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A Renaissance Woman


Tips & Tricks! - 5 pound loss and counting

After giving birth to my 4th baby my body is on the crazy train. Everything is out of whack and the weight didn't just fall off. I've had to make some changes. Granted these are really minor changes but I have to work with the time I have.
This is the not on my side list-

The weather
My toddler
Energy level
Lack of sleep
Did I mention the weather?
Potty training
Me Time

So I've tried to make some changes. For instance what I eat. We have been cooking at home more and eating out a lot less! We've been eating more salads, oatmeal and working on drinking water and less Big Red. Oh geez - my 1 gallon container is still on my desk from Christmas. I have to empty it and start fresh or is the water still good? Any way - moving on! The kids live upstairs. I put everything up there. Their toys, all the laundry and there isn't a trash can up there either. If we change diapers or have any trash we have to bring it down stairs. I'm going up and down the stairs on a daily basis now several times a day. Most importantly I have stopped asking my son to bring me this or that from upstairs. Really, it's just easier to get it myself. There is a lot less explaining involved. I've started parking further away from the door when we shop. That part is a little scary because we have three little people in tow and people drive crazy in parking lots. I think that's about it but it's resulted in a five pound loss. Oh and I have tried the Extra gum for those sweet tooth cravings but it doesn't work very well for me. It just delays the inevitable. lol - I am watching what I buy from the store though. It's really important to pay attention to that shopping list. I'm a work in progress. I really hope that soon I can get back to that track. I miss it.

What are some of your tips or tricks?

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Aloha Friday #28

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
If you've had a recurring dream at some point in your life what was it?

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Flash Back Friday #28 - Sweet Dreams

I know I'm late! My son is sick and I had to deal with the trip to the Dr.'s office nearly all day. Any way I'm going with a little Annie Lennox today. My previous post was about freaky dreams. My dreams have for the most part been bad dreams or nightmares. When I was child I had the same recurring dream. I was in a jungle and I was being chased by huge gorilla. I would run for nearly the entire dream. I would try to hide in the water at times. I think one day that I finally told someone about this dream and I stopped having it. I could be very wrong but that's what I remember.

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Dream Analysis 2

I had the weirdest dream the other night. All I remember is that I was moving into a new house. It was really nice but then my dream switched to being haunted by ghosts. They were mean ghosts! My mother was there and there was a cross and there was blood. It was so scary. I'm not going into the real graphic gory details because it was very disturbing. Then the dream switched to me being in a dark bedroom. Under the door there was light and I bent over to look and there were these little pair of black Mary Jane shoes. There were these 3 little girls haunting me. They scared the fire out of me. I woke up and everything was so vivid. I couldn't back to sleep.

Last night my son told me that he dreamed that he dropped his baby sister 3 or 4 times. He said that I was asking him to do something and he dropped her. He would pick her back up and I would ask him to do something else and he would drop her again. The last time he said she fell on her face and started bleeding. He woke up.

Talk about disturbing!!!!!

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My Little Helper

Tina - Thanks for following along. Today I finished another diaper cake. It's challenging to work with a toddler but he is always more than willing to help, as you can see here!
He has his "safety scissors" working on that ribbon. These take several hours to make just because I have to change diapers and feed the baby too. It's madness but rewarding too. Are you ready for Valentine's Day?

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Today's Quote

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers

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Today's Quote

Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.

-William A. Ward

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Wordless Wednesday - 3's Company

Funny Story - Potty Training Again

I'm trying to get my toddler to make the transition to standing up and going to the bathroom. He has tried to stand over his potty chair and well you can imagine the mess. Daddy does it and big brother does it so......

He doesn't care for the big potty yet. My dh says it has to be demonstrated in order to get him to do it. Over the weekend he tried this. He put a piece of toilet paper inside the bowl to use as a target for the little guy. This didn't work but boy did he remember this method!

Today after school the elder son is in the bathroom and the little guy follows. The eldest finishes and leaves his little brother in there. Some how the little guy found a paper towel roll. My son starts yelling to me, "Mom, oh he made a mess!" I go in the bathroom and the whole roll of WET paper towels is on the floor. There are little pieces of paper towel in the big toilet, in the potty chair and on the floor! God bless him he certainly did try.

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Tuesday Toot Meme #27

I'm just happy I got my bloggy carnival post ready! I'm really happy that SGIA (Specialty Graphics Imaging Associations) is stepping in and informing the printing community about cpsia. I'm just thrilled to still be processing orders! Can I get Toot Toot?

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Today's Quote

Beware the barrenness of a busy life.


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Bloggy Carnival Time! - 4 $25 GCs

It's that time again! Don't you just love a good giveaway? Some like a big grand prize winner and that's fine but what about more chances to win? I could give away one - $100 gc or split it up among four winners. I'm going with four winners because that means more fun to spread around. What's up for grabs? You pick your $25 cg from here and I will also throw in one of my favorite Millionaire Club adult sized t-shirts.

How do you win? Tell me something you have learned about cpsia in the comment section. Don't forget to tell me which gift card you would like! There are 5 pages to choose from. If you don't know about cpsia then please educate yourself using any of these resources in this linked post.
Contest is open World Wide and will be open until 11:59pm cst on 2/1/09. Winners are chosen at random. Good Luck!

For more Bloggy Giveaways click here!

And the winners are.....

Here are your random numbers:

130 250 114 12 

Timestamp: 2009-02-02 15:41:20 UTC

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Today's Quote

You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.

-Chinese Proverb

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Potty Training Wars

If you were on Twitter today you read the great tweet that had many of you cracking up!

Our toddler has been doing really well with potty training but every now and then we have set backs. He will have an accident here and there. Sometimes he will poo in his underwear. Today he disappeared and he came back and said he "I poo, I flush toilet!" He was so proud of himself. My brain was having a hard time registering what he said but I followed him to the bathroom and then it all clicked! Where is your underwear? I asked. He points to the toilet. There isn't anything in the toilet. OMG - He really did flush his underwear down the toilet. Either his underwear are very small or our pipes are really big because our toilet didn't get stopped up.

And there you have it folks! The madness of potty training.

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Today's Quote

It's not how much you have that makes people look up to you, it's who you are.

-Elvis Presley

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Goodbye Savings

I've tried to save money. Oh how I have tried to save but WAMU has this policy that you must keep a certain amount in your savings at all times or you will get charged fees. In my world everything fluctuates and that includes money. Rather than get those pesky fees I closed my account today.

It's rather depressing that I no longer have the income to feed it any more. Logic tells me that I better get some sort of system going. In this day and age it isn't safe to exist without nest eggs.

My IRA had a really bad quarter! Normally I do pretty well but this economy is just painful all around. I hope that I'm not destitute by the time an elderly woman. I don't think my kids are going to take care of me at all. A bunch of revenge seekers those kids of mine! ROFL!!!! - Remember that time you grounded me....

I'm toast.

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Aloha Friday #27

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
Who was your teacher crush (subject & grade please)?

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Flash Back Friday #27 - Hot For Teacher

A friend of mine who recently started going to school again opted not to take a class because the teacher was too hot! rofl - Yep she actually refused to sign up for a class because she didn't want to get distracted by the teacher. When she told me I couldn't stop laughing. Then we went on to talk about our teacher crushes. That was a funny conversation for sure. This made me think of Van Halen's Hot For Teacher. Enjoy!

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Wild Wild Web - Dr. Phil

Did you catch this episode yesterday? I have to weigh in on this one. The topic was about a mother who was monitoring her 17 year old daughter's Facebook and other social media accounts. Mom has the passwords and interacts with her daughter's friends by impersonating her daughter. If Mom sees an inappropriate photo she will notify the parent. If she sees the kids talking about teachers she will notify the principle. The question was is this too far? Well obviously yes!

But I have to tell you that I had all of my daughter's passwords and truth be told she didn't know a whole lot about the computer. I talked to a lot of her friends but never impersonated her. That's just weird! We would talk about things that I saw but I'm not sure I would notify a parent of what I saw. I think all parents should keep an eye on their own kids and what they are doing. We have all our computers in one room. I'm sure we will keep it that way.

What I will say is that I'm glad that I did have the passwords because there were 2 very big incidents. One particular situation she could have gotten into some VERY serious trouble from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We had a lot to talk about and luckily it finally sank in. The other situation was pretty bad too! I won't go into it but I really do think it's ok to have the passwords. I only investigate when my gut told me to. I didn't make it my daily mission to catch her doing something wrong. I did my best and have no regrets about how I handled her social media access. Of course you have to be cautious but children need to be monitored. Here is what other mothers have to say about it.

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A History Lesson - Obama

When my alarm goes off in the morning it's set to turn on the radio instead of that pesky beeping sound. This particular morning show was discussing the word "Mulatto." Apparently a woman had come on the show and was using this word to describe our new president. We were all getting an education this morning because I too had never heard of the word. And so it begins the picking apart of our new president. How can he be called the first African-American president? He's not really black. He's a "Mulatto." He's bi-racial with a white mother. This whole conversation woke me up! Why am I surprised that people are already picking him apart? I'm not going to say that this is how Americans are because it really seems to be a human nature issue not a country issue. If you put someone in the lime light others will do their best to pick them apart. It's sad but it's true.

Today's history lesson was the long list of other derogatory words that people use and don't know that they are derogatory.

Vandal - East Germanic tribe known for their sac of Rome in 455.
Hooligan - an term used to describe an Irish drunk.
Hip Hip Hooray - The first half of "Hip, hip, Hooray is adapted from "hep,hep," an old German sheep herder cry. Also use as rallying cry while going Jew-hunting in Jew ghettos.

You can find these terms and more using Wikipedia. Obviously these terms aren't really meant in this way or used in these ways. When my son goes potty in his potty chair and we shout "Hip Hip Hooray" I promise we are not hunting Jews.

Now you know what I mean when I say "learning never ends!" I learn something new every single day and this is today's lesson. I'm sure this would be a great topic for some student out there that needed a topic for a paper. Who knew? Did you?

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Today's Quote

I gave my life to be the person I am. Was it worth it?

-Richard Bach

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Top Chef is very inspiring! I don't cook like a chef but it makes me want to explore more when it comes to cooking. After all it gets boring eating the same thing over and over. After my success with the Hidden Valley Ranch pork chop recipe I thought I was on a roll. Tonight I tried Zatarain's Dirty Rice and instead of using hamburger meat I through in chicken. It was so yummy! Everyone liked it but then I noticed my toddler's eyes turned red and then the red splotches started popping up on his face. Yep, he was having an allergic reaction to it. No worries Zatarain's the little guy has food allergies and we never know what's going to trigger it. Yesterday we were having Campbell's chicken noodle soup and the same thing happened but this time it spread over his body. Thank goodness for Benadryl it seems to be our cure all when things like this happen. Oh well back to the cooking board I go!

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Wordless Wednesday - Gothapotamus


Keeping it up!

We've still been keeping up our family game night on Mondays. This Monday we played Tumble. Our toddler was able to play this one too. He got such a kick out of the marbles falling.

My best friend is back in school. I am so happy for her. She's going to finish her Associates Degree this semester. Way to go!

My dh and I cleaned like crazy over the weekend. We are now down to two rooms and once we knock those out keeping up the house is going to be much more simple. It's easier said than done. We have lots of papers in our lives.

Our little girl is very close to crawling. She's rolling around and scooting like crazy. She's growing so fast and we are very lucky to have such a happy little girl. It's really nice.

Normally I have some great kid shots to share with you for Wordless Wednesday but tomorrow I'm going to share something draw dropping! My dh emailed it to me. He's got a silly sense of humor.

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Tuesday Toot Meme #26

I found a fantastic recipe for pork chops! My entire family liked it so it will quickly become one of our meals. It's super easy and fast to make. So Toot Toot to me for finding a new recipe!

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Guilty Pleasures

Hello, my name is Pam and I'm a DVR addict. Seriously! stop laughing. You would not believe the stuff I've been watching lately. I can't help it. Some are so silly that I have to take a peak. OK - Here is the guilty pleasure run down in NO particular order.

True Beauty
Rock of Love Bus Tour
Confessions of a Teenage Idol
Top Chef
Desperate Housewives
Housewives of Orange County
Dr. Phil
America's Best Dance Crew
Tool Academy

I think that's it. These shows are really short when you fast forward through all the commercials. I have enough stress in my life so it's fun to get lost in mindless drama. Come on! I can't be the only one. What are your guilty pleasures?

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Bride Wars Movie Review

Miranda & Thao thanks for following along! Today my Mom, Gram and I saw Bride Wars. This was such a fun movie. As you can see by the image I used, these two characters took their sabotage pretty far. This movie is about two childhood friends who have great dreams of getting married in June at The Plaza. A scheduling error has them booked on the same date and neither of them is willing to change their date. We got some good laughs out of this film. Anna Hatheway always seems to be suprising in her roles. Wait till you see the bachlorette party scene! It's a RIOT. Kate Hudson did a great job as well but I can't say that she shocked me. Should you rush out to the theatre? Nah, I think you could wait until it comes out on NetFlix.
What was fun about this film is it reminded me of my childhood friend. We have been friends for nearly 32 years. WOW! I'm so lucky to be able to say that. Thank goodness we didn't have any grand dreams of getting married in the same place but we did get married about 3 months apart. That was a lot of fun. There was a lot of young love in the air during that time. lol - ah good times.

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Where Do I Begin?

It's a usual Saturday and the sun is shining and the weather is nice. My son is racing his car in the derby race at cub scouts. He's accompanied by my dh of course and here I sit with the two little ones. My house looks like a tornado hit it. There is the usual dishes to do, laundry, mounds of paper, etc.... blah blah blah

I don't want to touch any of it!

Yesterday a man came by and asked if he could power wash my house. He said he was a laid off plant worker and looking to make extra money. My house had some green around and it and some mildew looking spots in the bricks. I said go for it! I'm so glad that I did. He was not only the house but the drive way, porch, walkway, sidewalk, mailbox and the curb. I didn't tell my dh because I wanted to see if he would notice. He hasn't. Oh well - I can see the difference. It's an entirely different color for goodness sake. So here's to the power washers! Those things ROCK.

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Potty Train with Baby Signs Giveaway!

Do I have a kit for you! It's a Potty Train with Baby Signs kit that includes a dvd, train conductors whistle, stickers, lift the flap book for your child and a guide book for you! I am a firm believer that teaching your little ones sign language WORKS. I've done this with two of my children and I will with our baby too. It has really reduced the amount of frustration between all of us because children can pick up signing so quickly. Special thanks to Drs. Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn for creating a great product for parents.

As most of my readers know I have been potty training my toddler. We have gone from using Pull-Ups, to commando, to underwear, to potty chair to the big chair with a potty seat. Transitions remaining are the peeing standing up and staying dry over night. I wish I would have had this kit earlier! It's not too late that is for sure. We just took the kit out of the box and he immediately took to the train whistle, started flipping through the lift the flap book and grabbed that dvd! He's watching it for the 3rd time right now. He has already picked up all the signs and that whistle is blowing loudly. I don't mind at all. To me this will just reinforce what we are already doing.

We use overnight Pull-Ups and we use them when we go places in case of an accident. We've had a few accidents at home here and there but he's really doing great. I can't wait to read the Parent's Guide that came with the kit. I want to see what I'm missing and how I can begin to prepare using this method with our next child. I've posted this video clip because I think it is very useful to watch as it explains what this kit can do for you. I'm so excited to share this with all of you. I'm even more excited to give it away to one lucky winner.
There are many more products by Baby Signs! Get over there and see what they have to offer. The big question is what do you have to do in order to win one of these kits?

Share with me your favorite part of this program in the comment section! It's as simple as that.

Would you like an extra entry? Leave me a comment and tell me which extra entries you did.
  • Subscribe to my blog via email or your favorite reader (icons are located on the top right side bar of my blog)
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Sign up for the Baby Signs newsletter
Contest ends 1/23 at 11:59pm cst. I will announce the winner on this post 1/24 by 10am cst. This contest is open WORLD WIDE. Good Luck!

And the winner is....
Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-01-24 17:32:46 UTC

Congratulations Thao!

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Muffins For Mom

My day started out oh so sweet! It's Muffins for Mom at school today. My son and I went to his school this morning for breakfast. I haven't had alone time with my son in over 2 years. We walked to school together and sat and talked and I walked him to his classroom. It was a great morning. I only had to dress myself! I'm only 10 minutes away from the school but that 10 minute walk alone home did wonders for me.

I don't get that car ride alone. I don't get that bathroom time alone. I only get that after bed time alone and by then I'm so tired! All I want to be is left all alone. I just want mindless television. I enjoy my kids but every mother needs a break. That's how we can be good mothers is by having room to breath. We don't have readily available sitters. Most of the extended family is busy doing their own things to help out. My hubby, he's busy working trying to keep us all fed.

I've tried to catch up on research today and blogging a bit just to catch up. The baby is asleep but the toddler he has emptied out all the batteries, all the band-aids and now all the gold fish crackers. *sigh*

It's a good thing he's so darn cute! I can laugh about it.

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Aloha Friday #26

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
What was your favorite tv show as a kid?

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Flash Back Friday #26 - Doogie Howser

I'm sorry Neil but I you will always be Doogie Howser to me. Come on! You know you use to watch that show. It was a fun show. Happy Flashback Friday.

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Today's Quote

Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you can.

-John Wesley

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Some Days Are Better Than Others

Baby Blues? Hormones? PMS? Stress? It could be any number of things. Lately I've been dealing with a lot of things and I don't feel like myself at times. I can't put my finger on it. It's not steady or consistent and I can list off a zillion things that are making me crazy right now. I would like a cure but I don't know to what. I've been talking to a lot of different women lately and we can all relate to the same things and then Oprah came on and she was talking about the same stuff. I'm too young for menopause but it's good advice to get your hormones checked. I'm pretty sure mine are out of whack! LOL

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Today's Quote

If you don't have the time to do something right, where are you going to find the time to fix it?

-Stephen King

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Wordless Wednesday - Sleeping Cowgirl

Tuesday Toot Meme #25

This week I put together a soccer goal and the baby's high chair. So Toot Toot to me for my domestic engineering skills. We are trying out baby food this week. First up, bananas. She's doing really well. I can't believe we are already feeding her. Time goes so quickly. It's too fast.

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Something Is Missing

Toni - Hey! Thanks for following my blog. I was watching The Biggest Loser this evening. I'm amazed that they are working out for 8 hours a day. Then again how else can you lose so much weight so quickly?

There are so many good shows back on television. It's a lot less depressing than reading all the cpsia updates. I'm trying to get out of this rut.

Don't forget to enter the Rayovac contest. There is still one more day left.

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Today's Quote

Don't regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.


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Mirror, Mirror

With new furniture also comes mirrors. There are more mirrors in the house now. What does this mean? It means that my hubby and I are very much aware of what we look like now and how much we have grown. We were a hot looking couple 12 years ago. lol - Throw in a bunch of kids, dogs, responsibilities, stress, bad diet, lack of exercise and we don't look so hot any more.

I think these mirrors will be a good thing for us. We grabbed a Health-0-meter from the store. That scale is really cool because it will tell you your body fat and water weight. Now we can get more information when we weigh in.

Scott @fatlossquickie suggested that I get a 1 gallon container to make sure I drink water and put it on my desk. Santa brought me a container and I filled it up and it's been sitting here full for days. *sigh*

Jessica @JessicaKnows did a complete New Years series about making changes. She focused on some really great points. My solution to solving many of my issues would be to stay off the computer or at least limit my use.

I love what I do but some times I get tunnel vision and everything around me gets neglected. All that does is create an overwhelming cycle of me constantly cleaning, organizing and trying to catch up with my life. It's daunting and I'm very unhappy living this way. Changes are coming!

I finally bought my new pair of New Balance shoes today because I love them so much. My feet are very happy now. I picked up some more pants too. I'm on an out with the old and in with the new kick. I have bags and bags of clothing to donate. Our baby girl is just flying through these clothes. She's finally 5 months old and she wears 9 months. It's so sad to see all those clothes that she wore maybe once or twice.

Good-bye toy room, hello baby room! She's in her own room now. We have to get some decorations up on the walls but it's coming along. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. *smiles*

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Queen to King

And then came all the furniture! Getting new furniture is a lot of work. We've spent the last two days cleaning out rooms, moving out furniture and trying to put our house back together again. Our neighbors thought we were moving! lol - Nope just new bedroom furniture for us and the kids.

This was a monstrous job but well worth it. I think we are going to be a much happier family now. There's nothing like upgrading your own little corner of the house. We still have a lot of work to do but it's coming along!

We moved from a queen size bed to a king size bed. We have to fit all these kids you know. It is so cool! There is so much more room. Our bed is so comfortable that I couldn't sleep how weird is that? My back didn't really know how to adjust. We are making some long over due changes.

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Aloha Friday #25

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
What do you remember most about Elvis Presley?

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Flash Back Friday #25 - Happy Birthday Elvis

Happy Birthday Elvis! My mother was a huge fan of Elvis and of course I grew up listening to all of his music. It's hard to believe he died at age 42. What an impact this man had on the world. I'm pretty sure that he will always be known as "The King."

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Today's Quote

The right time to show your good character is when you are pestered by somebody weaker than you.


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Rayovac - Answer & Win

Remember my 2008 Battery Challenge? The great folks from Rayovac would like you to have the opportunity to try out their line of batteries for free!

Go to to find the answers.

1 – What is the Rayovac motto? (hint, listen to the video clip)

2- The duration of a battery is defined by _____ or _____. (hint, visit the battery wizard)

The prize: two winners will each get the Home Depot Drill Set toy and six packs of Rayovac batteries (3 AA and 3 AAA).

Email the answers from both questions to pamelakramer(at)gmail(dot)com with
Rayovac in the subject line. Contest is open to U.S. shipping only and closes @ 11:59pm cst on 1/14/09. Winners will be selected at random and announced here on 1/15/09 by 10am cst. Good Luck!

Congratulations to
Lindley Alston & Leah Friedman.
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Wordless Wednesday - He Says It's His Hat

Tuesday Toot Meme #24

This week I'm just trying to get organized but failing miserably. If I could just catch a second wind at 10pm then I would be set. It's so hard but I brought in reinforcements. Today I had help to get all these papers sorted out. By the time we got all the papers into piles and organized 3 hours had quickly passed and my time was up. I will end this paper issue no matter what!

The potty training is going well so Toot Toot for that! Toot Toot for my toddler who is really catching on.

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Strange Days

The POSHpreneur thanks for following my blog! Today was such a strange day. The kids did not want me doing anything today unless it included catering to their every single need. That's not too big of a deal because usually it's just one of them but not today. Today it was all three of them. It was as though they had orchestrated a plan when I wasn't looking. I think it went something like this....

8 yo: "ok you two, while I'm away at school you guys drive her crazy so she will cut me some slack when I get home."
2 yo: "No problem boss! I will just make a mess when she looks away and I'll do that crying slobering thing I do and scream at her "hug, hug!" she can't resist that."
baby: "That's a great idea guys and I'll be sure to spit up on her and make some really stinky poos. You know the kind that make her want to hurl?"


rofl - They can't break me!

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