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A Renaissance Woman


Voting is Over!

Click Here!

Both of these contests are over! The polls are closed and the votes are being tallied. I never did get to "Flame" status with Happy Panda but look at those comments! What support you all gave me I'm all warm and fuzzy. *snuggles* How did Priscilly do? I don't know but to me she is the cutest kid! That's all that matters.

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Tuesday Toot Meme #36

I put out a Tweet to my followers to help me find one of those sectioned off banks (see photo below). I was sent the link (Money Savvy Generation) and I ordered 3 for each of my children. My hubby and I had the money is for different things discussion with our sons on Saturday when we revised his chore list. We stopped paying him for things he should be doing now automatically by his age. Now we are bringing in the toddler too! It's amazing what these guys will do for a quarter! rofl

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Reality Check!

BlogHer '09 In Real Life


This is me being silly. I can't remember when I took this photo but I really had great dreams of going. It's become clear to me that in fact I will not be able to since the tickets are all gone and I waited too long to make up my mind. What I have done is try to help out those who already have tickets and still need sponsorship. I'm hoping that this will be a win win for bloggers and companies. Here's the post in case you missed it! I'm sure we will all be glued to Twitter to keep up with the action.

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Hello Tooth #2

Does she look miserable? She is very unhappy! Last Sunday she cut her first tooth and this Sunday another popped up. They are on the bottom and I guess you can't see it that well in the photo. She's running a fever off and on and chewing everything. I'm using Tylenol and Orajel but she really enjoys eating my fingers and it hurts, alot! I've become a master at typing with one hand. Send her happy vibes so she won't be so fussy.

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And Then Came The New Dryer!

This is our new dryer that we bought from It's a

7.0 Cu. Ft. Super Capacity Gas Dryer (Color: White)

Item #: 260355 Model: DLSR483GGWW
And it is oh sooooooooooooooooo quiet! My husband did a great job picking it out. I really do love it and then we folded about 10 loads of laundry today. We washed until there was nothing left! Talk about exhausted but that's ok because we no longer have to worry about whether or not the dryer is going to go out or not. That would be bad news for a family of five.

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Whoo Hoo - It's a Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

This is a sticky post for the party scroll down to read more of my madness.
Welcome bloggy friends! It's me again but on a more personal level. This is my home away from home. I'm so glad that you are taking the time to stop by my blog. I'm a daily poster and that is often therapeutic for me. I write reviews and host contests and I love photography and music. I'm a huge fan of If you follow me on Twitter then you might have seen my blips. I've made a lot of great friends online, maybe you know some of them?

I wear tons of hats but it fits my personality! I'm always trying to get into better shape but struggle with those junk food rewards late at night after the kids have gone to bed. I'm a mother to many and I love them all. They keep me so busy but I like to pass on my knowledge and favorite sites here at Mom Faves. I belong to a lot of social nings and other places. I'm always adding items of my dreams to my wish list at Wishpot.

Hope you all have fun blog hopping my prize offer is #18! Since I'm the coordinator I don't get to win a prize from the main site but boy would there be many on my list if I could win one.
Here are a few of my Peeps!

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Aloha Friday #36

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
Have you ever been in a race?

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Flash Back Friday #36 - Breaking Away

All this racing this week reminds me of that movie Breaking Away. Oh to be 19 again, no thank you. rofl

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Race Day! - Tell Me Thursday

Thank you for your Wordless Wednesday comments. I know you are dying to know how our little guy did in his big race. I put this little 33 second slide show together to show you!

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Wordless Wednesday - Ready For The Race

Tuesday Toot Meme #35

I accomplished a lot this week with the prize listings for the Ultimate Blog Party and organized my inboxes too! What I really need to Toot my horn about is that I know in my heart of hearts that I'm a good mother. Today, I can't do that. I believe that no matter how hard we try our children's decisions are a reflection of their upbringing. I've been just made aware that my eldest is making a choice I can't possibly support. It's hard not to feel like a failure. I can't wrap my brain around it all. The scientist in me wants to find out what I did so I don't do it again. I don't want it repeated. My belief tells me it's karma, I must have done something really bad to my mom (and I did) so I'm still paying for it. The mother's intuition in me screams BAD IDEA!!!! Tell her she is forbidden. But she's an adult and I can do nothing, so I how can I even Toot a horn today?

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Priscilla is in The Finals - Vote For Her

Click on the photo!

Public & Members Voting
for ‘Fav Kid’
How to Vote:1
. Sign up to sassymamas
2. Click on pic above (on Main Page)
3. Click on ‘View All’ under FEATURED PHOTOS
4. Click on the child you wish to Vote for
5. Add a comment to that child’s page
6. That’s it-you Voted!
1. You must be a sassymamas *member to Vote
2. One unique Vote per person per child
3. You can Vote for as many different Kidz as you wish
4. *members must:
-be female
-complete signup details
-participate in a sassymamas activity onsite (besides voting)
5. sassymamas reserves the right to discount votes if the above
Rulz are not met or if they suspect false member accounts have been created
6.Voting is open from March 26th-midnight on March 31st, 2009 for United States EST
(March 27th-April 1st, 2009 for Australia & New Zealand)

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Today's Quote

Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest.

-Mark Twain

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And Then Came The Sprint

Today we ran sprints across the soccer field. When was the last time you tried running sprints? It's crazy is what it is!! I can't imagine what that must look like to other people watching. What is that crazy woman doing racing her toddler? ROFL

It's all about the training! There are only 2 more days till the big race. I hope my son does well. He asked me, "What if I don't win?" I said, "As long as you finish the race we will all be proud!"

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Today's Quote

We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same.

-Carlos Castaneda

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The Mile

My son's big race is on Wednesday. My buddy and I did it. We trained him for the race and he can do the entire mile. I've been running with him as much as I can. Today, I made it the whole mile too. I was a lot slower than him but I finished and really that's the point. We think it was about 12 minutes to run the whole mile. If I had my mp3 player then I could go faster. Music helps me focus! I want to run the 5K in July so I'm well on my way. Although my knee hurts but other than everything else seems to be working properly. I want to get back to boot camp so badly. I'm totally trapped inside this body.

I have an entire closet full of clothes I can no longer wear. I'm really down to two options. Spend the money on boot camp or spend the money on a wardrobe that fits. I'm finished having kids. I'm ready to find me again. I feel guilty sometimes. I'm not even close what I use to be. Not even close! But I ran a mile today and that's a big deal. I'm on my way.

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Happy 11th Anniversary!

That's me with a bit of a tipsy smile! What a great dinner we had together. We went to Pappas Steakhouse. We had the best service, wine and dinner! It was nothing but perfect. My hubby took a photo of our anniversary cheesecake. The chef wrote out Happy Anniversary in chocolate on our plate! How cool is that? What a great night we had even if it only once a year. lol - Want to see where it all began? Click HERE.

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Today's Quote

Adversity is another way to measure the greatness of individuals. I never had a crisis that didn't make me stronger.

-Lou Holtz

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I'm Working Hard

I'm still posting prizes for the Ultimate Blog Party Prize Page. Seriously! I have to get the rest of this sorted and posted asap. Oh did I mention I got my autographed book Made Here, Baby? I'm so excited! Back to posting I go.

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Freebie Friday - Week 2

Are you hosting a contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me!

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Aloha Friday #35

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
Who do you miss today?

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Flash Back Friday #35 - Missing You

What better way to scream I have relationship issues than with this video by John Waite. You know the one! Missing You? Hee Hee - I remember those oh so serious high school relationships. They seems so hilarious now but back then they meant the world. Amazing how wide your world can become isn't it?

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More about Blogher '09

Were you like me and trying to figure out how you were going to attend the "Super Bowl" of conferences Blogher '09? Only now to find out that you waited too long and even if you wanted to go there aren't any tickets left! There is a waiting list and good luck if that's what your route is going to be. I know of many bloggers who wanted to go and were looking for sponsorship. Over here I created a post as a way to connect those who needed sponsors and those who wanted to sponsor with a Mr. Linky. Then came the news today on Twitter that there were no more tickets.

As I was updating the post I removed the Mr. Linky code - eek sorry. But it turned out well because now those that HAVE tickets to Blogher '09 but still need help have signed on. I hope that it can work for both parties. Next year when this huge event rolls around don't ponder if you're going! Decide because they might sell out 3 months in advance this time.

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He Did It!

My boy he ran the whole mile today! Make a mommy so proud. I'm no longer worried about his race now. I ran with him, if you can call it running because it was so slow. I think that helped him out. He's a bit competitive and if he can run the whole thing then he beats me and he's happy! lol - I don't care. I too nearly ran the entire mile. I'm super proud of myself. Go me! There is a book called Running without Pain. I need that book. I hurt all the time. I keep thinking it's just body not happy about me bouncing all this weight around. I don't know but I would really enjoy a pain free work out session that is for sure.

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Wordless Wednesday - Bubbles

Tuesday Toot Meme #34

I finally finished these diaper cakes! Here is a photo for you to see my labor of love. It took a good 24 hours to do it. The baby wouldn't let me finish them. Then I ran out of supplies but my gram cake over and ta da! Done. They are dropped off at Fed Ex and going to their important destinations. And that my friends is worth tooting about!

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The Boys Are Back In Town

The guys are all home and I forgot to check for green! It's St. Patrick's Day after all. Have you tried the green beer? I haven't. The princess is happy that her remaining admirers are home. My poor hubby left his brief case at the airport. Welcome to traveling with children. lol - It was such a vacation for me. Thank you sir! I didn't have to correct anyone for 4 days! Nor did I have to think for anyone else or really plan too much. It was nice and I'm feeling pretty good. Overall it was a pretty productive day.

I'm toying around with the idea of getting my Ph.D. I could actually have some letters after my name right now but I don't use them. I'm not sure why? My friend scolded me about that and asked me if I knew all the work it takes to get those letters behind my name. Um, yes, yes I do! lol - Dr. Kramer? That would be a hoot. Do I really want to do that? I guess it depends on what happens with cpsia. I suppose it could be the next chapter in my life.

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What's My Name?

I have no idea what I did today. I know I did a bunch of cleaning and getting ready for the boys to come home. Oh yes, that's what I did and then I began the great diaper cake making extravaganza or at least tried. The baby must be missing all the males in her life. She's awful fussy and isn't sleeping right. Poor baby girl. She's so cute though.

The sun was finally out today and I hit the track. I couldn't find my mp3 player though which stank but oh well. I didn't break a sweat walking so I tackled this hill. It's a long hill and I pushed the stroller up and down the hill. I crisscrossed the entire hill and it nearly killed me! lol - What's that saying? That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger? I'm looking to burn some fat here people. I'm trapped in this blasted body and I want out!

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I have a bit of insomnia and I'm paying for it today but I don't care. The guys are all gone from the house and I have to tell you, it feels like I'm on vacation. Why? I haven't washed any dishes! I haven't cooked since last Thursday. I can eat a sandwich, lol. I've washed two loads of clothes and I haven't cleaned up the house one bit. I don't have to because there isn't anything to clean with just us girls here.

I haven't even had a chance to miss them yet and by the time I do they will be back. My vacation will be over. I feel like a whole new person. If the weather would clear up that would be even better. I can actually leave my brush and make-up out on the counter without fear. I can eat a Reese's chocolate peanut butter cup too!

Part of my insomnia stems from watching Lars and the REAL girl Friday night. Why was I thinking this was a comedy? It was so depressing! I had to stay up and watch other stuff just to get in a better mood. I'm getting lots of emails caught up. This is a nice break I can not tell a lie.

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Kidnapped by My Mother

The guys have made it to their destination so they are off enjoying snow. The weather is still horrible here. I've got over 400 starred emails in my inbox. That is super nuts. That just translates in me clicking on that star because I'm going to look at that later or respond to it later. I was on a roll and catching up with all sorts of stuff.

My Mom called to see if we wanted to go to dinner and we did. Then we went shopping and the evening was gone! She bought all sorts of stuff for our baby girl. She will be 7 months old next week and she's wearing 12 - 18 months. How crazy is that? We did have a blast shopping for her though. I don't really get to shop for her much. My boys won't let me look around the stores. lol

She finally got to bed and now I'm on task again and my eyeballs burn. Hmmmm maybe I should go to bed? Then again I always become sort of an insomniac when my hubby is away. They will be back soon so I better get busy!

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Today's Quote

You are younger today than you ever will be again. Make use of it for the sake of tomorrow.

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Spring Break

My son wanted to see snow for his spring break. My hubby was nice enough to take both the boys on a trip to Denver. This is our toddlers first airplane and road trip. They are all very excited. My hubby gets to visit with one of his long time friends too.

The baby girl and I get to hang out here and I have great dreams of catching up my life. What did I end up doing this evening? Taking care of the baby. She's feeling the absents of the males in the home. I'm still trying to keep her on track. I can't sleep at all so this should be fun. It's nice to have some breathing room I have to admit! It's great to have the option of playing catch up. Let's see what kind of excitement awaits us tomorrow. Oh and btw the weather is horrible here!

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Freebie Friday - Week 1

Are you hosting a contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me!

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Aloha Friday #34

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:
What should I do while the rest of the family is out of town?

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Flash Back Friday #34 - National Lampoons Vacation

The boys are taking a trip to see snow over the next few days. Every time I think of a family trip I can't help but think back to National Lampoons Vacation. Chevy Chase is such a fun actor. When I was young we did the camping thing but not any road trips. I took one road trip with a friend of mine all the way to Ohio. I got strep throat and it was not fun. These days it's hard for me to be in the car a long time. Good Luck on that road trip boys! See you all when you get back home. The girls are going to hang out here in the warm house. lol

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I Wanted To Run...

When I say I wanted to run today it means jog for 30 seconds and walk for 60 for 2 miles. I got into this routine and I'm doing well and then came the cold. No worries! Bundle up and be like Nike - (Just Do It!) but then came the flippin rain! This is why there are gyms and treadmills. Had I still had a membership I could have gone and continued my routine.

My feet are so tender so maybe I could use a day off but I feel so much better breaking a sweat. Yep, it needs to happen on a daily basis. No I'm not kidding! I'm just so sick of this body I'm in and it needs to be remolded. lol

Guess who is going out of town? Yep my hubby is taking our boys to see snow for a few days. SWEET!

What should I do while they are gone? I'm going to have the baby and I have 3 file boxes full of work to do. I never sleep well when my hubby is gone. I could blog hop and catch up on all my starred email. I could make those 4 diaper cakes that I need to make. Oh decisions, decisions!

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Today's Quote

If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.

-Booker T. Washington

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Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Blog hopping is necessary to keep a blog alive this I know. Lately I feel imprisoned by the necessity of kid needs mainly potty training. Sure I could try and visit more and comment more but it's at the risk of poo or pee all over my home! I'm not kidding. Being a mom is just tough stuff all the way around. I've spent more time cleaning my carpets then I could have ever imagined.

My baby girl is great and happy most of the time. The toddler on the other hand has become VERY demanding. In return I'm lucky to get my bills paid. He can do some serious damage in the matter of seconds.

Last night I was on a mission for Wordless Wednesday. I tried to visit as many blogs as I could! I commented, I signed the linkies and dropped cards. I miss reading other blogs. Although I must admit there are a few that are just too busy for me. They sort of hurt my eyes. There is a lot of slide show effects and tons of advertising. I think it's just the new Word Press templates. There is a lot more information on blogs now. For me it can be too overwhelming. I do try to hop though. I'm going to update my favorite places to visit. Some of the bloggers I use to read don't post any more. It's amazing how quickly things change in the world of blogging. What do you think?

Any way - I'm going to make more of an effort to be neighborly. I just have to section off some time in the evening I think. Wish me luck.

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Wordless Wednesday - SteamPotVille

Goody Goody!

All my packages arrived today! What a treat. It's not very often that I buy stuff for myself but I did recently. I bought the new book for me by Steve Harvey, for the boys SteamPotVille by Steve Ouch, Helping Mom by Mercer Mayer and the new U2 cd No Line On The Horizon that would be for me too. Sweet! I haven't listened to the cd yet. That's something I will do when I have a day full of errands. My boys LOVE the books. I'm sure I can put the new cd on my mp3 and use it to run and walk too on the track. There is nothing like lifting your own weight. By that I mean if you begin to jog or run you can really feel the weight of your own body. LOL - My body is very annoyed with me! It's all a work in progress. Here's to better days.

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Tuesday Toot Meme #33

My buddy and I started a book club today. It's only the two of us but hey it's a start! What are we reading? Act Like A Woman, Think Like A Man by Steve Harvey.

What else? We are still training and running. I'm in pain and I smell but that's what showers are for. lol

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