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A Renaissance Woman


Juneathon-Are you in?

Let's Do This!
I'm ready to be back in the game! I'm up for a challenge. Super awesome Running Rachel told me about Juneathon and it seems doable. For the month of June you do some form of exercise every single day and blog about it. Seems simple enough don't you think? I'm in, are you in?

For more details click on the Juneathon hyperlink. See you there!




Pamela M. Kramer and Karen A. Nelson

I was late last week and most of you never even saw this and it's so darn funny to me that I'm bringing it back for an encore! It's the custom 404 page error I created for Houston interior designer Karen A. Nelson. We both got a good laugh from it! Enjoy.

For more WW participants head to:
Mom Blogs  

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Crossfit-Daze-Coming Back For More!

Shaun McCrary general manager at @CrossfitUnity Seabrook, Texas
If you show up the day after a Murph workout you must have some sort of issue or you showed Murph who was boss and it was a cakewalk. Honestly, I took a look at my week and I knew I better get in the gym because my schedule is going to be crazy. If my me time is in the afternoon ok, if I have to switch it up and go in the morning that's ok too. I don't really like working out at night but I will if it's the only time I can get it in.

Today I'm barely moving. Every muscle in my body is sore. I normally take Bayer back and pain reliever for days like today. I'm ready for an Epsom salt bath! For today's WOD (work out of the day) if you are new to the Crossfit lingo we had to do 80 clean and press with a kettle bell in between 3,4, or 5 reps of burpees. We got to pick our poison. Considering my limited movement I knew that the beginner would be too light for me (10lb kettle bell) so I went with intermediate. I have used the lightest weight during a work out and believe it or not hurt myself a lot worse. It had something to do with not having enough resistance, and I learned my lesson.

For me it was an 18lb kettle bell and 4 burpees, it's the intermediate route. What Shaun did was start the clock - GO! I did four burpees and then immediately start on the clean and press with the kettle bell counting reps. The minute is up! Bam get back on the floor for another round of 4 burpees when you finish pick up the kettle bell and pick up where you left off. This went on and on and it hurt so badly. Nothing worse than losing your form in the middle of a burpee. If you let your back sway instead of holding in your core it will mess you up badly.

My time to complete 80 clean and press with a kettle bell was 11 minutes and 15 seconds. The real deal is I made it to 79 and Shaun said, "Burpees!" and I said, "NO I'm counting this rep!" and I stopped. Really I should have dropped and given four more burpees and then the one rep but honestly it wasn't going to happen. My shoulder blades are fried and every muscle in my body is complaining. I'm going to give myself a break and call it good.

My plan for these posts is only to post when Shaun captures me. The photos prompt me to write and I find it easier to do it this way. The shot is obviously of me in midair during the tail end of a burpee. I love those huge arm pit sweat spots! At least you know I'm working hard right? I had no idea I got that kind of height. Pretty cool if you ask me. Until next time...



#Mamavation Monday - Breath Move, Breath Move!

It's the real deal baby! Right here. The heat, the pain, the omg why did I eat that stupid cookie? This is 45 pounds but from the look of this photo you would think I had 200 pounds over my head. It wasn't heavy, it's trying to get down in that squat that will get you! You just hope that your hip flexors aren't so tight that they won't let you bend properly. Well technically you shoot your bottom back but still it all has to work together. I can't wait until June starts so I don't have to keep looking at how much I screwed up this month with what I was eating and drinking and all the sugar and caffeine in take! I'm on the second stage of all these new fun medications that my longevity doctor has prescribed. It's suppose to kick everything into high gear but we will see. I don't think anything is going to move if I keep eating junk. Time and time again I can't beat a bad diet and I know this but there are some other switches that get flipped in the process. It's pretty much that I don't even care some days. I'm just over it. Nothing use to be this hard 20 years ago. What I ate or how I moved was never a blip on my radar. Now....oh good's a whole different ball game. Could it be having kids later in life? I was 36 when I had my last one. Does Paleo work? Yes, you bet it does. Can I maintain it in a house with 4 other people that are NOT into Paleo? Not so much. Can I figure out balance? Well there's life and stuff happens and who wants to feel bad when you can feel good? lol - Seems crazy huh? This is how my brain works about 5 days out of the month. It's not good. Not sure what to do about it other than live with it and move on when it's over. Running feels like total crap! I feel so huge and my feels like an elephant running. Except even elephants are better at running at this point than I am. OK - this morning I did my weigh in and I was NOT happy so I went to crossfit and did the Memorial Day Murph work out of the day. I came home weighed in and lost 3 pounds so guess which number I'm going with? You know it sista!

Eating out: Chick-Fil-A, Gringos, Subway, Wingstop, Pizza*.*

My Work Outs this past week-
5/21Monday - Crossfit
5/22 Tuesday - Crossfit
5/23 Wednesday - Crossfit
5/24 Thursday - Rest
5/25 Friday - Crossfit
5/26 Saturday - Rest
5/27 Sunday - Rest

Scale Reading-  No change! Cuz I lost the 3 pounds today that I gained all week. lol - Whoa!

Stress Level -High -Things just aren't great. That's all I can say.

The UP side-I ran today.

Injury prevention is important!
Be a good role model.
A special reminder for us all...

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 37 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 172 - 160 = 12 pound loss
    • February 165 - 161 = 4 pound loss
    • March 166- 165 = 1 pound loss
    • April 165 - 162 = 3 pound loss
    • May 163 -
    • June
    • July
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December


Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Crossfit-Daze-Memorial Day Murph

Hello Murph, so we meet again. This is the day Crossfitters around the world honor those who have served. I remember this from last year but not well enough. I wish I would have looked up my time or remembered what the WOD was because it would have helped.
I thought I was going to be smart and break it up by 4 rounds. What was I thinking? That was the worst idea ever and I'll bet you I did the same thing last year. NO break that up if you can even more. Even with a black band for pull ups and girlie knee push ups it didn't matter. Murph reminded me who was boss.
By round two I was starring at all the sweat on the floor that was accumulating. It was awful. I didn't think I was going to make it. There were words that left my mouth that were very unlady like. Good thing what happens at the gym, stays at the gym. While I'm on my 175th push up I had to take a break and pray to Jesus. Yes you bet I did. It took everything that I had to finish. I could hear people telling me that I was almost done, "Come on Pam!" Ugh! I'm here until I finish. My legs wobbled during the air squats it just sucked. By 36 minutes in, there was someone already finished. Amazing! After round two I had to break up the other half into 5 rounds or I was NOT going to make it. I was dizzy, I wanted to puke, I wanted to cry, I wanted to give up but I didn't. I was the LAST person to run, sucked to be last but it would have sucked more not to finish.
How funny that NO one else but Branden the one who finished first, Erin the one who did 100 pull ups without a band and me the one who finished last put our times on the board. Where are all the other times? Either way I finished and then I came home to see if I could find my time and lucky for me I was on Daily Mile all the way back then. In 2011 I finished in 60:53 seconds. Arg! One side of me says LAME! It's been a year. The other side says, this is the first time you have run 2 miles in 6 months, get over it, you've been hurt and you're on your way back, you finished! Murph would be proud. As Ken said, "Someone has to bring up the rear!" Until next year Murph.



Memes - 5 Fingers of Thanks

1.) Thankful to have spent a fun day with my family at our first annual Family Reunion.
2.) Thankful that my grandmother's sister is finally at peace.
3.) Thankful my children had such a good time with their family.
4.) Thankful that my feet are continuing to heal. I'm ready to begin running.
5.) Thankful that I'm going in for Memorial Day Murph tomorrow so I don't have to freak out about all the junk I ate today. lol

If you find yourself thinking you would like to share your own five fingers of thanks with me, please leave it in the comment section so I can share in your joy!

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1st Annual Family Reunion

Me and my cousin Greg brought home the winning prize for the 3 legged race. We oddly enough tied my Mother and his Father (they're siblings) the first time around. The second time we really kicked it into high gear. I have the biggest bruise on my leg because I tied our legs too tight! lol
We played a LOT of games and this was an egg race. You put a hard boiled egg in a spoon and then run with it! My sister in law had some family fun up her sleeve. 
 My son found the board game Battleship. The kids had such a great time. Oh the food there was so much food! There were soooooooooooooooo many cookies. I could have ran home from the sugar high! lol Thank goodness I'm going to be doing Murph tomorrow for Memorial day.
The girls took the time to teach our little Silly to catch. She missed a bunch of times before she actually caught one. She is always stuck playing with her brothers so when there are girls around she just loves it! If you are in the mood to see more of our family games you can check out my You Tube channel for the watermelon eating contest, the balloon race and more!



Crossfit-Daze-Making The Time

Today was "square dance day" at school. My little guy started first thing in the morning and then we had a 3 hour break before our eldest son was suppose to have his turn. Lucky for me our box has a huge number of classes and I was able to make it for a work out during my break! I cut it really close but I made it.
This is my trainer Shaun lifting my one rep max dead lift with one hand. Seriously? Yes. Last year around September I hit my one rep max with 195 lbs. but today I'm only at 125 lbs. These things happen when you have to build yourself back up after injury. It's not like you should just STOP you have to keep showing up.

 And yes we do roll out! We roll out before a work out and we roll out after work outs. I'm really surprised when people are shocked by the fact that we warm up before a work out. Seems strange not too. As much as we ask our bodies to do it only makes sense.
 This was our WOD today but I went really light today because I know I'm still on my way back. My weight was 15 pounds in each hand. with dumb bells and the slam ball. Could I lift more? It's possible but one wrong move and I could be back to square one and that is not a risk I'm willing to take after 6 months of rehab. I have to smart, play it safe and try like heck not to compare myself to anyone other than me. Even that can be hard. I know where I was last year compared to where I am now.
This is me after my work out. I call this my endorphin face! I'm really happy after a work out, even though it might be tough the work out always outweighs the stress. People will say to me, "oh the expense, oh it's a long drive." To me it's ALL worth it. I must make the time for myself. This is me making the time, fitting it in around a busy day.


Memes - Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
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Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Memes - #Aloha Friday - Blogging Day

I'm constantly learning new things about blogging and the wonderful ways of the internet. There is a lot of information about traffic. This got me to thinking....

What are your best blogging traffic days and why?

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Memes-#WordlessWednesday-404 Error!

Pamela M. Kramer and Karen A. Nelson

Sorry I'm late but I have been working some seriously long hours. For a little comic relief I thought I would share this custom 404 Error page. Lucky for me the owner of the site has a sense of humor! We had a great laugh over this one.

For more WW participants head to:
Mom Blogs  

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Crossfit-Daze-Newbie Day

This is Geri and today was her very first day at our box. She's done it before but not with us. I know Geri from Adventure bootcamp and a running bootcamp and we have crossed paths in several races along the way. She always sees me talking about my work outs on Facebook so she came to join me today.
 @CrossfitUnity - #Crossfit SWOD - Front squats 5-3-1 (65, 85, 105) not bad, not great but it's progress. Wall Ball Burpees 10lb med ball - 3 reps increase by 1 rep per round for 12 minutes. I only made it to 10 reps and then I had to bear crawl the rest of the time. It was ugly! Must work on that core. But Geri - well she beat us ALL. She was the last one standing in the final round. Amazing job for her first day. I think she will back. :)


#Mamavation Monday - Move Along

Clearly I'm back in the box! lol - A little crossfit humor for you. These are goblet squats. I'm several days late because I've been working some seriously long hours so I'm working my way backwards. I'm in the gym yes but my diet is not on track. I'm eating so bad that my trips the gym are cancelled out. My head isn't all the way in the right place. There have been a lot of emotional stuff going that I'm not going to get into here because it's just no the appropriate place. My husband God love him isn't helping. He keeps buying ice cream. He says it's because it's on sale but seriously I'm not resisting at all. I'm paying for it. I feel bad. I feel big and swollen and icky! Just icky. You would think that would be enough but clearly it's not. I'm drinking super strong coffee which has kept me up for many hours. I keep trying to catch up but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm almost over the hurdle. Just a few more days??? That's what I keep telling myself.

Eating out: Chick-Fil-A, Gringos, Subway, Wingstop, Pizza*.*

My Work Outs this past week-
5/14 Monday - Crossfit
5/15 Tuesday - Crossfit
5/16 Wednesday - Crossfit
5/17 Thursday - Rest
5/18 Friday - Crossfit
5/19 Saturday - Crossfit
5/20 Sunday - Rest

Scale Reading-  Gained 1 pound.

Stress Level -High - My husband and I keep buying crap at the store and by crap I mean cokes, chips, candy and ice cream. OMG!

The UP side- I know what I need to do to turn this around.


Injury prevention is important!
Be a good role model.
A special reminder for us all...

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 37 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 172 - 160 = 12 pound loss
    • February 165 - 161 = 4 pound loss
    • March 166- 165 = 1 pound loss
    • April 165 - 162 = 3 pound loss
    • May 163 -
    • June
    • July
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December


Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Memes - 5 Fingers of Thanks

1.) Thankful that my feet are finally healing. I want to get back to running. It helps me keep a clear head.
2.) Thankful to be back in the gym more often. I'm still having a few issues but I'm handling it.
3.) Thankful to finally have done and off of my plate!
4.) Thankful for all the help to get that project finished. It was a learning curve for sure.
5.) Thankful Memorial Day is coming and we can get a much needed day of rest.

If you find yourself thinking you would like to share your own five fingers of thanks with me, please leave it in the comment section so I can share in your joy!

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Crossfit-Daze-Party WOD

Crossfitters Group Shot for Crossfit Unity
Today was the Crossfit Unity 2 year anniversary party. Nothing like a group shot after a 12 minute wod out in the parking lot in the middle of the afternoon in Texas. You might as well be barbequing us! It was a tough work out let me tell  you. We broke up in teams of three. Lucky for me I had a couple of super humans on my team. Whoo Hoo!

Shaun McCrary and Pamela M. Kramer
On this side of the parking lot we got to do overhead squats. Mmmmm fun. Did I mention how hot it was outside. This was caught near the end of the 12 minutes.
Crossfit Unity Party WOD
Meanwhile I'm waiting for a team member doing lunges to come and relieve me. We ended up with 151 reps. The idea is to count your reps until the person doing lunges gets to you and then they pick the next number.
Crossfit Party WOD
My team member on the left is Tracie and she is a Crossfit BEAST! She is really awesome. She was doing dumb bell cleans on the other side of the parking lot. I think we ended up 342 reps.
Pamela M. Kramer
It felt like forever but it was only 12 minutes and then it was time to clean up. Whoa! Now we feast on some burgers and yummy food that everyone brought to share.
Mmmmm cake
Even a Crossfit party has cake! So when people worry about paying more for a Crossfit membership than a gym, belonging to a box is really like having an extended family. A friend was trying to figure out if she could justify the money for a membership. It's a lifestyle change. We make the adjustment when we want something bad enough. How is that for a party WOD? Until next year.

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Memes - Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
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Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Memes - #Aloha Friday - Summer Song

Summer is so close! The kids will be out of school and the vacations will begin. I'm not ready for it but usually I can get in the mood with a little music. This got me to thinking....

What is your favorite Summer time song?

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Memes-#WordlessWednesday-Reality Check

A day in downtown Houston.
Each week I travel downtown to work in a law office. On this particular day this was my view from the windshield of my car. It made me realize how lucky so many people are to have a bed to sleep in. For me it was culture shock. This is not what I normally see in the little town that I live in. I had to take a moment to say a prayer for these three men sleeping on the street (one is not shown).

For more WW participants head to:
Mom Blogs  

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Crossfit-Daze-Coming Back

What you see is just a couple of hand fulls of stuff that floats around in my head on a daily basis. There could be more or less depending on the day. What I want to remember is that regardless of everything going on or what I need to do that I am a priority. The last few weeks of Crossfit I have ended up on this very floor after a work out. I don't want to stand or jump up and down because I finished. NO at this point I just want to keep from throwing up. It sucks! 
Pamela M. Kramer Crossfit
My body no longer wants to do what I tell it to without some sort of painful reaction in some area of my body. I know sore and I know pain. When you Crossfit you begin to know the difference very clearly. This situation is sort of annoying. People complain about the distance to drive to the gym. It's about 20-30 minute drive for me both ways. Could I find a closer gym? Probably. I'm a creature of habit. As long as my people are there at the gym then that is where I'm comfortable laying on the floor or puking in the bathroom. I'm among friends. lol - And I can hug my barbell at the end of a work out and reliably count on my trainer to take photos that reveal my agony.

It's hard. Trying to make it back to RX. I'm a beginner again. It's so hard and most of the time I have a really bad attitude. I'm not where I want to be and it's very difficult not to compare yourself by the people you are surrounded by during a WOD on any given day.

Today I was working out with three very fast guys. They were quick, lifting heavy and they didn't need no stinking band to do strict chin ups. I'm here thinking I'm nearly on year two and I'm back to square one. It's utter garb! I expect a lot from myself. I was riding the wave and what a long fall it has been. One that I will never forget that is for sure.

It doesn't matter! I just have to keep showing up. That's all I have to do. I have to fight it, every single step of the way. Just keep showing up....

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#Mamavation Monday - Back on My To Do List

I'm not sure what the heck is going on but I feel like I am finally finding myself again. For a few weeks it was work and work and more work. If I could just work more hours I could this done. NO - I ate more, slept less and stayed out of the gym. None of this was good. I gained weight, I ate out a ton and basically fell of the wagon HARD. I kept going to the gym though even if it was twice a week. It's been a long road. Keeping track of my gym performance has helped me see my journey very clearly. Started out with water aerobics! yes really, then yoga, then adventure boot camp, then circuit training, then YMCA boot camp, Running boot camp, Zumba, Taebo, Body Pump and finally Crossfit. Crossfit is where I have settled in. I spent last year working out 5-6 times a week, sometimes twice a day and lots of preparation for races. I ran a 5k per month all year and trickled in some 10ks along the way. I was lifting some really heavy weights. I was RX the max weight for women in my work outs. Then I got hurt and stopped working out, then modified work outs, and now I'm back...but as a beginner SIX months later. I'm starting all over again with Crossfit as a beginner. I'm weaker, slower, lifting lighter and I can't run yet. There is back pain, my hamstrings and calves are tight all the time. I have plantar in one heel and tendonitis in my other foot in the arch. I've done it ALL! Cortizone shot, pain relievers, ice, heat, stretching, rolling, massages, therapy, acupuncture and laser therapy. Yes even the dreaded Graston technique! I have custom foot soles for my feet.

Yesterday I purchased a new pair of Brooks. Amazingly enough I started to feel better in my right leg immediately. I thought it was joke. I'm still in pain but it's less. I've settled into the pain still. Do I want to be pain free? YES! But really it's just time to put on my big girl panties and move on. There are many levels of pain and as long as I'm walking then I need to keep moving, period. I haven't been to the doctor in over 3 weeks. Huge mistake on my part but that's more financial than anything else. I'm moving on with a better attitude. It's time to come back, not just talk about it but actually show up at the gym. I'm going to have pain no matter what so I might as well get to it.
I DON'T WANT to be a work-a-holic, eating out every day, staying up every night, not enough hours in the day person. I DON'T WANT to be at the bottom of the list. This is how I got here! No matter what, I'm worth the time! Everything else is going to have to wait. PERIOD. I saw what happened to me over the last couple of weeks. No matter what time of the day I need to carve out my time to take care of me. No one else is going to do it. It's up to me and that is all.

Eating out: Chick-Fil-A, Gringos, Subway, Wingstop, Pizza*.*

My Work Outs this past week-
5/7 Monday -
5/8 Tuesday -
5/9 Wednesday - Crossfit
5/10 Thursday - 
5/11 Friday -
5/12 Saturday -
5/13 Sunday -

Scale Reading-  Gained 3 pounds.

Stress Level - Good! I'm gaining but I'm in less pain since the shoes. I'm heading to the Dr. on Wednesday so it's all falling into place.

The UP side- I have a totally different mind set this week. Some flip got switched and I'm actually acting on what I'm saying. This is a good feeling.

Injury prevention is important!
Be a good role model.
A special reminder for us all...

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 37 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 172 - 160 = 12 pound loss
    • February 165 - 161 = 4 pound loss
    • March 166- 165 = 1 pound loss
    • April 165 - 162 = 3 pound loss
    • May 163 -
    • June
    • July
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December


Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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