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A Renaissance Woman


Wordless Wednesday - Sunshine

She is my ray of sunshine in the morning. Even as sick as I am right now she is so cute. She climbs in our bed every morning fully dressed for the day and ready to go. "Wake up Mommy!, I need breakfast." Who can resist that sweet face and super fancy headband? Precious!

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

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How to Simulate Being in the Navy

Here's for everyone who was ever in the Navy, especially for those who miss the routine, experiences and living arrangements (NOTE: those who are Navy wanna-bes will also enjoy the list)!

1. Buy a dumpster, paint it gray inside and out, and live in it for three months.

2. Run all the pipes and wires in your house exposed on the walls.

3. Repaint your entire house every month.

4. Renovate your bathroom. Build a wall across the middle of the bathtub and move the shower head to chest level. When you take showers, make sure you turn off the water while you soap down. Take turns watching each other with a stop watch to limit usage.

5. Put lube oil in your humidifier and set it on high.

6. Once a week, blow air up your chimney, with a leaf blower and let the wind carry the soot onto your neighbor's house. Ignore his complaints.

7. Once a month, take all major appliances apart and reassemble them.

8. Raise the thresholds and lower the headers of your front and back doors so that you either trip or bang your head every time you pass through them.

9. Disassemble and inspect your lawn mower every week.

10. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, turn your water heater temperature up to 200 degrees. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, turn the water heater off. On Saturdays and Sundays tell your family they use too much water, so no bathing will be allowed.

11. Raise your bed to within 6 inches of the ceiling, so you can't turn over without getting out and then getting back in.

12. Sleep on the shelf in your closet. Replace the closet door with a curtain. Have your spouse whip open the curtain about 3 hours after you go to sleep, shine a flashlight in your eyes, and say "Sorry, wrong rack."

13. Make your family qualify to operate each appliance in your house - dishwasher operator, blender technician, etc. Re-qualify every 6 months. No ice cream or liberty until all qual cards are completed.

14. Have your neighbor come over each day at 0500, blow a whistle so loud Helen Keller could hear it, and shout "Reveille, reveille, all hands heave out and trice up."

15. Have your mother-in-law write down everything she's going to do the following day, then have her make you stand in your back yard at 0600 while she reads it to you.

16. Submit a request chit (in triplicate) to your father-in-law requesting permission to leave your house before 1500 hours.

17. Empty all the garbage bins in your house and sweep the driveway three times a day, whether it needs it or not. "Now sweepers, sweepers, man your brooms, give the ship a clean sweep down fore and aft, empty all **** cans and butt kits!"

18. Have your neighbor collect all your mail for a month, read your magazines, and randomly lose every 5th item before delivering the rest.

19. Watch no TV except for movies played in the middle of the night. Have your family vote on which movie to watch, then show a different one -- the same one every night.

20. When your children are in bed, run into their room with a megaphone shouting "Now - general quarters, general quarters! All hands man your battle stations!

21. Make your family's menu a week ahead of time without consulting the pantry or refrigerator.

22. Post a menu on the kitchen door informing your family that they are having steak for dinner. Then make them wait in line for an hour. When they finally get to the kitchen, tell them you are out of steak, but they can have dried ham or hot dogs. Repeat daily until they ignore the menu and just ask for hot dogs.

23. Bake a cake. Prop up one side of the pan so the cake bakes unevenly. Spread icing real thick to level it off.

24. Get up every night around midnight and have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on stale bread. (mid rats)

25. Set your alarm clock to go off at random during the night. At the alarm, jump up and dress as fast as you can, making sure to button your top shirt button and tuck your pants into your socks. Run out into the backyard and uncoil the garden hose and put out a simulated fire.

26. Every week or so, throw your cat or dog into the pool and shout "Man overboard, port side!" Rate your family members on how fast they respond.

27. Put the headphones from your stereo on your head, but don't plug them in. Hang a paper cup around your neck on a string. Stand in front of the stove, and speak into the paper cup, "Stove manned and ready." After an hour or so, speak into the cup again "Stove secured." Roll up the headphones and paper cup and stow them in a shoe box.

28. Make your family turn out all the lights and go to bed at 10 p.m. "Now taps, taps! Lights out! Maintain silence throughout the ship!" Then immediately have an 18-wheeler crash into your house. (For aircraft carrier sailors.)

29. Build a fire in a trash can in your garage. Loudly announce to your family, "This is a drill, this is a drill! Fire in hangar bay one!"

30. Place a podium at the end of your driveway. Have your family stand in front of the podium for 4-hour intervals. (Best done when the weather is worst. January is a good time.)

31. Next time there's a bad thunderstorm in your area, find the biggest horse you can, put a two-inch mattress on his back, strap yourself to it and turn him loose in a barn for six hours. Then get up and go to work.

32. For former engineers: bring your lawn mower into the living room, and run it all day long.

33. Make coffee using eighteen scoops of budget priced coffee grounds per pot, and let the pot simmer for 5 hours before drinking.

34. Have someone under the age of ten give you a haircut with sheep shears.

35. Sew the back pockets of your jeans onto the front. 36. Add 1/3 cup of diesel fuel to your dirty laundry.

36. Take hourly readings on your electric and water meters.

37. Every couple of weeks, dress up in your best clothes and go to the scummiest part of town. Find the most run down, trashiest bar, and drink beer until you are hammered, then walk all the way home.

38. Lock yourself and your family in the house for six weeks. Tell them that at the end of the 6th week you'll take them to Disney World for liberty. At the end of the 6th week, inform them the trip to Disney World has been canceled because they need to get ready for an inspection, and it will be another week before they can leave the house.

39. Line your family up and tell then they must be inoculated prior to going ashore due to local diseases. After waiting two hours, stab them with multiple punctures in both arms from a dull sewing needle. Dont let the rubbing alcohol dry so it burns more

40. Buy everyone a single pair of blue coveralls and have them wear it for the next three months. Tell them they can wash it and their skives tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, repeat message they can wash tomorrow.

Courtesy of Marine Corps Web Log
Posted [in the Web Log]: 16 Jun 2011 09:53 AM PDT



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#Mamavation - Sick! Sick! Sick!


Sick! Sick! Sick! - What started out as a sore throat last week turned into so much more. I've been down since Thursday after my attempt to run on the Kemah Bridge was rained out. I feel bad. My house is destroyed and yet I still had to clean up just so we could function inside of it. I've been eating mandarin oranges, bananas and some nuts. It's hard to eat when your throat is on fire. My husband took care of the kids by buying enough pizza to feed them for three days. Seriously. I can't even elaborate on that one. I wish my Mom would have called to check on me sooner. I would have raised the white flag! I need to find a doctor today. I can't be down for this long. It doesn't suit me. 

Eating out:
Trudy's 6/3
Random Lunch Truck, Roaring Fork 6/4
Dominos Pizza 6/5
Chick-Fil-A 6/6
Chilis - 6/13
Subway - 6/23
Dominos - 6/24

My Work Outs this past week-
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Crossfit
Wednesday - Crossfit
Thursday - Sick
Friday - Sick
Saturday - Sick - Missed the 5K
Sunday - Sick

Scale Reading -170 - 8 pound loss. It's all water weight. This entire time I have been sick I've been sweating and fighting a fever. Ugh! It would be great to keep it off but I know better.

Stress Level - I'm sick, my house is chaos, that's pretty stressful.

The UP side- I have some really great people praying for my health.

A bit of inspiration for you ladies!
Remember - YOU are a role model.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 45 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 179 - 180 = 1 pound gain
    • February 180 - 177 = 3 pound loss
    • March 177 - 176 = 1 pound loss
    • April 176 - 174 = 2 pound loss
    • May 173 -173 = 0 pounds lost
    • June176 - 170 = 6 pound loss
    • July  
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December
Secure Your Success
Charting your progress gets you there faster. Try these tools:

Track my weight loss.

Track my weight loss.
 Watch my waist get smaller.
Watch my waist get smaller.

Track my walking.
Track my walking.

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5 Fingers of Thanks


1.) Thankful for all the get well prayers.
2.) Thankful for all my friends who keep texting me to make sure I'm doing ok.

3.) Thankful that what happened in the car didn't happen during service. YUK!

4.) Thankful that I have gotten some much needed sleep.

5.) Thankful that this week is over!

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Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
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Aloha Friday #269 - Goals

Tomorrow I'm going to run another 5K called the Independence Run. This will be the 3rd time I've ran this race. The other two times I started walking after the 2.5 mile marker. The goal is to run the whole thing!
This got me to thinking....
What kind of goals do you plan on accomplishing this weekend?

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details. Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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Wordless Wednesday - Size 10

My son is in a soccer camp for a week and I had him check his soccer shoes the night before to make sure they still fit. Sure enough it was time to grab a new pair. Mens, I repeat men's size 10 shoe! He's 10 people. That is just the craziest thing! How big is this kid going to get?

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

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#Mamavation Monday - How Many Miles Are You Covering?


I'm loving my Sportline pedometer. I knew that I had a busy life but now I know exactly how much. For the last 3 days I've been wearing my pedometer. I'm not following any kind of program, I just wanted to see how much mileage I am covering. So far today I've covered nearly 4 miles just doing my day to day stuff. I'm exhausted! This past week has been draining more so than usual. After #Fitcation I have had trouble following back into my routines. I'm working in the vitamins again, eating right and working out. I'm sluggish. I need a warm bath with no place to go. I need a good meal and lots of sleep. My water intake is horrible! I'm really considering purchasing that HydraCoach! I'm looking forward to these Gruntstyle work outs. Looks like an adventure.

Eating out:
Trudy's 6/3
Random Lunch Truck, Roaring Fork 6/4
Dominos Pizza 6/5
Chick-Fil-A 6/6
 Chilis - 6/13

My Work Outs this past week-
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Crossfit
Wednesday - Crossfit
Thursday - Crossfit
Friday - Rest Day
Saturday - Rest Day
Sunday - Rest Day

Scale Reading -178 - 2 pound gain.

Stress Level - Huge. I have some issues going on that pertain only to women. Lucky us. I need to have some things checked out. That is all.

The UP side- The Independence 5K Run is Saturday! My husband is running with me. Seems before we met he was doing Tri's an 5Ks. This should be fun.

A bit of inspiration for you ladies!
Remember - YOU are a role model.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 45 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 179 - 180 = 1 pound gain
    • February 180 - 177 = 3 pound loss
    • March 177 - 176 = 1 pound loss
    • April 176 - 174 = 2 pound loss
    • May 173 -173 = 0 pounds lost
    • June176 -
    • July  
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December
Secure Your Success
Charting your progress gets you there faster. Try these tools:

Track my weight loss.

Track my weight loss.
 Watch my waist get smaller.
Watch my waist get smaller.

Track my walking.
Track my walking.

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5 Fingers of Thanks


1.) Thankful that my next 5K is coming up this Saturday! Whoo Hoo. Hope I can finally finish it.

2.) Thankful that our home is full of fantastic fruits!

3.) Thankful we had a great time at the beach for Father's Day.

4.) Thankful that I found a nice Mom who would like to give my Silly some dress up clothes.

5.) Thankful that Kramer Kid Birthday Bash planning is under way! Whoo Hoo!!

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Qlip Pedometer by Sportline

Today is the day I put this baby to work! This is another #Mamavation #Fitcation11 sponsored item. It's time to find out what a day in my life is really like. Although it might have been better to have started on Monday. This is the Qlip pedometer by Sportline. It's really small, light weight and super easy to program. Thank goodness because some times these gadgets can take hours to figure out how to program.

The only thing I questioned during the programing was the stride length. I'm not really sure about so I left it on 20. It has instructions to walk a certain distance and then divide by other numbers. It's one of those things that's going to take a little more time than I have this morning.

The Qlip doesn't just keep track of steps it also tracks distance, calories burned, speed and total time of your activity. The removable holster clip makes it easy to clip in multiple locations on your body. 

I'm excited to give this a try! Sportline has lots of other cool products. One of the ladies during #Fitcation11 had a HydraCoach. That's what I need to keep up with my water intake. It's next on my list. Sportline did not compensate me for my opinion.

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FlipFlop Wines

I'm still opening lots of goodies from my #Mamavation #Fitcation11 Austin trip. Lucky for me one of my take home prizes was a bottle of  Riesling courtesy of FlipFlop wines. What a great prize to share with my good friend Karen. After all she helped me with wardrobe suggestions and packing for my big adventure. It was great to return home and share with her all the great stories over a glass of wine. We love the branding and the taste. They have tons of other flavors which you can find on their website. During our evening together we got to see a bit of the Housewives of Orange County reunion show. Now that's a fun evening!

You know what else is a huge thumbs up?
What a great pairing to help those in need. If you do drink an alcoholic beverage please remember to drink responsibly. FlipFlop wines has not compensated me for my opinion.   

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Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
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Aloha Friday #268 - Crisis Mode

Wednesday night we had a bit of a crisis. In case you missed it my 4 year old ate a peanut M&M off of the ground at camp. Um, he's allergic to nuts. Here is the recap.
My question for you is....What was your latest crisis?

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details. Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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#Crossfit Smack Down!

Before I left for #Fitcation11 #Mamavation I felt really good with my #Crossfit work outs. At least that's what is in my memory bank. If you keep up with me on then you get the fun details of my work outs. My eating was great, I had a routine and my vitamin intake was awesome and right on schedule.

This past week has been so discouraging for me. I feel like such a newbie. Every single work out that I have done this week has left me on the floor at the end. I enjoy the variety but really it feels like I'm starting over from scratch when it's visit #67.

What the heck is going on? Back tracking here. I'm eating crap, skipping meals, super stressed, going to work out when I can rather than at a certain time each day and lack of sleep. Maybe this is what is wrong. I didn't think about it until I just rattled it off in this post. WOW! This is not good for me all the way around. 

The warm ups are getting harder for me too. I like it. I don't mind running 400m instead of 200m out in the heat, bring it on. We did this in addition to our warm up. I liked it because it really helped me understand form a little better. On the dork side, I couldn't remember all these moves. I also did more reps on one of the exercises than I was suppose to. That happens to me often. What's up with that? How can I not keep track of reps or rounds? Ugh! Feeling like a total newbie this week. Although I did grab a pair of 8/10 shorts so that's progress. My weakness, sugar. It's ruining my body and yet I have no problem caving in every now and then. I tend to do really well for a while but once I break, it's bad.

For instance my Mom made a batch of sweet tea and brought it over for my birthday. No one drank it and she left it here. I drank 90% of it myself. One glass after another. It was like crack and I don't say that lightly. Then I moved to a Big Red the next day. Before I knew it I was buying one 3 days in a row. I haven't had one today. I'm back on the wagon. Can that really ruin everything that I'm doing at the gym? I think so. :(

Lucky for me I can identify it and stop it. All I have to do is catch a glimpse of these pockets of fat and I'm done! I'm older and my body has changed. I can't burn that sugar off as quickly any more. I have a really hard time tracking what I'm eating and drinking. The whole planning thing just goes out the window and end up flying by the seat of my pants. Our family schedule changes week to week so it's really difficult for me to stay on top of it all. Frustrated.

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Just Say NO! - To The 5 Second Rule

It began like this...So I'm parked on 146 in 5 o'clock traffic. Silly is passed out in the back and my gas light comes on. I figure I'll wake her up when we get to the pool. She starts coughing and then it leads to puking all over the back seat! Awesome. I turned the car around and headed home to clean her up. I'm thinking I just avoided a near death experience or something. The universe did not want us over at the pool today to swim with Karen.

I get her home, get her clothes in the wash and get her bathed. We eat a little sandwich for dinner and get ready to get settled in for the night. All of a sudden she decides she's going to go swim in the backyard. My phone rings. 

Is this .....Kramer's mother?
Yes...this is so and so from Twilight Camp, it seems your son has eaten a peanut M&M and his lips are swollen, do you want us to give him the Epi-Pen?
WHAT!??? Where is my husband?
Mam, we are trying to find him right now. Do you want us to give him the shot? 

All I hear is conversations regarding preparations of this shot and then I hear, "ok little buddy hang on!" And then I hear my little baby boy screaming, there is nothing I can do. My husband is there but there is nothing I can do. Immediately I tell her I'm on my way! 

I get my Silly and go to the end of the street for gas. I asked my husband to send me a picture (thank goodness for phones with cameras). He sent me this...
And so it begins.....what hospital do we meet at and what do we do with the other children. Immediately phone calls and texts are sent. We meet up with family to exchange kids while I wait for the ambulance. Finally it arrives and I go in the ER with my son. His lips are huge but he's dazzling the nurses and EMT folks with his address, phone number and mad counting skills. 
I told him, "You know not to eat the M&M's from the yellow package!" He said, "I know, it wasn't in the package! I ate it off the ground!" And everyone in that room cracked up laughing, and they told me "Come on Mom you can't be mad at him for that." Really? How can we expect our 4 year old to resist a bright blue M&M off the ground? *Sigh*

Many hours later we transferred cars and kids again and they released our little guy to go home! He insisted on keeping these sticker monitor tags.
These become very unpleasant when you take them off. We got phone calls from the Twilight camp folks. They will be sending a note home asking parents not to send their kids with peanut snacks. :( 

Sorry! The 5 second rule does NOT apply. He had to learn that lesson the hard way today. Thank you friends for your prayers and support.

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Wordless Wednesday - Piggy Back Ride

As a little sister myself I know that this is just one of the perks of having a "BIG BROTHER!" How cute are these two? I love that she is giving her princess bear a piggy back ride too.

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

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#Mamavation - Shopping Time!

This past weekend I got to go shopping with my friends and family. It was not the best time to go shopping body wise but what can you do. I tried to find things that I felt good in but it was so hard. My type and shape are just too weird. It's hard to find anything that I feel really comfortable in. No one can pick myself apart like I can. It's hard not too. Sleeveless everything! My arms are too big, they need more definition. That's just an example, you know how it goes. I decided that I will NOT wear work out clothes unless I'm going to work out. I have a habit of wearing those clothes all the time. It's not a very feminine look. lol - I was out with friends this past weekend and someone asked how old I was. I said 39 very proudly and they said, Oh I thought you were older!??? Seriously??? rofl... What does that mean? I was not bothered by getting older at all until someone said that. Now, I'm wondering what I should do to change my look. Good lord! If you have followed my progress you know that I've not ever eaten out this much since I've been with Mamavation! Looks like a vacation and birthday celebrating can really do you in! It's time to hit the gym.

I'm not entering the contest but I did want to let you know that our family eats together daily and normally at home!

Eating out:
Trudy's 6/3
Random Lunch Truck, Roaring Fork 6/4
Dominos Pizza 6/5
Chick-Fil-A 6/6
 Chilis - 6/13

My Work Outs this past week-
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Taebo
Wednesday - Crossfit
Thursday - Crossfit, Taebo
Friday - Rest Day
Saturday - 10K
Sunday -Crossfit

Scale Reading -176 - zero change from last week but I watched it bounce around from 173 and back to 176. It's water weight. Good thing I've been tracking this stuff long enough to know what's going on and NOT freak out.

Stress Level - Tons better! I'm really get a lot better and just rolling with life. Although I do battle a demon every single month. I have one super serious cheat day. It's hard to get a good attitude during that time. I just know it's coming, hang on and not beat myself up over it.

The UP side- The Independence 5K Run is coming!

A bit of inspiration for you ladies!
Remember - YOU are a role model.

Need for fitness support? Join the "Sistahood". More great resources: The Y, Crossfit Training, Vitamins for your age group,

  • The long term goal 45 pounds by the end of the year.
  • The short term goal lose 3 lbs. per month. 
    • January 179 - 180 = 1 pound gain
    • February 180 - 177 = 3 pound loss
    • March 177 - 176 = 1 pound loss
    • April 176 - 174 = 2 pound loss
    • May 173 -173 = 0 pounds lost
    • June176 -
    • July  
    • August
    • September
    • October
    • November
    • December
Secure Your Success
Charting your progress gets you there faster. Try these tools:

Track my weight loss.

Track my weight loss.
 Watch my waist get smaller.
Watch my waist get smaller.

Track my walking.
Track my walking.

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Another 10K Down!

It was so HOT! I can't believe I didn't just burst into flames this morning. This time around I was very relaxed and didn't put any pressure on myself. No pressure to run the whole thing or to have the best time, only to finish!

Special thanks to Dr. Nicholas Ruppert from Total Body Work.
He gave Nu and I good mini stretching session before the race. It was truly awesome and I felt fantastic when he was done twisting me up like a pretzel and hitting some trigger points. I still haven't figured out the nutrition part of running because I felt sick to my stomach by the 3rd mile. My right achilles heel was hurting too by this time but the hip was good! My music was 170 bpm which may have been too ambitious for this race but I tried my best to keep up with the cadence. Some where after the 3rd mile I started walking. Then I began running intervals. My stomach was very unhappy. I began power walking and then sprinting. I just wanted it to be over. Near the end of the race a lady (Bib #129) came up beside me and said, "We've got this! Let's finish it!" That's all I needed to hear. She and I finished together....
That's me #7 finishing in an hour and eighteen minutes. My first 10K, the nightmare of Angie's Half Crazy Marathon never registered a time for me. I don't know what the time was exactly but I know this was a much faster time for sure.
(Keith, Me, Nu and Steve)
Once I crossed that finish line I really wanted to hurl! Lucky for me and those standing around me I was able to regroup. We waited around for Nu to get her 3rd place medal. We were so proud of her! I'm not sure how many more 10Ks I will do this year but so far I'm sticking to my 5K goal. Maybe next year there will be a 10K goal. Who knows??!!!

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Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me! Don't forget to check out these hosted contest links too.
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Aloha Friday #267 - Happy Birthday!

Guess what today is?????
It's my Birthday! How should I celebrate it?

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details. Click on those "Like" and "Retweet" buttons to share with the online community. For current events see the side bars and click on the "Add Me" tab above to connect with me using other social media services.

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#Crossfit Action: Mom 2 vs. Boys 0

My darling 2 year old has her moments when she wants to do nothing I want her too. Some days I just have to pick her up and make her go where I want. Today I was carrying her up the stairs and I thought to myself, wow she's really light (33lbs.). 

Then I wondered, how would the four year old (43lbs.) feel to me if I carry him like a baby.....
No problem! He was giggling up a storm. He and I are both pretty confident now that if he decides to give me grief that he too can be picked up and carried where ever I want him to go.

But wait! There's eldest son wanted to get in on the action. Honestly I wasn't too sure because he's 5' 1" and weighs 94lbs. Could he really feel light? I know in the past I've tried but didn't want to admit that he was too heavy.
Um, no problem! This was like the 10th picture that the 4 year old took. I had no problem spinning him around and he was pretty amazed. Oh yes, the power of Mom. Seriously, who would believe me? I had to get a photo. lol - So I tip my hat to my awesome trainer Shaun McCrary at There is a whole new level of respect for Mom!
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Wordless Wednesday - Polkadot Princess

For more WW participants head to:

Mom Blogs

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