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A Renaissance Woman


5 Fingers of Thanks


1.) Thankful to get caught up on my Christian believers class.
2.) Thankful to have had a night out with the girls for Roller Derby.
3.) Thankful to have been asked to lead the Angel Food ministries at our church.
4.) Thankful my mom and grandma have a membership to the YMCA.
5.) Thankful to have met and had our lunch blessed by Dave Ramsey!

If you would like to share in my Sundays of thanks there is a Mr. Linky.

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Hey Dave!

 Yes it's Team Kramer taking a photo with Dave Ramsey! We attended his sold out live event at the Reliant Arena here in Houston, TX. There were 8,000 people there. My husband decided we should go platinum so that we could meet him and ask questions. We got to shake his hand and I had to give him a hug. He's part of our family now. My 3 year old will tell you that he, his brother and his sister are all debt free! Any follower of Dave should get a giggle about that one. We had such a great time and having our lunch blessed by Dave was something all of us in that room will always remember. We came out of there with so many books! We brought home the Junior's Adventure series of books for the kids and they dove right in after I took the plastic off. We even gave a copy of the Total Money Makeover to our babysitter. There weren't any shirts for sale because those went to the volunteers. I would have bought one. They said, "Go Green, Use Cash!" If you can make the time to take a Financial Peace University course in your area it will change your life. It's not easy because behavior modification never is, but it's worth the change in the long run. Thanks Dave, you put on a great show and what a crowd it was and I hope all of those younger folks that attended will get on those baby steps as quickly as possible. I can't wait for that Friday when we get to make the call to Dave's radio show and our whole family gets to scream into the phone, "We're DEBT FREEEEEEEEE!!!" Until then Dave.

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There's a First Time For Everything

The entire week I have been walking with my grandmother. I'm trying to make sure that she and I get our thirty minutes a day in. I know the benefits of exercise and it is my hope that maybe, just maybe, she can get off of some of her medications if we continue to get a walk in a day. At the same time I have been encouraging bugging my mother to walk daily too. Today it was raining and cold outside. I had to get my grandmother indoors to walk. Oh sure we could have gone to our local mall but instead I took her to my YMCA. This was her first time in a gym and her first time on a treadmill. Even at the age of 82, it seems there's still a first time for everything. I'm so happy that she and my mother have become members. Now they can get her walk in without having to worry about the weather! Whoo Hoo... does she rock or what?

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Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me!
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Aloha Friday #99 What is your next....

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:

Saturday we are going to see Dave Ramsey, Sunday we are going to see a Roller Derby match. What is your next big event?

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Wordless Wednesday - The Joy of Doilies

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Tip The Scale Tuesday - Week 4 of the New Year

Ugh! It's the end of the month and I have a two pound loss. That means I am one pound away from my goal of losing 4 pounds a month. I wish I could find it but I read an article about how people don't exercise on the weekends. The article said that is when you gain your most weight, on the weekends. I was able to walk at least 30 minutes a day this past week, except for the weekend. Here is my work out schedule this past week.
Saturday - off
Sunday - off
Monday - 1 hour boot camp - 30 minute walk
Tuesday - 1 hour circuit training - 30 minute walk
Wednesday - 1 hour boot camp, 1 hour Zumba, 30 minute walk
Thursday - 1 hour circuit training, 1/2 an hour of Spin, 30 minute walk
Friday - 1 hour boot camp - 30 minute walk
Saturday - off
Sunday - off
Monday - 1 hour boot camp - 30 minute walk
Tuesday - 1 hour circuit training - 30 minute walk

That is a LOT of work! What's the result? Well I blogged last week that I moved on to the measuring tape. My arms, legs and chest have the same numbers. I lost an inch in my waist and an inch and a half from my hips! SWEET.

I still need to eat more but hey, it's progress!

I'm also dragging my grandmother and mother out walking too. How was your week?

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5 Fingers of Thanks


1.) Thankful to have found a baby sitter!
2.) Thankful to have had a date night with my husband.
3.) Thankful to have seen The Book of Eli. We really liked this movie.
4.) Thankful to have connected to so many Djs this weekend.
5.) Thankful to have found a way to help those in Haiti by donating health kits.

If you would like to share in my Sundays of thanks there is a Mr. Linky.

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Date Night with Denzel

Two weeks ago I caught this Date Night??? post at 5 Minutes for Mom. While I was reading it I was so happy for her and at the same time trying to squish any jealousy that I felt. Instead I said a prayer and in this prayer I asked that I be led to a babysitter. My husband and I haven't been able to have time to ourselves in years. That's not healthy. It is very hard (as most parents know) to leave your children with someone you trust, especially three children. Friday, I asked a girl I have known for a while and low and behold she baby sits! She has a lot of experience for a young adult. She was a nanny for a year and she is majoring in education. She is moving away in the summer but I don't care. I'm going to take whatever time I am given.

So where did we spend our Saturday night? With Denzel Washington of course!

I LOVED this movie. If you have read my movie reviews you know that I don't get all that excited about movies too often. They really have to stand out and the last one was The Blind Side.  I promise I'm going to get the Blue-Ray edition of The Book of Eli. Denzel was fantastic! I didn't know if I was going to get past Mila Kunas because of her role on That 70's show. She did a great job and at the end there was a bit of a cheesy moment for her character but who cares. I'm not usually a fan of post apocalyptic films but this was different. Go!, get thee to a theater and check out this movie. Come back and tell me what you thought of it.

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Freebie Friday - Link Up #contests and prizes every Friday

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me!
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Aloha Friday #98 What is the last thing....

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:

What is the last thing you purchased?

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Thursday Thirteen #97 - Work out Moves

In celebration of the #mamavation Twitter party I thought it would be fun to to put together a workout post for Thursday Thirteen. These are a few of the moves that I endure each week. It's not easy but I'm getting results.

1. Burpees

2. Squats

3. Biceps

4. Spartan Pushups - This is hard!

5. Hindu pushups - It's going to be another couple of months to master this one.

6. Barbell row

7. Pectoral workout

8. Explosive pushup - I can't do these yet but I try.

9. Hip abduction - not as easy as it looks.

10. Bridging with a ball

11. Cross arm ball crunch

12. Side bends

13. Abs

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Wordless Wednesday - 3 Years Later

I wonder if she can still do that?

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Have a New Kid by Friday - Tuesday

This week I'm covering chapter 2 which is called Tuesday. If you need to catch up you can click here. Monday we covered the idea of parents sticking to their guns and being consistent. Tuesday discusses the ABC's (attitude, behavior character) of long term concerns of parents. When it comes to attitude who is your child more like? The child who is most like you is the one your going to butt heads with the most. Dr. Leman says, "the key to changing your child is changing your attitude." Is it really just a phase? Careful of what you dismiss! Is it a phase or being disrespectful. Are you making a mountain out of a molehill? There is a quiz in the book. Just ask yourself, What is the purposive nature of the behavior? How do you, as the parent, feel in this situation? Is this a mountain or a molehill? He has three steps for success when it comes to building your child's character. 1. Let reality be the teacher - this can be one of the hardest because most adults can already see the outcome. As parents we want to protect our children, even if at times it's from themselves. 2. Learn to respond rather than react - GUILTY!!!! I'm terrible at this and I'm going to have to read the difference over and over. The example is - If the doctor says, "You responded to your medications," that's good. If the docter says, "You reacted to your medication," that's bad. He goes on to talk about a child wanting a pony. Instead of stating the obvious, "You can't have a pony our house is to small, it costs too much to feed it," etc... basically bursting the bubble. Instead he suggests you to get on their level and dream with them! He suggest saying something like, "Yea, I wish I could have a pony too! That would be so cool." 3.) B doesn't happen until A is completed. If your child hasn't done what you have asked then you don't move on to the next event until they do. This is a huge challenge because if you're in a time crunch this could get ugly. You are going to have to really stand your ground on this one. I have to admit that for the last two days my older son is finally getting it. He hasn't gotten in trouble at all. I haven't had to repeat myself over and over it's been much more pleasant.

What should you start doing this week?
1. What is your attitude toward your kids?
2. How does your behavior reveal your attitude?
3. What changes do you need to make in your behavior toward your children?
4. What kind of character do you want to be known for? How can you get there?

Talk about an intense chapter! This takes LOTS of practice. It really is about stepping outside of the rush of your day, grabbing some patience and getting on your own child's level. This book is really about how to have a new you by Friday! - lol

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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Tackle It Tuesday - My New Toy

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

We broke out my new Dell! Here is my monitor and my super clean desk.

OK - So it's really my hubs tackle but I helped a little! lol

Oh it's awesome! big monitor, new mouse, keyboard, lots of RAM and a new printer to boot!

Well, it's new to me. HP rocks my socks.
Everything is so much faster and now I can truly be the multitasking fool that I am.
What are you tackling today?

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Tip The Scale Tuesday - Week 3 of the New Year

New Year with a new plan of attack thanks to I have been on that site the last few says taking quizzes and trying a new way of everything! First I didn't lose or gain this week. The site suggests I ditch the scale and grab a tape measure instead. They suggest measuring the belly each week. Also you can create a YOU: On a Diet which seems to be a more manageable plan according to YOU! Another suggestion is a 30 minute walk a day no matter what. I'm going to give it a shot. I have nothing to lose but weight. I was really wanting a Big Red this week but I attributed that to high levels of stress which I have solved since then. Here I go, wish me luck!

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No Phone Zone

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Have you taken the pledge yet? I did.
"I pledge to make my car a No Phone Zone. Beginning right now,  I will do my part to help put an end to distracted driving by not texting or using my phone while I am driving.  I will ask other drivers I know to do the same.  I pledge to make a difference." If you would like to make the pledge click here.

I caught Oprah today and was blown away by the stories of fatalities from texting while driving. OK - I admit that I too have sent a text before. They have not been conversations but more like, "k" or "ttyl" because I can't drive and text. I am plenty guilty of talking on the phone to my friends and family because I have a minute to spar in the car. Honestly none of my conversations are important and I don't need to be on the phone. I am carrying precious cargo! The other day I was at a four way stop. Each stop sign had a car stopped and each person driving was on the phone. You can't be on the phone while driving through a school zone but I see people do it any way. I will still have my phone with me but I won't be on it while I'm driving. After all what kind of example am I setting for my kids? I will encourage my friends and family to stay off their phones too. They are all too important to me and no conversation is worthy dying for! Take a moment when you are out on the road and just see how long it takes you to count 10 people on cell phones. I'll bet it will be under five minutes. For information on today's show please click here.

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5 Fingers of Thanks


1.) Thankful for my new computer, monitor and printer. Go Dell & HP!
2.) Thankful to get those baby announcements ordered.
3.) I'm really thankful to have gotten the soccer sign up straightened out!
4.) Thankful for the parent's meeting tonight at church. You can never learn enough about parenting. I'll take all the tips and tricks I can get.
5.) Thankful that we got to have dinner with my Mom and Grandma this past week. That's always fun.

If you would like to share in my Sundays of thanks there is a Mr. Linky.

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Pampered Babe: Coast by Tiny

Today the tornado and I went to see Forrest for his photo shoot! wanted to help us announce his arrival by offering one of their baby announcements. Mom and Dad chose Pampered Babe: Coast as their baby announcement favorite. It's a "sweet and sophisticated photo birth announcement, created by Fine Moments" click here to see more information about this product. While placing my order I put in the wrong ship to address. OOPS! No worries though because they have a Live Chat feature and all I had to do was click on it, tell them what I did and they fixed it for me on the spot! Now that is customer service.

Which one do you like the best?

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The image is loading...

The image is loading...

The image is loading...

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Freebie Friday - Week 42

Are you hosting a #contest? Great! Post it here on Freebie Friday. What better time to search and enter contests than on the weekend? Sign in so that others can find your giveaway. I will be hosting Freebie Friday each week from now on so be sure to drop back by. Now go grab your tasty beverage, sit back and relax and contest hop with me!
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Aloha Friday #78 - What Are You Getting Your Sweetie...

Kailani at An Island Life has created this really fun idea. If you are interested in joining in, please visit her site for more details.

Today's question is:

What are you getting your sweetie for Valentine's Day? Any big plans?

I saw this Box of Chocolates in the James Avery catalog! How cool is this!?

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Thursday Thirteen #96 - Cool Things About My Hubs

Valentine's Day is coming and it has me thinking about my hubs. I thought I would try a Thursday Thirteen of cool things I like about him.

1.) He leads our family. I like that a lot.
2.) He attends church with his family.
3.) He can play tunes on his guitar. I like to have music around the kids.
4.) He's an Eagle Scout and that has come in handy lots of times!
5.) He can pretty much do any math problem in his head.
6.) He's also like a human dictionary. That's fun at parties. lol
7.) He takes care of himself. I never nag about him needing to eat right or take vitamins. He does all that stuff on his own.
8.) He doesn't wear cologne but he will wear it for me. **grins**
9.) He keeps me technologically up to date or tries to. My new Dell is still in the box.
10.)He has a knack for giving great greeting cards and adding a little something special to the card. It's a gift.
11.) He takes care of our five year plans. He always has one and I can't tell you how handy it is to have someone that can think that far ahead.
12.) He's completely on board with Dave Ramsey. He's done a great job!
13.) He will sit with me while I watch Paranormal State so I don't get scared. lol

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Have A New Kid By Friday - Follow Up This Week

If you have been following along let me catch you up to date!
Yesterday my eldest was up at 6:50am dressed and was ready to leave the house at 7:15am. I went ahead and took him to school. Who cares if he is the first one there! It's better than being the last and obviously this is all working nicely.

Today he was up again right on schedule and ready to leave the house before 7:30am. I'll bet his teacher is in shock. We also have put the kids to bed half an hour earlier and lights out are half an hour later period. So far so good! The kids seem more well rested and my hubs and I have a little more quiet time in the evening. Success I would say for our first week with Chapter: Monday.

The toddler needs more work but consistency is key. Only say it once and be prepared to have that time out chair or corner handy. The end result is to take you seriously. I'm liking it a lot. If you have NO idea what I'm talking about in this post, click here to catch up.

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Book Bonanza Giveaway! - Got Books?

Many of my readers have said they would like to read more during the New Year! What better way to get you started than hosting a contest sponsored by one of my favorite publishers Simon & Schuster. They have generously donated all of these books to me and my readers. I'm selecting two winners to receive a copy of each of these titles. That's a total of 16 books per winner. How cool is that? I have previously reviewed Dork Diaries and will post links to summaries provided by Simon & Schuster for the remaining books.

For the Family:

Fablehaven Boxed Set
By Brandon Mull

For the Little Ones:

Snow Bugs
By David A. Carter

Olivia Acts Out
By Jodie Shepherd

For Tween Girls:
Dork Diaries
By Rachel Renee Russell


For Tween Boys:
Pendragon Boxed Set
By D. J. MacHale

For Teens:
Robert Pattinson Fated for Fame
By Mel Williams

Taylor Launter Overnight Sizzlin' Sensation
By Mel Williams

The Hollow
By Jessica Verday

For Teens, and adults who are young at heart!
By Scott Westerfeld

Night World No. 1
By L. J. Smith

How do you win? Simple! Leave me a comment letting me know that you would like to get your New Year started by reading. That's a mandatory entry and don't forget to make sure you leave me a way to contact you via email.

Want an extra entry? 
Are you on Facebook? Join Simon & Schuster's Fan Page
Are you on Twitter? Follow Simon & Schuster on Twitter

Leave me a comment for each entry, Good Luck!

Want even more entries? 
Just connect with me! You're choice - Just leave me a comment and let me know what you did.

My two book bonanza winners will be announced 2/1/10 by 11am cst. You can enter until 1/31/10, 11:59pm cst. Good Luck!

Congratulations Brooke and Cindi
Here are your random numbers:
6 20
Timestamp: 2010-02-01 18:47:49 UTC

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Wordless Wednesday - Harry Potter Wanna Be

He found a pen and began to draw. The next thing I know he comes up to me and says in an English accent "Hello, I'm Harry Potter!" rof....

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Tip The Scale Tuesday - Week 2 of the New Year

One pound gain. How much does that stink considering I broke up with Star Bucks and Big Red. What the heck!? I missed boot camp yesterday because I have a cold. However, I did drag myself into spin class today. My butt hurts! good lord those seats are uncomfortable. You would think that if your behind is bigger that there might be more cushion but NO, that's not right at all. So back to the drawing board I go! I guess it's going to take more than a week for my body to figure out my two main sources of yummy sugary goodness are gone.

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Have A New Kid by Friday - Monday, Part 2

Today is part 2 of this chapter in the book and here is my update on the battle with my son and getting ready for school. Today he was up at 7:12am and we need to leave at 7:30am in order for him to be on time. He knows this, it hasn't changed all school year. At 7:41am he comes to me, he's finally ready. I tell him that's nice you're late. I'll take you on the way to my class, I leave at 8:25am. He's pretty livid and throwing an all out fit. If I would just throw everyone in the car and go he could still make it without being tardy. He's right but I have to stick to my guns. I've already started this road and I'm not turning back now. Meanwhile his stopping around the living room results in his stepping on his brother's feet.

Meanwhile the little guy will not get dressed (my #1 problem with him). He has all his clothes and he's goofing off. I tell him. I'm leaving at 8:25am. You have 5 minutes left and I'm leaving to take your brother to school. 8:25am came and I said we are getting in the car now and leaving. He starts crying, I tell him "I'm going to drop your brother off at school you better be ready by the time I get back." I shut the door and lock it! Yes, I really did this. I watched the clock in my van, it took literally two minutes for me to return home. I would not have done this had I not been so close to home. My eldest is in shock. He knows Mom means business. I return home and unlock the door and standing there is one dressed little guy (except for socks and shoes) and he's ready to go! He wasn't upset he was just dressed. He didn't know that I left. He thought we were all outside waiting in the car for him.

Seems extreme doesn't it? Am I really preparing them for the real world? The world doesn't wait on anyone does it? It keeps going no matter if the bell has rang or you're dressed for the day!

If you want to try this here is what you can do on a Monday:
1.) Observe what's going on in your house. What areas in your relationship with your child really bother you?
2.) Think about how you'd like things to change.
3.) Decide to take the bull by the horns.
4.) Expect great things to happen.

You can ready part 1 to this series here.

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Have A New Kid by Friday - Monday

I need new kids by Friday not just one. Monday's lesson in the book
Have A New Kid by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman is to stop asking so much. At least that is the way I would summarize this chapter. You know how you ask your children to do the same thing over and over hoping that the 37th time you have asked will do the trick? Yep, that's the same boat I'm in. I would love for them to start doing things the first time I ask. I don't want drama, I don't want screaming and crying I just want results. It's simple, really. I start out nice when I ask the first time but by the 4th time I'm no longer nice about it. Basically Mr. Leman says, this is my fault! OK - Sweet, I will accept total responsibility. Obviously I'm not getting the results I want because I'm inconsistent. Obviously I can't see my own inconsistency but it has to exist otherwise my little ankle biters would do as I ask the first time right?

Dr. Leman asks, What is your #1 challenge with your child right now? In that situation, think of how you could use the following principles:
1.) Say it once.
2.) Turn your back.
3.) Walk away.

Seems simple enough right? I know what you're thinking! What do you do when they don't do it the first time. What does he say? What's the secret? Basically he gives you several examples of how you don't give the child what they want because they didn't give you what you wanted. He wants there to be immediate consequences. He states "If you say it more than once, you're implying, I think you're so stupid that you're not going to get it the first time, so let me tell you again."

Examples - Not taking your teenager where they want to go, or not giving your 3 year old their favorite milk and cookies, etc. and explain that you didn't like what ever it was that they didn't do.

My biggest problems right now are:
Eldest boy isn't ready to go to school on time.
Our tornado has a problem getting dressed in the mornings, it takes forever.
Baby girl is a hitter. She hits to get attention.

Are his principles working? Yes, they are. The kids have endured a very rude wake up call. There are immediate consequences.

Our eldest boy today leisurely woke up when he wanted to. He has an alarm clock in his room. He is capable of setting it and getting up etc., he has the same morning routine every single day. Today he thought he was going to stay home from school because he was late. No! I just dropped him off on the way to drop the tornado off at his school. I sent his teacher an email and told her that he would be late to school until he figures out how to leave to go to school on time.

I'll keep you updated on how this goes....

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5 Fingers of Thanks


1.) Whoo Hoo - we finally got all our Christmas decorations down!
2.) I'm thankful to be starting our new parenting series at church with the book Have A New Kid by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman.
3.) I'm thankful for Benadryl. The cold cooties are coming for me fast and furious.
4.) I'm thankful to have 3 months of last years accounting done. It's progress.
5.) My new Dell is here. It's still in the box but it's here!


If you would like to share in my Sundays of thanks there is a Mr. Linky.

Before you go, don't forget to link up! I'm sure we are in some of the same circles. Have a look around the side bars and don't forget to check the "Add Me" tab.

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