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A Renaissance Woman


So You Think You Can Dance?

My Q seems to think so and she's going to audition. "Go For It!" That's what I say. She's been talking about it for about a year now. She called me yesterday very excited that auditions are coming in 3 weeks. My son is excited that his sister might be on TV. Who knows, she has as good of a shot as anyone else I'm sure. She's been dancing for about 5-6 years now. She use to dance when she was little but then she got bored with it. She went back around 13 and improved steadily every year. Her senior year was something to see! So Good Luck Q, get out there and do your best.


Size 7?

Where have I been? October 28th we bought the boys brand new shoes. The little guy was a size 5. My dh kept telling me he was having a hard time getting the babies shoes on. I thought it was just him. We went yesterday to the shoe store because my dh couldn't find the shoes. We measured his foot and he is wearing a size 7! When did that happen? Apparently over the last 2 months. This brought about the need for new pants for both boys. Yesterday was a fun filled day of shopping. Where have I been? I knew they were growing but that's just crazy.



Shrek Cookbook: Gingybread men

My big boy had to break out the cookbook in order to make cookies for Santa. We tried this recipe. I've never made any type of ginger bread anything. These were fun but we had the most fun decorating them. My big boy is turning into quite the baker. He gave these cookies 1 1/2 thumbs up! - LOL - He's a hoot.


Thursday Thirteen - December WT?

13 Things that make me say "What The...?"

1.) How a 9 year old gets a cell phone for Christmas.
2.) How someone can steal Christmas decorations out of your front yard.
3.) How a person can curl up on the cement in front of a liquor store on Christmas day.
4.) How a parent can get so trashed at a party they have to have the kid drive them home.
5.) Having to use the money I got as a Christmas present to pay bills.
6.) Having to go to work the day after Christmas. Can't we get an extra day to recover?
7.) How a person spends money on Christmas presents instead of paying their bills.
8.) How you can send out a Christmas card but don't get one in return.
9.) When my kid says "I don't know, it just doesn't feel like Christmas?" after opening many presents.
10.) Why it takes days to prepare the gifts and 15 minutes to rip them all open.
11.) Why are so many people packed at the mall the day before Christmas?
12.) How people find the energy to hit the after Christmas sales.
13.) How people immediately get pressured to gear up for the New Year! We just made it through Christmas! LOL


Wordless Wednesday - 4 Generations


Thank Goodness for The Little People

I've been fighting the blues with everything I have. I've taken great measures to help me cope with the undeniable karma that has come my way. But alas, my boys! I snap in and out of it. My mind wonders and then he starts to sing Christmas carols. He has counted his presents and written his letter to Santa. He has grocery shopped and there will be an orange and ginger bread cookies put out for Santa. There will be carrots and special reindeer food. We didn't see Santa this year. I thought we were going to get away with it until yesterday! He said, "I want to see Santa!" We made the dreaded trip and got in this mile long line and a young lady approached our family. She said, "Santa has to go feed his reindeer now and won't be back until 6pm." It was 4:30pm. My dh bribed him into leaving with a lego set. What??? He never bribed before but today he broke. -LOL
Lucky for us Santa was going to be there at 8am sharp the next morning. We had a new plan! There was hope and we would be there at 8am to talk to Santa. As an added bonus this would be the baby's first photo with Santa. This should be fun! Something horrible happened! Our son was up at 4:30am trying to put the rest of the Lego set together. He had all the lights on in the house. My dh started yelling and woke the baby. It would be another hour before we were all asleep again. Needless to say we didn't leave the house till 8am. No worries, we got there, the line moved pretty fast and our little guy got to tell Santa exactly what he wanted! We all sighed with relief. The baby - well he wasn't sure what to make of Santa. He didn't seem to be all that impressed but he was tolerant long enough to snap the famous photo with Santa picture. So this is a lesson to us, get the photo long before Christmas Eve.



Thursday Thirteen - College Prep

13 Things I did to help prepare her.

1. Paid for Prep SAT testing.
2. Made sure she was in advanced classes.
3. Talked her into taking the dual credit classes in high school.
4. Helped her research dance teams at the colleges she wanted to attend.
5. Let her go with friends to tour TX A&M and paid for the gas and food.
6. Paid for gas, food and hotel accommodations to tour North Texas State with a friend.
7. Paid for gas and food and arranged overnight accommodations with my uncle to tour UT in Austin.
8. Helped her to research registration requirements and costs for dorms and tuition at each school.
9. Had her research the expense of apartments and living expenses locally.
10. Arranged an agreement with her to pay for tuition and books as long as she remained within the ABC range.
12. Paid for her living expenses based on her budget, co-signed for her apartment lease and electricity.
13. Helped her create her degree plan.

Looks like I did all but go to school for her. In case you are wondering, none of this really worked well.



Wordless Wednesday


Thursday Thirteen - Work Out

What's keeps me going when I'm working out!

1.) Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake (Ab work - LOL)
2.) I Don't Feel Like Dancing - Scissor Sisters (obstacle course)
3.) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood (walking or running)
4.) U2 - Elevation (walking, running, weight training)
5.) Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel (great for walking or running)
6.) Golden Years - David Bowie (weight lifting or treadmill)
7.) Groove Is In The Heart - Deee Lite (anything)
8.) Give It Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers (Running!)
9.) Magic Carpet Ride - Remix (walking or running)
10.) Love Roller Coaster - The Ohio Players (anything)
11.) A Little Less Conversation - Elvis Remix (Running!)
12.) Hampster Dance - Hampton The Hampster (anything)
13.) George Kranz - Din Da Da (anything)


Week 2 of Boot Camp

,I finally made it in this morning. Rolling out of bed was tough as usual but I got there in time to walk the warm up lap. After watching The Biggest Loser last night I was inspired. Once I'm out there it's ok but it's getting there that is madness. We did a lot of weight lifting today. We were going to play the Amazing Race but there was a power outage and secretly I was happy about it! LOL - We worked out under the pavilion instead. There were a few moms who had missed because of those cooties that are going around. That shigella is a force to be reckoned with! I'm sure I will be sore tomorrow but so far so good. It's my eating habits that I battle with every day. I'm a horrible eater. I love my comfort foods. Till tomorrow!

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Wordless Wednesday


My Feet!

No it's not from boot camp. Even better it's from standing around for 6 hours at the ER today. Something called shigella is making its way around the schools. A note was sent home last week about it and over the weekend our 7 year old came down with some serious illness. I won't go into the gory details but it was enough to take him to the ER. Since shigella is contagious they checked out the baby too. We won't know exactly what it is for 48 hours. They ended up doing an ultra sound on the baby which involved me pinning his arms and another nurse holding his legs. He finally passed out from exhaustion because he was crying so much. Of course the tech isn't going to tell me what she sees. Instead she goes to get the doctor and considering he has had intestinal surgery before I start to panic inside. All I can think is if they have to cut him open I'm going to lose it. My dh is in Florida, my daughter is in the ER with our other son, and here I sit waiting to hear the results. I don't know how much time had passed but it felt like a half hour, just long enough to get my mind racing before the doctor showed up. He's fine, thank you God! Our other son is being treated and trying to rest. My poor daughter spent the entire day helping us and she has finals this evening and missed work. Me, I'm just dazed with all of the madness that occurred today. My dh is on a plane home. I'm looking forward to tomorrow and hopefully a little normalcy. Lysol is my best friend! I'm so sick of laundry but it must be done. All the bedding in the house is being washed and anything that can be touched has been sprayed with Lysol. Right now, I just want a freakin piece of chocolate.


Bring on The Pain

What is boot camp? You can click here to find out more about it. This is a franchise so they are located in a lot of different places. The only thing that should vary is the instructor. It also seems like a great employment opportunity too.

Last night I'm watching Grey's Anatomy which comes on at 8pm and before I know it I'm fast asleep. LOL - No more late night blogging and surfing for me. I made it out of the bed this morning. The problem? Moving. Advil is not touching me at all today. Everything is so sore. It hurts to go to the bathroom! Why? The squatting motion brings on the pain. My son wanted me to walk him to school this morning. It's only a block and let me tell you I didn't want to walk that block! But I sucked it up and walked regardless of the pain. Three days in a row of an hour long full body workout. This includes cardio, weight training and anything else you wanna stick in there. I get to break for the weekend and I'm so happy about that. Right now it hurts to move at all. Typing hasn't become an issue yet. - LOL - Lifting laundry baskets and going up and down the stairs and lifting my son. Ohhhh it hurts. But aside from that mentally I'm feeling good because I'm keeping up. Now if I could just get my eating under control. I'll blog more about that later.

Till Monday.........

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Boot Camp Day 2

What I learned already this morning-

Today wasn't pretty! It was so warm and cozy under the covers in my bed. I talked myself into getting up and out the door. My body aches. We had to do the buddy run, squats, patty cake planks, wall sits, walking lunges and lots more. The whole time I kept thinking to myself - (warning: negativity coming!) how did you let yourself get like this? If you were in shape you wouldn't have to be here at 5am. Why didn't you watch what you ate? Stop eating fast food and cook at home. Why must I jiggle? This is so wrong.

I made it through today and starting is the hardest part. Once you create a new routine your ok! My dh is throwing me off. He is going out of town which means I either miss tomorrow and make it up next week - BAD! or Call my Q for a sleep over so that someone is with the little people in the morning. I'm going for the sleep over.

My very first time at boot camp I went 5 days a week. This was good and bad. Good because it started a routine but bad because my body never got to heal. I was sore the entire time. By the third time I signed up I dropped to 3 days a week. This works better for me but then again it's easy to say, "I'll just make it up the next day!" I don't think I really started losing any inches from my body till my 3rd or 4th session. I tried cutting out bread or at least cutting back. That helped a lot!

Till tomorrow..........

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Thursday Thirteen

13 Things My Toddler Understands

1.) Dance (bobs head and bends knees)
2.) Put it back
3.) Close it (closes cabinet or drawer)
4.) Let's take a bath (runs to the bathtub)
5.) Brush your teeth (climbs upstairs to the bathroom)
6.) Night, Night (puts head on my shoulder)
7.) Let's go bye-bye (runs for door)
8.) Say Hello (puts phone up to his ear)
9.) Give me a hug (runs full blast with arms open wide)
10.) Give me a kiss (presses his check to my lips)
11.) Let's put your shoes on (sits on steps of staircase so I can put them on)
12.) Time to eat (runs to high chair)
13.) Milk? (signs for milk by squeezing his hands to say yes)


The Mile

I've had weight issues since the birth of my eldest son 7 years ago. Have I really transformed my life? No, not really. At least not like in a Biggest Loser kind of way. I have stepped up the exercise over the last 7 years but have been inconsistent and so I yo-yo. I miss my old body. At 5am I started my 6th session of boot camp. I've been on an 8 week hiatus for several reasons. Point is I'm back and it starts with push ups till failure. I made it to 20 on my toes not the knees. Before you judge drop and give yourself 20 on your toes and get back with me. I think I made it to 30 on toes before my hiatus. Then we had to run the mile. I didn't have my music with me. Oh the agony because I always have a better time when I have my music. I began to jog a steady pace and all I could think of is "What are the 12 Days of Christmas?" I spent the entire mile trying to remember the song. I got to the 5th day and nothing! If you watch the Biggest Loser then you might know about the personal trainer named Bob Harper. I could hear him in my head, "You can do this all day long! You got this!" It was pretty cool. I told myself that as soon as I saw Sara (our instructor) that I was going to sprint and I did. My time 11 min 48 seconds. Before you judge go run a mile, time it and get back with me. I was at 11 minutes before my hiatus. I need new shoes and I'm putting that on my Christmas list. So I'm on my way back and I felt so good being there at 5:30am in 30 degree weather. Thank goodness!

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Wordless Wednesday


Look What I Did To My Family!!!!!

Laura Williams has a very funny daughter. She did this to her mother and after I saw it I had to do it to my family too. I hope you check out the link because this it too funny for words.


Great Grandkids!

Approximately midnight there was a doorbell ring. My grandmother and mother awoke and opened the door to find this! Happy 80th Birthday Grandma! Those crazy kids. The neighbors thought it was gang related! LOL - Yeah a gang of great grandkids. Yes, they came to clean it up. She loved it.