I spent the entire year running for crying out loud. I'm not going to rehash all the training that I have done. I'm not sure what to think about these results.

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#Mamavation Monday - Passing The Torch

I'm not a proud Mama or anything! :)   That is my son climbing that rope. Our box has a Crossfit Kids class and this was his first time. He fell in love and is very excited to go back again. He's not in any sports right now so this is a great way to get out all that preteen hormone stuff. He would just like it to be twice a week instead of once a week.

My workouts are pretty much 6 days a week now. I'm staying after for rowing and now switching to jump ropes. I'm having a lot of foot problems. I may stop jumping and running all together until I heal completely. That might just drive me crazy but my problems aren't getting better but worse.

I'm starting to focus more on my form and scaling back the weights and just foregoing the speed. One thing at a time. I'm back tracking, learning from my experience and trying not to get wrapped up in anything other than what I can do. It's hard to do. On that note - I'm also realizing how much I hate focusing on weight loss. I began Crossfit to train for the Spartan Race. I like training for something. I don't like focusing on the scale every single week. I have watched a 6 pound loss but didn't maintain it. It sucks.

I have my replacement Fitbit so I'm back on track there! I'm so happy. I designed a couple of Crossfit shoes while I was on the Reebok website. Now if I could just scrape up the money to buy them. Squeal!

Eating out: Chick-fil-a (twice), Mongolian BBQ

My Work Outs this past week-
7/9 Monday - Crossfit, rowing
7/10 Tuesday - Crossfit, rowing
7/11 Wednesday - Crossfit, rowing
7/12 Thursday - Crossfit, rowing
7/13 Friday - Crossfit, rowing
7/14 Saturday - Crossfit, Jumping Rope
7/15 Sunday -Rest Day

Scale Reading- 166 which is a - 4 pound loss. It's hard for me to see it. I think the stress just sits in my belly.
Stress Level -Very's always high, I wonder if this is hindering my weight loss. My mind doesn't relax. I can put that positive spin on anything but there is a LOT that I can't talk about. Maybe holding it in isn't helping either.

The UP side - Fitcation is coming!


Injury prevention is important!
Be a good role model.
A special reminder for us all...

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 37 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 172 - 160 = 12 pound loss (this is Paleo!)
    • February 165 - 161 = 4 pound loss
    • March 166- 165 = 1 pound loss
    • April 165 - 162 = 3 pound loss
    • May 163 -164 = 1 pound gain
    • June 165 -163 - 2 pound loss
    • July 164 -
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December

Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Memes-5 Fingers of Thanks

Gratitude....ah yes...let's get to it.
1.) Thankful for the super awesome friends that showed up to break bread and bowl for PNO!
2.) Thankful that the Crossfit Games are over! I was on the edge of my seat.
3.) Thankful that I am able to do the single parent thing so well while my husband travels.
4.) Thankful for the opportunity to interview some really cool people within the Crossfit community.
5.) Thankful that I get to review a really fun game with plants and zombies!

If you find yourself thinking you would like to share your own five fingers of thanks with me, please leave it in the comment section so I can share in your joy!

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Memes - Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
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Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Recently I have been asked to interview some key people coming up in the world of Crossfit. Pretty cool I thought but this got me to thinking....

If you could interview anyone who would it be?

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Happy Birthday To You!

Happy 23rd birthday to you! Where did the time go? If I could change some things I would. I grew as much as I could. I did the best I could with what I knew. Thank goodness for change. Crazy...when you are in it, everyday has it's own set of challenges. You go through all the milestones and one day you blink and it's all over and adulthood has arrived. Everything changes some for the good and some for the bad. Wish there was more celebrating but maybe that will come in the future. Lord knows I love a good party! Happy Birthday to you baby girl. Love, Mom xxxooo



Memes-#WordlessWednesday-Terminator Pose

Some days it's worth being late for Wordless Wednesday. My trainer captured this one during today's work out of the day. I took a moment to pray! I was near the last round and I just wanted to give up. I was tired and felt so weak. I just wasn't feeling it at all. He posted this on Facebook with a link to the Terminator pose. Nice!

For more WW participants head to:
Mom Blogs  

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#Mamavation Monday - Breaking The Scale

I have to remind myself that when my super awesome coach posts pictures like this on Facebook that he doesn't really hate me. lol - I'm preparing for a thruster. What you would see next is me having to squat my butt down to that red ball and stand up again while raising that bar over my head. That's why I look like I'm in complete focus mode. It's a lot of movements for an obese woman. Yep, that's right. Even with this photo the numbers will tell you that I am clearly in the obese range. It sucks but it is what it is and I'm still a work in progress. For the past week I have been putting nothing but crap in my body. Yesterday was the worst and I felt all of it today during my work out. So tomorrow I am back on the Whole 30/Paleo plan again because I have also gained all of the weight back that I lost at the beginning of the year. It's all freaking diet!

I was watching an Insanity Work out infomercial. I work out 5-6 days a week. I work hard and some days I do more. Some days I work out twice a day and I mix it up and I sweat like crazy! It's gross but you know it's all just water weight. Sucks! But then they tack on the whole nutrition part and how you should eat 5 meals a day. If you look at another diet they will tell you to count your calories etc., I know what I need to do but I just didn't do it for more than a month. It's all about what you put in your body! Ugh... Why can't I just be a fat burning machine without taking a bunch of crap to get me there? On with the results...

Eating out: Chick-fil-a

My Work Outs this past week-
7/2 Monday - Crossfit, row
7/3 Tuesday - Crossfit
7/4 Wednesday - 5 mile race - killed it by the way! 1:03. I will take that time.
7/5 Thursday - Crossfit
7/6 Friday - Crossfit, 
7/7 Saturday - Crossfit, Rowing
7/8 Sunday -Rest Day

Scale Reading- 170 which is a huge gain - 6 pounds. I'm not proud. Don't tell me it's muscle. lol - I have a scale that reads BMI, water weight and all that fun stuff. It's just sugar from those cokes I drank, those Doritos and that birthday cake oh let me not forget the ice cream.
Stress Level -Very's always high, I wonder if that is why my mid section stays large. I can lose in all other spots but there. Unless I omit all grains from diet oh and dairy too!

The UP side - Fitcation is coming!


Injury prevention is important!
Be a good role model.
A special reminder for us all...

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 37 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 172 - 160 = 12 pound loss (this is Paleo!)
    • February 165 - 161 = 4 pound loss
    • March 166- 165 = 1 pound loss
    • April 165 - 162 = 3 pound loss
    • May 163 -164 = 1 pound gain
    • June 165 -163 - 2 pound loss
    • July 164 -
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December

Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Memes - Five Fingers of Thanks

Gratitude....ah yes...let's get to it.
1.) Thankful for the Game of Thrones which has helped me understand my husband.
2.) Thankful for my decision to get back to Whole 30/Paleo.
3.) Thankful that I made it through the 5 mile run without too much trouble.
4.) Thankful for my silly children that keep me giggling.
5.) Thankful that I got to celebrate my friend's 40th birthday. One more to go!

If you find yourself thinking you would like to share your own five fingers of thanks with me, please leave it in the comment section so I can share in your joy!

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Memes - Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
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Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Memes-#Wordless Wednesday-Happy 4th of July

My absolute favorite shot from today's 4th of July 5 mile race! I had finished but was waiting around for my good friend Ellis to come across the finish line. We rocked that race! So proud. Great friends, great achievement and good beer! You can't beat it.

For more WW participants head to:
Mom Blogs  

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#Mamavation Monday - 2 a Days

I'm switching things up. I'm fighting one temptation after another. I don't seem to have much control these days unless it pertains to my work outs and what I eat. It's a constant and annoying struggle. Mr. Dean has challenged me to two a days at Crossfit. Cheryl has decided to join us and it's just sort of growing from there. What do we do? We do the normal WOD and rest and then hit another one. Lately we have really been using the rowing machines a lot. I don't know how long this is going to last but it sure would be nice to see some results soon. We are working really hard over here. Just hoping that at some point it will all pay off.

Eating out: None - It's only day 2 of the month so....

My Work Outs this past week-
6/25 Monday - Crossfit
6/26 Tuesday - Crossfit, Taebo
6/27 Wednesday - Crossfit
6/28 Thursday - Crossfit (2 a day)
6/29 Friday - Crossfit, 1/2 hour cardio (2 a day)
6/30 Saturday - Crossfit, Rowing, Mamavation 5K
7/1 Sunday - Tons of cardio

Scale Reading- Guess I'm still on the steady path to losing 10 pounds per year. Seriously?! This is taking a long time. So frustrating.

Stress Level - I really should just omit this part because it doesn't seem to change from week to week. It's high.

The UP side - I'm running a 5 mile race on the 4th of July. It should be nice and brutal.

Injury prevention is important!
Be a good role model.
A special reminder for us all...

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 37 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 172 - 160 = 12 pound loss (this is Paleo!)
    • February 165 - 161 = 4 pound loss
    • March 166- 165 = 1 pound loss
    • April 165 - 162 = 3 pound loss
    • May 163 -164 = 1 pound gain
    • June 165 -163 - 2 pound loss
    • July 164 -
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December


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Memes - Five Fingers of Thanks

Gratitude....ah yes...let's get to it.
1.) Thankful for competent people who make decisions for me. That's nice.
2.) Thankful for my health.
3.) Thankful to get the ok from my doctor to run a 5K on the 4th of July.
4.) Thankful for mindless tasks.
5.) Thankful for my good friends.

If you find yourself thinking you would like to share your own five fingers of thanks with me, please leave it in the comment section so I can share in your joy!

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