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A Renaissance Woman


Blog Trip - Day 1

Welcome Blog Trippers! This is my blog aka my outlet. I have a good time blogging and talking about all sorts of stuff. Are you ready to get to know me? Here we go!
Get your own free Blogoversary button!My blog is going to be a year old this week! Let's celebrate with a give away! I'm the proud owner of Happy Panda a tagless baby clothing line for bigger babies. Let's find something in the store to give to a few lucky winners, shall we? What do you think? Maybe a paci-plushie, or a diaper cake or maybe a gift set? I can't decide. I'm going to let you decide what you want by offering three lucky winners gift certificates ($25-AmandaSue, $50-Kimberly @ AllAboutKimberly , $75-Seeryus Mama ) - contest open world wide. How can you win?
*******Contest is now closed*********
  • Subscribe to PMKU via email.
  • Subscribe to the Happy Panda monthly newsletter.
  • Leave a comment and vote for my company.
  • Add my blog to your blog roll.
  • Add my blog to your Technorati Favorites.
  • Write a review about my blog on Entrecard if you are a member.
  • Grab my button in the right side bar and write a post about my contest.
  • Grab my button and put it in your side bar.
Leave me a comment and tell me which one/ones that you did. Obviously the more you spread the love the more chances you have to win the larger gift certificate! Make sure you leave me an email address and the winner will be chosen 9/6 @ 9am cst. and posted in this section (winner #1-AmandaSue, winner #2-Kimberly @ AllAboutKimberly , winner #3-Seeryus Mama ). Good Luck.
This is my whacky family! They give me a lot of writing material. From the left - dh, soccer star, Q, baby P, Tornado Toddler and me. I'm not looking my best but since this is our last baby I'm going to get my svelt body back and turn it all around very soon!

I LOVE music. My blog allows me to pretend to be a mini dj. As a member of the 365 days ring I usually find a song title that goes with how my day is going and post it as my Song of the day. It's added to my player on the right side bar. On the left side bar you will find my weekly playlist. I compile a number of songs to keep me charged for the week. Today's song in honor of our Blog Trip is Holiday Road by Lindsey Buckingham. This weeks play list will be songs that you would want to hear if you were on a long road trip!

My city is Deer Park known as the Birthplace of Texas. Sweeet! It smells here because of all the chemical plants but it is a small town. I like the small town feel. We have the best snow cone stand here on the planet. Seriously! People line up in the heat for a snow cone. I think there's something special about the soft ice. We are big fans of the local library and we have a fantastic community center that has all sorts of activities for kids. We have lots of parks here and we have Adventure Boot Camp! My city rocks except for the chemical plants. lol

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Waitress - A Movie Review

Waitress has a 3.5 star rating on Netflix. I'm not a huge fan of Keri Russell but I wanted to see what this film was about. Some things are better left alone, like this horrid film. There are so many things wrong with this story line I'm not sure where to begin. Let's see...#1-Having an affair with your OBGYN while your pregnant, Ewwwww! Forget that they are both married. I could be biased since I just had a baby but I'm thinking, NO. #2-Keri Russell playing this meek character to this idiot of a husband. He did a great job of acting like a complete jerk! That was tough to sit through until she finally has the baby. I won't ruin it for you if you haven't seen this film but if you can make it to the hospital that one scene makes sitting through this movie bareable. Andy Griffith was my favorite character in this film. Maybe it's because he reminded me of my grandfather. It's suppose to take place in the "deep south." PLEASE! Talk about stereotyping. Try again Keri because this film was not working for me.

Rated PG-13 For sexual content, language and thematic elements
PARENTS: Depends on your kid and your family. for 14+ (more)
Length: 104 minutes
Director: Adrienne Shelly
Keri Russell

Nathan Fillion

Cheryl Hines

Jeremy Sisto

Andy Griffith

Adrienne Shelly

Eddie Jemison

Lew Temple

Darby Stanchfield

Movie info by Netflix.


Feed Burner - From Forms to Buttons

Enter your email address:

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Check it out! This form was in my side bar taking up space and although I want to give to you the option to get my updates in your email or toolbar, I need to clean up around here. A very special thank you to Val from Val's Views. She sent me an email to be put on the I Review blog roll. I went to her page and saw those cool buttons for RSS Feed and email. She isn't using blogger so I had figure it all out for myself. Without further adieu, there they are in the top right corner of my blog! Do they work? Find out!



Over & Over Again - Day 137

I'm off in Tech land today. I'm doing all sorts of upgrades and trying to figure out coding. I really like Share This but it has overridden Sez Who rankings within my posts. I have no idea why but it matters not because no one visiting my blog was using that star system any way. Currently I'm being driven mad by my quest to add tabs. I've tried a couple of different ways using GRSites which hasn't worked yet and Hoctro. The Hoctro instructions were ok until I got to B4 and then I got lost! I removed it all and did it twice and still no luck. This brings me to my song of the day by Tim McGraw and Nelly, Over and Over Again. The title is fitting considering my quest for tabs is driving me crazy! At least there was a party to go to for my uncle and everyone finally got to see our new baby. I'm thankful for the break!

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Animal House - Flash Back Friday #3

I was 6 when Animal House was released. I can't remember at what age I saw this movie but I know I shouldn't have been watching it. That was when cable wasn't monitored! This film didn't make me want to go to college but it sure did make me laugh. In honor of my recent awards from Parenting Pink and Posh Mama enjoy Shout by Otis Day & The Knights.

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Posh Mama Shout - Day 138

The PM’s who won The Posh Mama Summer 2008 Awards (<--------look in the left sidebar - see my Gold Medal?) are presented to Posh Mamas who have been nominated by fellow Posh Mama Members who they feel have had a positive impact on our community and viewed as having the following qualities:

1. Have a Positive Impact on the Posh Mama Community.
2. Is an active participate in the community and discussions.
3. Greets new Posh Mamas and helps them get comfortable.
4. Helps other Posh Mama(s) promote their businesses or other interests.
5. Have received praise from other Posh Mamas for their kindness, support and helpfulness.
6. Referred their Posh Mama friends to join us.
7. Has volunteered their time for special events such as the me.dium shopping tours.
8. Brings new and interesting topics to the discussion forums.
9. Is an ambassador of the TOS and Privacy Policy set forth by Posh Mama Media, LLC.
10. Is committed to living a healthy and happy life and helping others in need.

Whenever you see this Award on a blog, (<--------look in the left sidebar - It's the GOLD MEDAL) boutique or other site, please subscribe to their RSS Feed, leave comments, purchase their wonderful products and bookmark it as a trusted shopping source or friendly blog. It’s important for everyone to support the wonderful and talented women in our community.

Song of The Day - Shout by Otis Day and The Knights. You have to click play for this one. The player is over on the top right hand of the sidebar.


Aloha Friday #1

It's my first Aloha Friday meme. Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in please visit her site for more details.
Today's question is:

Do you have more friends online than offline?

This is an easy answer for me. I have more friends online than offline. I'm not sure if that is sad or not. lol - My local friends are either working, busy with their own kids or just not available to hang out at the same time that I am. My interactions with other moms are pretty much limited to sports practices. This is why I miss going to school so much. At least while I was working on my Masters there was adult conversation. I was able to interact with other adults and keep up with current events. I'm really excited about joining Twitter because we get to chat a lot in between changing diapers and feedings, answering emails and everything else.

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Quaker Oatmeal - Day 139

If your day starts out with your little person covered in Quaker oatmeal what else could go wrong? Song of the day - Groovy Train by The Farm. It's a great song to get you motivated. I'm off to get that accounting done. For the latest marketing efforts in the world of spam, check out this post! A must read for online store owners!



Thursday Thirteen #42 - What's It Like Now?

It's been a week now since our little girl has come into the world. What a week it has been and the changes are just incredible. It's amazing how adding another person to your already crazy family makes it that much more fun. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Thank you so much for coming by last week to see all the photos and leaving your comments. I couldn't make it around to everyone and well here are my thirteen little thought's on what life is like now. Some of it obvious and well some of it isn't!

1.) Time crunch! There really isn't enough hours in the day. Thank God my mother has been coming over here for half the day to help out with the baby and laundry. Yes!

2.) Orders. She's like a good luck charm or something. I had an order the day I got home from the hospital and have been filling an order a day. Sweet!

3.) Spouse Balance. Me and my dh are working out our sleeping patterns around her. I'm good until about 2 am (so he sleeps) and he is good from 2 am after (which is when I sleep). We've been here before.

4.) Typing. Hilarious! Some times I can only type with one finger. rofl - other times if I position her just right and pull the keyboard up I can get it done quickly, like now for instance. Go Me!

5.) The Softer Side. All the males in the house are just mush around her! The boys love to hold her (see photo) and give her kisses. They love to visit with her in the morning and before they go to bed. Warm and fuzzy feelings.

6.) He's puddy! My husband is just fun to watch. He's a bear but with her...fugettabout it. He's all smiley and struts like a rooster. Fun to see this side.

7.) Voices. Everyone's voice goes up an octave when they talk to her. It's really hilarious. Especially listening to all the males around here. Giggles!

8.) Pink. Everything is pink! The blankets, clothes, burp clothes, bibs, socks - somebody throw me another color. Sick of pink.

9.) Music. It's crucial to my day now. It really sets my mood and I need it like I need coffee. It keeps me going as long as I have a good play list. I have to stay upbeat. Good vibes.

10.) More of the same. More clothes to wash and more diapers to change. We've been working on potty training with our toddler but nothing has happened yet. I'm throwing a party when it does! Keeping fingers crossed.

11.) Batteries! We are using a lot more batteries in the house. A lot of her baby things require batteries and well so do all the cameras for all those photos I'm taking.

12.) Baby Fever. Nothing like hearing our eldest daughter say, "I can't wait to have a baby! I can wait, but you know, I can't wait!" Owe, my ears!!! Shhh

13.) Happiness. We are truly happy to have her in our family. She's a great addition and we are blessed to have a healthy baby. Prayers answered. :)


Neverending Story - Day 140

Woo Hoo! It's Wordless Wednesday. One of my all time favorite memes of the week. I can't wait to go blog hopping. Meanwhile, the song of the day is Neverending Story by Limahl. I'm living the neverending story of trying to catch up on my accounting work not only for business but personal too. I have two days left to get it done and then my Mom is back to work! Oh if she could stay just one more week. Hey! I can dream. For now, I'm just going to be content with the time that I do have with her here.



Wordless Wednesday - Baby Bunny Feet

You've Been Dugg

BradBlogging wants to partner with you to increase our Technorati authority ranks! The rules are simple:

Technorati Train

1. Copy The List Below into a blog post of yours.
2. Add Your Link To The List
3. Comment On This Post So That We Can Update The List With Your Link
4. Watch Your Authority Sky-Rocket..

*–Copy Here - Technorati Authority–*1. Brad - Personal Blog Tips And Blog Help

3. Blog Chews - Blog About Anything

4. Steve v4.6 - Big Made Small


6. Indo - Find the Latest Contest Here

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11. Wendy’s OBA, Blog Tips & Tricks

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74. Life is simple, Don’t make it complicated

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77. Babysitter On Board

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88. Picture Clusters

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92. Tiklaton: We are the Witness!

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95. O’Joy of my life…

96. Through the Rain

97. More Than A Mom

98. Say Cheese

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102. Dew Drops - Making Sense… Somehow

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136. Ezekun

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142. Pictures in Egypt

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144. Optimizing for Search Engines

145. Creaky Easel

146. The Loquatious Artist

147. Straight from the Heart

148. Advertising for Success

149. Take It To The Limit

150. Il Migratore

151. MsTrisMusic.Com

152. Viaggi

153. Monkey Giggles

154. Supla Online

155. Daily Reflection

156. Techno Zone

157. Free Blogging Resources - Blogoninja

158. Wcgiligan

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160. Runjun Blog

161. Scelto


163. Rajiv’s Blog!

164. Codexofdreams

165. education & tech

166. My Ideas 4 You

167. Teknopsis

168. World Ethnic Sample Cd’s

169. Pink Crab Creations

170. Flotsam and Jetsam

171. Make Money Online

172. The Pass It On Plate Blog

173. Wizeguyztees

174. Pandu Cari Duit Blogging For Profit

175. PMKU - Learning Never Ends

176. Benefit everyone on this list. Join Today!

Let's see if it works! Oh and this article got me updating all my service accounts such as mybloglog, facebook, digg, technorati etc., you know the list that goes on and on. Make sure you update your services!


Slow Ride - Day 141

Song of the day - Slow Ride by Fog Hat. Wow I really dug for that one! I was looking for something that matched my sluggish day. I can't seem to get anything done. My areas around me are so disorganized and it's even worse now. My poor grandma has caught the same cooties as I had. Not sure where that nasty stuff came from and we were both at the hospital so who knows! I sure do hope she gets better and fast. Oh I did finally use that James Avery gift certificate to buy her a baby girl shoe charm with the new baby's name and birth date engraved to add to her bracelet. I hope that bracelet has room on it. Today I would like to thank the makers of Aleve. Those blue little pills are sure to cure my current headache and I'm thankful for that.


Tuesday Toot Meme - #6

I'm searching for something to toot my horn about! I feel like I've been stuck in mud today. What about you? The big accomplishment so far has been shipping out packages to Happy Panda contest winners. I'm still trying to recover from child birth and strep throat. So far so good! Our family seems to be adjusting to the new baby nicely. The boys just adore her.



Back To School - Day 142

I don't know what your kid did on the first day back to school but mine...he pulled out two of his teeth! Do you believe that? He was sent to the nurse to get this little tooth holder that is a necklace to wear around his neck. I was in shock. Looks like he is going to break the Tooth Fairy's bank today. Our little toddler got his immunization shots today. He was very unhappy about that and who can blame him. Our newest addition is sleeping, eating and growing quickly. It's an interesting time for our family that is for sure. My mom is over this week helping out! Guess how thankful I am for that?

Song of the day - Back to School by Bo Diddley



We Are The Champions - Day 143

Special thanks to The Love Blog for all her Queen videos.

My husband and I are holding up like champs. I thought this song was appropriate for how we are doing. It's rough that is for sure. She eats like crazy during the day and sleeps through it all, the dogs barking, phone ringing, kids running around and being very loud! At night when it's quiet, forget about it. She's wide awake and we are not! lol - She also doesn't eat as much. I should video tape my dh and I because we are so incoherent in between those 1-2 hour cat naps. We can't do anything but laugh about it once we are actually awake. I'm just thankful we have our sense of humors in tact.



Birthday - Day 144

Song of the day - Birthday by The Beatles in honor of the little guy. Thank goodness for medicines! I'm not a 100% but well enough to organize a party that is for sure. He only turns 2 once. He enjoyed his party and I'm thankful for that. Thanks to his big sister who ordered his cake and picked up the ice cream and Winnie the Pooh balloons. Thanks to his Nana and Granny for showing up! And special thanks to Dad and big brother for birthday present shopping.

The weekly playlist is sort of some songs to help me make it through the next few days. I am hoping for a quick recovery of sorts. I'll take operating at 70% for now. It's time to wake up the baby!


Save The Date - September 1st

BITS FROM A BRIT Bits from a Brit is a new Sister Site to Parents with Style and they are having a huge Launch Party starting September 1st. They have many products to review and giveaway so let all your friends know to stop by!



Oh Mickey! - Flash Back Friday #2

OK so I flirted with the idea of trying out for cheerleader in the 7th grade or was it the 6th grade? Either way I chickened out but I remember being influenced by Toni Basil. This was such a fun video!

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WT?! - Day 145

Super! The ER doctor and assisting nurse are in awe of me. My Uvula (see image) is so swollen that it is nearly obstructing my airway. It's not that I'm ignoring anyone I'm just very sick. I tried to get an appointment but they were booked so my daughter took me to one of those RediClinics inside H.E.B. The nurse practitioner was shocked by what she saw and sent me off to seek further medical treatment and off to the ER we went. When I told the ER nurse what I was there for she laughed it off. "What? You're coming here for a sore throat?" It burned so badly to talk or swollow. She asked me if it was worse than childbirth. I said "YES!" I wasn't kidding I was in tears and on fire. Once they took a look they were shocked! "Can you breath? Are you having any trouble breathing? Can I take a look again?" "Wow! look at that, I've seen anything like that!" "Let's run tests" - I'm really trying not to freak out here. After another hand stick, steroids, anitibiotics and some pain reliever all inserted through the needle handing out of my hand, I have a nice case of Strep Throat. They've never seen a case like mine. They can't see puss pockets. Immediately I'm in panic mode. OMG - What about my 3 day old baby? Is she going to be ok? I've had my whole family at the house are they going to be ok? I was so worried! They assured me that everyone will be fine as long as they haven't drank or eaten after me. How did I get this? I haven't been any where. I've been trying to heal for goodness sake! My boy is turning 2 tomorrow. I just need to catch a break.

Thank goodness for my daughter who took me everywhere today so I could get some help.



Bad - Day 146

Song of the day - U2's Bad. I am so sick and I feel so BAD. My throat burns, it hurts to talk. I can't breathe. I've taken everything over the counter and nothing is working. Must get to a doctor! I should have stayed in the hospital one more day.



Thursday Thirteen #41 - The Wait Is Over!

1.) My favorite sign in the hospital. Guess which number I was giving them most of the time! lol

2.) Daddy and baby.

3.) Dr. La is our favorite! This is the third baby he has delivered for our family.

4.) Granny and Nana with baby. Aren't they proud?

5.) Big brothers with their new sister.

6.) There are volunteers that crochet these beautiful hats. Many thanks!

7.) Look at these cute baby feet!

8.) This is her polka dotted night gown she wore in her newborn photos.

9.) This gorgeous flower arrangement was sent to me by WoodGroup. Thank you! They smelled beautiful.

10.) The hospital gave us a complimentary cake with a bottle of Perrier water. It was yummy!

11.) This is Joanna. She is a representative from Chick-fil-a. My dh took the boys to eat lunch there. The boys were so excited about their new sister that they told the employees all about her. Joanna came by with balloons, cows, rootbeer and bowl of yummy fruit! Thanks Chick-fil-a!

12.) Here she is at home in her new princess bed.

13.) Of course everyone has to take a peek including the dog! rofl

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Lullaby - Day 147

Song of the day is Lullaby by The Cure. We are at home now recovering! I will post a Thursday Thirteen with lots of photos! I'm thankful to be at home.



Wordless Wednesday - Sleepy Bear

Day 148

At back soon.


Tuesday Toot Meme - #5

12:25am Gave birth to Priscilla Madison, 7 lbs. 1.4 oz. and 19.5" long!



Who Can It Be Now? - Day 149

Trying to get things in order. If you don't see any new post then I'm off having a baby. Song of the day - Who Can It Be Now by Men at Work. rofl



That's Alright Mama - Day 150

Remember that James Avery contest I threw a few weeks ago? This photo is why they sent me those gift certificates. This was my grandmother's 80th birthday present. There are a total of 18 baby boy and girl shoes on this bracelet. They each have a first name and birth date engraved on each shoe. The bracelet begins with her children, grandchildren, great- grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. I'm going to add number 19 after we have a birth date for our latest arrival. Song of the day is That's Alright Mama by Elvis. This is what I keep telling myself! I'm just trying to get everything ready before she gets here. Wish me luck!


Baby Widgets Update

I did a post about all these neat baby widgets that I found a while back. I thought I would repost the codes so that I can see just how far along I am. I can't believe it's going to be so soon! 17 days and counting.



JcPenny Back To School Shopping Spree

At least that is what I thought it was going to be. This was the most bizarre shopping trip I have ever had. I really did learn something new today. My 7 year old had 4 pairs of pants and he wanted some nice shirts. I figured this should be fairly easy. I am use to the 3-4 hour shopping excursions that I experienced with my daughter over the years. Boys - apparently they are different in this area, a lot different! He moaned about trying on 2 pairs of jeans and 3 shirts. I just wanted to make sure I got the sizing right. Once we got through the half hour of doing that he was ready to leave. What? Seriously! This is the part where you pick out what you want. It was like pulling teeth. He didn't want anything. We ended up with 4 pairs of jeans and 8 shirts to start the school year. I was blown away. My dh said, "Guys don't shop!" lol - ok.We spent $154 total. What? That is the lowest school shopping bill EVER! At least for me.

With my daughter we spent hours trying on clothes. She mixed and matched and we would look at the prices and then pick out the ones that she really, really wanted! It was a completely different experience. What about you? Is my son alien or are they all like this?


Here Comes The Rain Again - Day 151

I'm down to one last errand this afternoon, the dreaded school shopping trip. It also happens to be no sales tax weekend. It's raining like crazy today. We went to JcPenny's and the parking lot was nearly flooded so we left. We came back a second time and the electricity is out. I think I will try to finish this task tomorrow. I'm praying to get it all done before the baby comes. Wish me luck!

Song of the day - Here Comes The Rain Again (remixed) by Eurythmics. Enjoy

Car ride today -
Toddler: bom, bom, bom, bam, bam, bam, bam
Older son: stop it, stop it, stop it
dh: My country tis of the sweet land of liberty.....

Both boys got really quiet! LOLOLOL


Maya's Mom closing on September 30, 2008

As much as I try to be in the loop it looks like I missed this one. Maya's Mom was really the first community that I enjoyed being a part of when I began networking. I was invited by Mama Saga aka It was a fine community to be part of. They are closing and moving on to Baby Center. I'm not sure who all will make the move but I'm going to find out. I was just going to add a Kiddism to my page too. I'm adding it here instead as sort of a last send off.

Maya's Mom

Son - "I can't wait to be a daddy!"
Me - "Why?"
Son - "Because then all I have to do is play on the computer and do math problems all day!"

Thanks for the good times Maya's Mom.



Love Plus One - Day 152

In honor of Flashback Friday I'm putting Haircut 100's Love Plus One as my song of the day! Enjoy. What a day it has been. I won't go into listing all the things I've done with the day. It would exhaust me all over again.

For you newbie Tweeters for get that Twitkit! Uninstall it if you have to. The ladies showed me something even better. It's the Tweet Deck and it ROCKS my socks. It's simple to install and you can get all your updates, direct messages and share photos too. Seriously if you are a Tweeter go get this super useful tool! You will be thankful that you did.

Just in case you are wondering if the Halloween decor is out yet, these should answer that question!


7 Random Facts About Me

Tagged again!
I was tagged by the lovely Lilith!

The rules:

* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So here's mine...

1- My Masters degree still sits in the envelope it came in because I haven't bought a frame. That bothers me when I think about it.

2- I'm ready not to have any more babies after this one. Baby #4.

3- I'm not shy about throwing my two cents in on just about anything.

4- I love to host giveaways! It's like playing Santa Claus all year round.

5- I've been blogging nearly a year and finally received an award from a buddy on Twitter. She took pitty on me. ;)

6- I make some mean enchiladas, lasagna and spaghetti.

7- I have spurts of baking episodes. The family loves it but my waist line not so much.

My seven that I'm linking this to.

Mama Saga


Gilmore Fan Spray Nozzle

This is the latest toy in our backyard! It's a Metal Fan Spray Nozzle by Gilmore. Lowe's distributes this particular model for $9.98! My boys love it and I may have to pick up another one for the additional hose we have in the backyard. They fight over it because it really is that cool! They can spray each other without getting hurt. The shut off valve lowers the pressure intensity that sprays. This is perfect for those little people that love to play with the water hose in the backyard in the summer time. It sprays just like a large rain cloud. Next time you are at Lowe's check this product out where the water hoses are located!


Foot Loose - Flash Back Friday #1

It's Flash Back Friday! Whoo Hoo - Love the 80's and who was not in love with Kevin Bacon after Foot Loose? This movie was so much fun. Forbidden to dance? LOLOL - Awesome. Join Blah Blah Blog for more Flash Back Friday fun.

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Are You A Good Guesser?

If you can guess how many gumballs are in this photo you could win a $75 Gift Certificate for AMBAJAM clothing.

All entries must be received by midnight on Sunday, August 31, 2008. Winner will be contacted via email on Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008.

How? Click here for the details!


Bang On The Drum All Day - Day 153

This is how I feel today! I don't want to work I just want to Bang on The Drum All Day. Perfect for my song of the day by Todd Rundgren. There are lots of neat contests going on, stay tuned for contest posts and new banners on the left side bar under current events! I need to write down everything I need to do. Are you ever exhausted by your own life or am I the only one? Hanging in there..... - I'd rather be filling orders. ;)


Mommies United Party!

The Mommies United Party is a Back To School Event! Get your little one started with educational prizes, to clothing. There are some great things to win just in time for school to begin! Stop by Mommies United for all the details. They are giving one very lucky blogger a chance to win one of their SURPRISE GIFT BASKETS! Good Luck.



Thursday Thirteen #40 - Games I Enjoy
