This page has moved to a new address.

A Renaissance Woman


Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
post signature

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Aloha Friday #112 - What Makes Your Family...

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

We have one tv in our entire house and it's not in the living room. We have all the computers in one room and we recently traded our office chairs in for exercise balls. Our kids don't have any hand held game devices. I'd say we are a pretty odd family.

So my question for you is...
What do you think makes your family different?

Be part of Friday Follow!

Friday Follow

Click on the image to find out how YOU can join the celebration

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Breaking News From My Inbox


Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.



Wordless Wednesday - The Ultimate Math Formula

My Mom gifted my husband with this shirt she found in the NASA gift shop. It's perfect for any fun loving engineer! Besides the snap circuit extreme gift I think this is next in line as his favorite.

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

To view other Wordful Wednesday blogs head over to:

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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#Mamavation Monday

Watch Lives Change

Weekly Mamavation Goals - 
Eat yummy Chiquita bananas or apple slices!

1.  #fruitnveggie challenge. Get 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 
2. Water challenge. Strive to drink more water. Some moms are striving to drink half their body weight in water. For instance if you weigh 180, strive to drink 90 ounces of water per day.

My Goals -
  • The long term goal 50lbs. by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal 4 lbs. per month. 
    • January - 4 pounds lost = goal met.
    • February - 5 pounds lost = goal met.
    • March - +1 gain = goal NOT met.
    • April - 0 gain/loss = goal NOT met.
My Work Outs - Completely interrupted by life, again!

Monday - No work out today kid sick at home.
Tuesday - No work out today still working on #ubp10
Wednesday - No work out today still working on #ubp10
Thursday - 1.5 hours circuit training
Friday - 1 hour of boot camp.
Saturday - No workouts
Sunday - No work outs

Measurements -
Chest +.5"
Waist +1"
Hips  +2"
Legs = same
Arms = same

Scale Reading -
2 lbs. down from last week. This basically leaves me right where I left off at the end of last month. The entire month of April resulted in zero gain or loss. I'm not sure what to think about that.

Stress Level -
Off the charts this week!#ubp10 Coordinating 300+ prizes can be a big job. It's over and this week I'm back on track with my eating and workout schedule.

The UP side -
I had to see my Dr. for a check up and I've lost 10 pounds since I saw him last which was right after our last baby. He said I'm 5lbs. away from my pre-pregnancy weight! WHAT? Now all I want to do is get all my weights that he has been tracking and see what kind of numbers I'm dealing with here. lol

My hubs bought us both exercise balls for office chairs. We love them! I love mine so much and what a difference it is making. I can stretch out my back and strengthen my core. Whoo Hoo!!! I'm going to try running this week to increase my distance. The 5K will be here in June. I plan to be in it.

I'm looking forward to reading how the rest of my "sistas" did this week.
And now I'm going to #GLEEK out on you!

I'm always hunting workout music which you will find in my DJ Booth at You can search the #mamavation hashtag or #workouttunes to see my lists. If you have any music suggestions leave them in the comment section!


Secure Your Success
Charting your progress gets you there faster. Try these tools:

Track my weight loss.
Track my weight loss.

Watch my waist get smaller.
Watch my waist get smaller.

Track my walking.
Track my walking.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood".

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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5 Fingers of Thanks


1.) Thankful our community summer activities are finally available. Now we plan our summer.
2.) Thankful that our son won his last soccer game of the Spring season! He played so awesome today.
3.) Thankful to have kept up with our bible study reading this week, again! Whoot.

4.) Thankful to my "Silly" because she brings our family such joy.
5.) Thankful that the Angel Food Ministries distribution day went smoothly!

If you would like to share in my Sundays of thanks there is a Mr. Linky.

Below is the code for those five little fingers above or feel free to create your own.

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
post signature

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Aloha Friday #111 - Do You Watch...

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
Do you watch the news on television? I stopped watching a long time ago. It's so depressing! Just wondering if I'm alone. My sources for news are mainly online.

Be part of Friday Follow!

Friday Follow

Click on the image to find out how YOU can join the celebration

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Wordless Wednesday - Happy Birthday To You!

Hey you! I know your napping now but in the morning you will wake up and it will be your birthday. I just wanted all my online buddies to help me wish you a very Happy 43rd Birthday. The kids are super excited about making your cake and throwing you a party. We love you! xxxxoooo

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

To view other Wordful Wednesday blogs head over to:

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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The Ultimate Blog Party - From A Prize Coordinators Perspective

 Oh the confusion for new folks! It's always tough for me when someone says "Oh no I didn't know I had to... (____ fill in the blank). Many of you have asked me "How can you do that?" "Why would you?" or some say "You must be really organized!"

This year I must admit, I got really organized. My son took this photo of my spreadsheet while I was working on accepting prizes. I used a lot of color coding too. In October of 2007, I threw the twins the first "cyber baby shower" sponsored by businesses. I threw four more after that and then bloggers began doing it themselves and turning it into what is now called a "virtual baby shower."

I believe those showers are what launched me as a prime candidate to coordinate the prizes for their "Ultimate Blog Party." How I do it is through experience and we tweak it each year to make it easier for us, sponsors, participants and winners. I do it because it is one of the greatest networking opportunities outside of a conference. That and I'm secretly hoping some big corporate sponsor will come scoop me up because they can see how truly skilled I am. 5 Minutes for Mom is all about promoting WAHMs, SAHMs and SAHDs too! This falls right in line with my networking philosophy. I'm a business owner and now there are a few more hundred people that have been introduced to my online store. The hours it takes to coordinate this annual event is amazing!

On that note here is what you can do to make it a little smoother as a participant!

The prizes are always chosen from the comment section of the main post. It is not the linkies to the blogs, Facebook or Twitter. Why? to give Non bloggers the opportunity to play too.

When the comment form asks for your URL put the direct url to your party post NOT your blog. Why? The party is a week long and that means I have to search for your post to read your prize choices. Thank goodness some of you had archives in your side bars, that was helpful. Some of you left the url in the comment section! Thank you, that works well too.

Some people put in a non working url and I couldn't find you at all. Make sure it's correct by cutting and pasting.

I notify you that you have won on your blog. How else would you know your comment number? Some of you did take the time to go through 20+ pages of comments to find yours. If you just leave your first name then how many Christines could there be when looking at the prize page. There has to be a system. You know what else takes up a lot of time? WORD VERIFICATION. Is there really that much spam? Can you imagine having to take the time to type in nonsensical words on over 200+ blogs????

If you're going to leave a comment on the party post then please write the party post! It doesn't have to be that long. So many people had their number chosen but I could not award them a prize because they were a blogger and they didn't bother to write a post. You know who you are, lol.

I do use Twitter a bit when I'm choosing the prizes. I have many people asking me if they won. There isn't any way for me to tell from a url of your post! I have to chose your comment number so sending me that doesn't help you.Why use Twitter? Doesn't that take up more time? Not really. My computer is set up to be logged in to many different places at one time. Most of what I do is all at the touch of a button and I did try to turn you guys on to the Twitter Grid.

Let's talk about the PRIZES!!!
So many people never looked past any of the Amazon, Target, or Cash gift cards. I know the list is long but each prize is important to that sponsor. This is their lively hood and they want to put the word out! Thanks to those of you who cut and pasted the prize details allowing the links to the sponsors. That showed a lot of linky love to them and we all appreciate it.

You know what else helps? When you list what you really want and then say something like - "I would be happy to win anything!!!" That helps me breath a sigh of relief. Really? what should I do move on to the next person? Maybe that really is all you want. That is totally cool too just say it in your post. I much rather match up people that want what they are getting. I don't like to choose for you because it takes more time. I dont' like it BUT I do it. I read your post and if that's not enough information I read your about you section so I can figure out a good match.

You know what also helps? When you post something like - anything for kids (ages 2 - 9), or pertaining to jewelry, chocolate or shopping! rofl....

I hope you all had a great time and are pleased with your prizes. I have to get back to contacting everyone. I hope this post will help you for next year's party!

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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#Mamavation Monday

Watch Lives Change

Weekly Mamavation Goals - 

1.  #fruitnveggie challenge. Get 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 
2. Water challenge. Strive to drink more water. Some moms are striving to drink half their body weight in water. For instance if you weigh 180, strive to drink 90 ounces of water per day.

My Goals -
  • The long term goal 50lbs. by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal 4 lbs. per month. 
    • January - 4 pounds lost = goal met.
    • February - 5 pounds lost = goal met.
    • March - +1 gain = goal NOT met.
    • April - remains to be seen.
My Work Outs - Completely interrupted by life!

Monday - 1 hour boot camp, 1 hour spin (whoot!) kicked it up a notch.

Tuesday - 1 hour circuit training.
Wednesday - 60 minute walk, 1 hour boot camp
Thursday - 1.5 hours circuit training
Friday - No work out today sick kid at home.
Saturday - No workouts
Sunday - No work outs

Measurements -
Didn't measure - had to finish up with the #ubp10

Scale Reading -
Didn't weigh in - had to finish up with the #ubp10

Stress Level -
Off the charts this week!#ubp10 Coordinating 300+ prizes can be a big job.

The UP side -
Leah and I had a conversation through email and she asked me about going to Weight Watchers because we were talking about food. I explained that I couldn't add one more thing to my schedule. She said, you're telling me what you can't do why not tell me what you can do!" I told her I would work on that list. So here it goes!

Stick to not drinking cokes. That has been pretty easy.
Stick to not eating fried foods.
Stick to NOT eating any fast food.
Stick to my work out schedule and try to increase it each week.
Stick to drinking at least 40 ounces of water during my work outs.

Continue to change what I eat for the better adding more fruits and veggies.
Not freak out if I miss a workout because my schedule was interrupted by life.
Stick to a food journal thanks to my Google calendar.

I have injured my ankle by sitting in this chair too long. I didn't think that was possible. Currently I can't walk or run without hobbling so I have it wrapped and I'm icing it. I'll get back to the gym asap. I miss my workouts!

I'm looking forward to reading how the rest of my "sistas" did this week.
And now I'm going to #GLEEK out on you!

I'm always hunting workout music which you will find in my DJ Booth at You can search the #mamavation hashtag or #workouttunes to see my lists. If you have any music suggestions leave them in the comment section!


Secure Your Success
Charting your progress gets you there faster. Try these tools:

Track my weight loss.
Track my weight loss.

Watch my waist get smaller.
Watch my waist get smaller.

Track my walking.
Track my walking.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood".

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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5 Fingers of Thanks


1.) Thankful that the prize drawing for #ubp10 finally came to an end on Monday 3pm. lol - This post is back tracking. If you were at the party then you know where I was the whole time.
2.) Thankful to have kept up with our bible study reading this week! Whoot.
3.) Thankful that my monkey bread bombed this time! I bought the Grands biscuits - bad idea. At least I didn't get to eat it all. - lol
4.)Thankful to all the #ubp10 visitors who came by to say thank you here and on Twitter and on Facebook and on the Happy Panda blog.
5.) Thankful that the Angel Food Ministries distribution is this Saturday!

If you would like to share in my Sundays of thanks there is a Mr. Linky.

Below is the code for those five little fingers above or feel free to create your own.

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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It's The After Party - Party! #ubp10

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Did you guys have a great time or what? It's hard to believe that it's been an entire week that this party has gone on. Twitter and Facebook have been such great resources for this party. We party goers have been Tweeting links, answering questions and retweeting like crazy! I'm @PamelaMKramer and @HappyPandaBaby. I followed so many new links from the party Twitter haulted my business account until I have more followers.

As the prize coordinator I had the opportunity to hit well over 300+ blogs! Here are few that caught my attention.

Not Your Average Teen - I was pretty impressed by her "bullets." You can follow her on Twitter too @NotAverageTeen.

Larry @CakeBlast is a Daddy blogger and I've seen his avatar around on a lot of blogs that I follow but I never found his blog until the party!

Did any of you meet @Susieqtpies? We tweeted a lot and she has a really cool blog too! Go say hello she's pretty awesome.

There are lots more bloggers and if you do follow my Twitter account then you might have seen me tweet some of my favorite posts too. I don't like to leave anyone out. lol
It's almost time for me to start drawing for prizes so I better get my coffee made because it's going to be a long night!

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
post signature

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Aloha Friday #110 - Mother's Day

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
Mother's Day is just around the corner! What are you hoping to do on that special day?

Be part of Friday Follow!

Friday Follow

Click on the image to find out how YOU can join the celebration

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Wordless Wednesday - His Ice Cream

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

To view other Wordful Wednesday blogs head over to:

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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#Mamavation Monday

Watch Lives Change

Weekly Mamavation Goals - 
Eat Subway!!! Try their breakfast sandwich. The Western Egg White Muffin Melt with only 4 grams of fat and under 200 calories.

1.  #fruitnveggie challenge. Get 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 
2. Water challenge. Strive to drink more water. Some moms are striving to drink half their body weight in water. For instance if you weigh 180, strive to drink 90 ounces of water per day.

My Goals -
  • The long term goal 50lbs. by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal 4 lbs. per month. 
    • January - 4 pounds lost = goal met.
    • February - 5 pounds lost = goal met.
    • March - +1 gain = goal NOT met.
    • April - remains to be seen.
My Work Outs - Completely interrupted by life!

Monday - 1 hour boot camp, 1/2 hour spin
I was determined to go longer because I gained weight last week. Just when I talked myself into going another 15 minutes the child watch lady came to get me out of class to change a poopy diaper! lol
Tuesday - No work out. Silly had surgery today for her ears and our son had an asthma attack.
Wednesday -20 minute walk, 34 minute 2 mile jog
Thursday - Worked on The Ultimate Blog Party prize page instead.
Friday - No work out today I was in traffic instead of boot camp.
Saturday -7 hours of shoveling sand and dirt. It was a labor of love. I was in so much pain later in the evening.
Sunday - No work outs

Measurements -
Chest -.5"
Waist -2"
Hips  -1"
Legs = same
Arms +.5"

Scale Reading -
Zero loss, zero gain, but who cares! I lost 2 inches in my waist and an inch off of my hips! Whoot. My eating was not so great and I didn't keep up with the food journal very well either.

Stress Level -
Off the charts this week! Another child having surgery and another one having an asthma attack. It was total chaos this week. I couldn't keep up with my normal routine. If I could have ran more I would have but my body can only take so much.

The UP side -
I'm closer to being confident about running in that 5K in July! I still want the calorie counter, heart rate, stop watch, pedometer all in one. I'm still shopping. If you have suggestions leave them in the comment section. I'm also thinking about those shape shoes! I've heard great things about those shoes. Do you watch The Biggest Loser? I do, every Tuesday night! Do you know Darius? He said, "I want to be able to do anything!" I can so relate to that because that's what I want too. I don't want to be a work out queen or anything I just want my body to be able to do what I tell it to do. If I want to play tennis then yes do it! If I want to jog x amount of miles then yes do that too! If I want to go to boot camp and do x push ups then yes let's do that too. I just want change!

I'm looking forward to reading how the rest of my "sistas" did this week.
This is in my play list while I jog. Remember this one?

I'm always hunting workout music which you will find in my DJ Booth at You can search the #mamavation hashtag or #workouttunes to see my lists. If you have any music suggestions leave them in the comment section!


Secure Your Success
Charting your progress gets you there faster. Try these tools:

Track my weight loss.
Track my weight loss.

Watch my waist get smaller.
Watch my waist get smaller.

Track my walking.
Track my walking.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood".

Just a reminder to join us tonight for the Mamavation Launch Party from 8-10pm EST. We will be announcing the next two Mamavation Moms, giving away prizes EVERY 5 MINUTES, and chatting about healthy living as a mom. Come RSVP and enter the giveaway,

Today is also the LAST DAY to vote for the Mamavation Finalist that inspires you the most. Moms from all over the internet applied to be part of this program. Finalists were chosen and the voting is VERY CLOSE! You can view the finalists and vote here,

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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5 Fingers of Thanks


1.) Thankful that my daughter can now hear. She has been babbling up a storm!
2.) Thankful to have been able to jog for 2 miles this week.
3.) Thankful that all the prizes are now posted for The Ultimate Blog Party.
4.) Thankful to almost have a girls weekend. My baby girl and I had fun.
5.) Thankful that the Angel Food Ministries is getting online orders through our church.

If you would like to share in my Sundays of thanks there is a Mr. Linky.

Below is the code for those five little fingers above or feel free to create your own.

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
post signature

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Aloha Friday #109 - Are you going?

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
Are you going to the biggest blog party of the year? The Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom.

Be part of Friday Follow!

Friday Follow

Click on the image to find out how YOU can join the celebration

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Happy Ultimate Blog Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

If you are here from the party, WELCOME! I'm the busy bee behind the scenes organizing all those sweet prizes. You have reached my home away from home. I'm offering some gift certificates to my Happy Panda store (#2 US only) and some t-shirts compliments of my blog here (#2 US and Canada).

Because I'm an organizer I don't get to list all the goodies that I would like to win but if I could get a prize I would love to have either of these!

US39 -Be My Guest certificate ($250 value) for one lucky winner, (2 night stay for a family of four) at any Hilton Garden Inn.
Provided by: Hilton Garden Inn

US40- One winner will receive a 3 day 2 night stay from Holiday Inn Main Gate East in Kissimmee, FL (less than 2 miles from Disney World) a value of $250.

Provided by: Holiday Inn Main Gate

I'm sure I could go on and on but honestly I have to get back over to the prize post and add more prizes. Enjoy the party and have a blast meeting everyone.

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

I just had to add this quick little video so you could get a little taste of my daily life! I was trying to get that one great shot.

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Wordless Wednesday - After Day Surgery

She got ear tubes in and adenoids removed. She was pretty grumpy afterward and I don't blame her one bit. She is recovering nicely though. At least now we know she will hear well.

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

To view other Wordful Wednesday blogs head over to:

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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#Mamavation Monday

Watch Lives Change

Weekly Mamavation Goals - 

1.  #fruitnveggie challenge. Get 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 
2. Water challenge. Strive to drink more water. Some moms are striving to drink half their body weight in water. For instance if you weigh 180, strive to drink 90 ounces of water per day.

My Goals -
  • The long term goal 50lbs. by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal 4 lbs. per month. 
    • January - 4 pounds lost = goal met.
    • February - 5 pounds lost = goal met.
    • March - +1 gain = goal NOT met.
My Work Outs -

Monday - 1 hour boot camp, 1/2 hour walk
Tuesday -1 hour circuit training. 50 minute walk.
Wednesday - 1 hour boot camp, 1 hour walk.
Thursday - 1 hour circuit, 1/2 hour jog.
Friday - 1 hour boot camp - My husband came to the class with me. Now he knows why I look so drained when I get home.
Saturday - I went to donate blood today. I was denied because my iron count was too low!
Sunday - No work outs

Measurements -
Chest -.5"
Waist +1"
Hips  = same
Legs -5."
Arms = same

Scale Reading -
2 pound gain, Why? I did well staying mostly out of the Easter candy. Ok, so I had a piece of chocolate yesterday but that isn't going to add 2 pounds in one day! or is it? Could it be the chocolate mousse piece of cake for dessert on Saturday? Oh come on! My husband and I split that piece. I'm really disappointed and frustrated.

Stress Level -
I had a pretty uneventful week, however the weekend was very stressful. Now all major holidays are starting to stress me out. I liked weighing on Tuesdays because at least I got a work out in on Monday. Maybe I need to work out on the weekends? Seriously, that's a joke! I have do idea where I would fit it in. Maybe if I got up at 5am? That's not going to happen. I'm not a morning person.

The UP side -
I'm looking into some of those sport watches that keep track of everything! I want the calorie counter, heart rate, stop watch, pedometer all in one. I'm still shopping. I jogged for a mile and a half and that is huge progress! I've decided to run the 5K in July. I think I can do it. I have time to train for it so why not!

I'm looking forward to reading how the rest of my "sistas" did this week.

I'm always hunting workout music which you will find in my DJ Booth at You can search the #mamavation hashtag or #workouttunes to see my lists. If you have any music suggestions leave them in the comment section!


Secure Your Success
Charting your progress gets you there faster. Try these tools:

Track my weight loss.
Track my weight loss.

Watch my waist get smaller.
Watch my waist get smaller.

Track my walking.
Track my walking.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood".

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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